2005-2006 Academic Catalog
98 Engineering School of Engineering, Nursing, and Science and Java servlets; applications will be developed using both the IIS and Apache servers. Multiple design projects required. Prerequisite: CS-2210 Data Structures Using Java . (Fee: $50) CS-4320 Network Security –Fa 3 hours Intoduction to network security, including policy, malicious code, intrusion detection, prevention, response, cryptographic protocols for privacy and integrity, tradeoffs between risk of misuse, cost of prevention, and societal issues. Prerequisite: CS-3310 Operating Systems . (Fee: $50) CS-4410 Parallel Computing –Fa 3 hours Introduction to the exploitation of parallelism to solve computationally intensive problems; explores schemes for achieving parallelism, architectures required for parallel computing, performance analysis, and parallel algorithm design; uses common standards for message passing (e.g., MPI), local clusters and remote supercomputer systems. Prerequisites: CS-3410 Algorithms. (Fee: $50) (even years) CS-4710 Computer Graphics –Fa 3 hours Introduction to two- and three-dimensional computer graphics; topics include analytic geometry of computer graphics (vectors, planes, clipping, visibility testing) and techniques for enhancing graphical realism such as lighting and shading, texture mapping, bump mapping, and reflection. Prerequisite: CS-3410 Algorithms, MATH-2510 Discrete Math for Computer Science . (odd years)(Fee: $50) CS-4810 Software Engineering I –Fa 3 hours The capstone design experience for computer design majors. Introduction to software engineering principles focusing on reqirement development, detailed design, project scheduling, quality assurance, and testing. Student teams will meet regularly to develop a project management plan, a requirements document, a detailed design, and begin to implement their project that will be completed in CS-4820. Prerequisite: CS-3410 Algorithms . (Fee: $50) CS-4820 Software Engineering II – Sp 4 hours Continuation of CS-4810 Software Engineering I. Student teams will complete the implementation, testing, and release of their capstone project, submit regular progress reports, prepare a final report, and make a formal project presentation. Prerequisite: CS-4810 Software Engineering. (Fee: $50) CS-4880 Topics in Computer Science –Fa,Sp 1-3 hours Selected topics in computer science that will compliment or extend existing courses or expose students to topics not taught in other courses such as complier theory, artificial intelligence, parallel computing, robotics, advanced algorithms, and numerical methods; may be proposed by a computer science faculty or student. Prerequisite: faculty advisior and instructor’s permission. (Fee: $20/hour) CS-4900 Independent Study in Computer Science 1-3 hours Opportunity to perform independent study or research in computer science and allied fields of application. A formal proposal for study must be approved by the faculty advison before registering for this course. Prerequisites: major in computer science; permission of the research instructor. (Fee: $5/hour) General Engineering Courses EGGN-1110TheEngineeringProfession– Fa 1 hour This course introduces the basic concepts and skills necessary to function effectively as a Christian engineer, ethical and moral issues in engineering practice, and engineering computer applications. Term project introduces Christian heritage in science and engineering students will participate in group activites and design projects. (Fee: $50) EGGN-3110Professional Ethics –Sp 3 hours Introduction to the theories of morality and philosophical issues of determining what is true and what is good. Applications are made to professional conduct, engineer-client relations, and product liability. Legal problems and the engineering code of ethics are discussed from a biblical perspective. EGGN-4010Senior Seminar– Fa 0 hours Required weekly meeting of senior engineering majors to discuss the transition into the professional work environment. Prerequisite: senior status in engineering . (Fee: $35) Engineering Competition Courses EGGN-1960CompetitionProject– Sp 0 hours Engineering freshmen on a Department of Engineering Intercollegiate Design Competition may use this course to provide on their transcript a record of their participation throughout the year. The name of the competition will be designated. EGGN-2960CompetitionProject– Sp 0 hours Engineering sophomores on a Department of Engineering Intercollegiate Design Competition may use this course to provide on their transcript a record of their participation throughout the year. The name of the competition will be designated. EGGN-3960CompetitionProject– Sp 0 hours Engineering juniors on a Department of Engineering Intercollegiate Design Competition may use this course to provide on their transcript a record of their participation throughout the year. The name of the competition will be designated. EGGN-4960CompetitionProject– Sp 0 hours Engineering seniors on a Department of Engineering Intercollegiate Design Competition may use this course to provide on their transcript a record of their participation throughout the year. The name of the competition will be designated. Computer Engineering Courses EGCP-1010Digital LogicDesign– Fa,Sp 3 hours Introduction to digital logic design, number systems, Boolean Algebra, Karnaugh maps, computer simulation tools, combinational network design, flip flops, counters, state machines, and sequential networks. Circuits are designed in class and are built and evaluated in the laboratory. Two lecture hours and one two-hour laboratory per week. (Fee: $100) EGCP-2110 Microprocessors– Fa 3 hours Introduction to the fundamentals of microprocessors, including assembly language programming, memory hierarchies, peripheral device interfacing, interrupts, and microcomputer design. Two lecture hours and one two-hour laboratory per week; design project required. Prerequisite: EGCP-1010 Digital Logic Design . (Fee: $100) EGCP-3010AdvancedDigital LogicDesign– Fa 3 hours Advanced treatment of digital logical design techniques and practices with emphasis on rapid electronic prototyping and effective use of advanced computer-aided design tools; schematic, textual, and VHDL design entry; arithmetic circuits, advanced finite-state machines, and advanced controller implementations. Three lecture hours and one two-hour
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