2005-2006 Academic Catalog
74 Communication Arts School of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Bible Arts archives. Prerequisites: COM-2050 Communication Theory; COM-2220 Communication Research; COM-4810 Research Pre-Seminar. (Fee: $45) COM-4830 Research–Post Seminar –Sp 0 hours Senior students present research findings to beginning researchers. Senior students mentor beginning students. Beginning researchers employ library search techniques to prepare a research prospectus. COM-4840 3 hours Senior Project in Theatre Performance –Fa,Sp Communication Arts majors who have a strong interest in theatre performance have the option of completing their commu- nications major with a theatre project. Students must declare this to their communication arts advisor and the director of theatre before completing their sophomore year and must complete prescribed courses in theatre. Platform examinations are required of all who wish to present a theatre performance for their senior communications project and are included in THTR- 2410 Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation and THTR-2430 Principles of Acting. These two courses must be taken before the end of their sophomore year. All students who wish to transfer college credit for these courses must complete a platform examination the semester they enter the major. The faculty will determine entrance and continuation in the theatre performance program. Prerequisites: THTR-1230 Voice and Diction; THTR-1410 Introduction to Theatre; THTR-1430 Stage Movement; THTR-2410 Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation; THTR-2350 Principles of Play Directing; THTR-2430 Principles of Acting. (Fee: $50) COM-4900 Internship in Communications –Fa,Sp 3-12 hours Students are placed with professional organizations to gain experience in actual career situations. Internships depend upon availability. Electronic Media Courses EMTC-1110 Introduction to Electronic Media –Fa 3 hours A survey of electronic media, including history and develop- ment, types, audience research, regulations, and globalization. EMTC-1120AudioProduction –Fa,Sp 3 hours Students receive instruction and training in the operation of electronic equipment used in electronic media. This course emphasizes the roles of sound designer and engineer; the student will be introduced to the techniques of audio production and will produce a variety of media projects. (Fee: $45) EMTC-1210 Media Performance –Sp 3 hours Examines all types of announcing and applies each with particular emphasis to radio and television performance. Emphasis is on the use of the voice as a tool for communication of ideas on a one-to-one basis. (Fee: $45 ) EMTC-2061 Proficiency in HTML –Fa,Sp 0 hours The student will demonstrate the ability to create webpages using an HTML editor. A list of resources is available from the interactive media faculty to help the student prepare to pass this proficiency requirement. (Fee: $10) EMTC-2062 Proficiency in Photoshop –Fa,Sp 0 hours The student will demonstrate the ability to create screen designs for television and interactive media in Photoshop. A list of resources is available from the interactive media faculty to help the student prepare to pass this proficiency requirement. (Fee: $10) EMTC-2063 Proficiency in Illustrator –Fa,Sp 0 hours The student will demonstrate the ability to create vector-based designs in Illustrator. A list of resources is available from the interactive media faculty to help the student prepare to pass this proficiency requirement. (Fee: $10) EMTC-2110 Video Technical Training –Sp 3 hours This course provides hands-on training with all video production equipment, including cameras, lighting, sound, and editing. The student will learn basic television skills and technical terms. (Fee: $45) EMTC-2130 Writing for Electronic Media –Fa 3 hours Covers the form and style of writing for radio, television, and interactive media. Work in the course includes news writing, public service announcements, promotional announcements, advertisements, video scripting, and writing for the Web. EMTC-2310 Introduction toPhotography –Sp 2 hours Acquaints students with basic principles of photography (light, exposure, composition, and darkroom skills) through lecture, laboratory sessions, and photographic assignments. (Fee: $45) EMTC-2606 2 hours Introduction to Computer Animation for Electronic Media –Fa An introduction to the use of 3D animation software. Intended for students who do not have a background in 3D animation and who need some directed help in preparing for EMTC-3065 Proficiency in Maya. May not be counted as major hours for Electronic Media majors. (Fee: $35) EMTC-2610PreproductionPlanning –Fa 3 hours Examines the preproduction phase of television and multimedia productions. Topics covered include planning, specifications, contracts, scheduling, budgeting, and evaluation. Special emphasis is placed on project management and research to understand the design and effectiveness of television and multimedia projects. EMTC-3061 Proficiency in Flash –Fa,Sp 0 hours The student will demonstrate the ability to create Flash animations and interactive programs. A list of resources is available from the interactive media faculty to help the student prepare to pass this proficiency requirement. (Fee: $10) EMTC-3062 Proficiency in Director –Fa,Sp 0 hours The student will demonstrate the ability to create interactive media products using Director. A list of resources is available from the interactive media faculty to help the student prepare to pass this proficiency requirement. (Fee: $10) EMTC-3065 Proficiency in Maya –Fa,Sp 0 hours The student will demonstrate the ability to create 3D models and animations in Maya. A list of resources is available from the interactive media faculty to help the student prepare to pass this proficiency requirement. (Fee: $10) EMTC-3111 3 hours Survey Research for Electronic Media –Sp The study of survey research methodologies used in electronic media, including audience analysis; program and screen design testing; station and website ratings. Includes an introduction to academic research in electronic communication using survey methodologies. Prerequisite: EMTC-1110 Introduction to Electronic Media. EMTC-3112 3 hours Content Research for Electronic Media –Fa Introduces media students to research and paper writing and provides knowledge and practical experience in conducting content analyses of electronic media. The course instructs students in the library tools for media research, content coding procedures, and writing final research reports. Prerequisite: EMTC-1110 Introduction to Electronic Media. EMTC-3150 Electronic Media Ethics –Fa 2 hours Development of an applied theistic ethic for media practitioners. Topics for ethical examination include media content, business practices, advertising, journalism, privacy, and intellectual property rights. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. EMTC-3151 2 hours Christian Approaches to Electronic Media –Sp Builds upon theistic critiques of the connections between society and technology to develop an understanding of how Christians approach the electronic media, both as consumers and practitioners.
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