2006-2007 Academic Catalog
122 Cedarville University 2006-07 School of Health and Human Performance Exercise and Sport Science Exercise and Sport Science ESSE-2300 through ESSE-2320 Sports Officiating 2 hours Lectures, reading, class discussions, and field experiences in officiating. Ohio High School Athletic Association certification may be earned in selected sports. ESSE-2300 Basketball Officiating 2 hours ESSE-2310 Volleyball Officiating 2 hours ESSE-2320 Track and Field Officiating 2 hours ESSE-2810 Introduction to Camping –Sp 2 hours The development and scope of camping including philosophies of centralized and decentralized camping, standards, administration, and basic campcraft skills. Special arrangement only. (Fee: $40) (even years) ESSE-2830 Recreational Leadership –Sp 2 hours Survey of the recreational aspects of games and activities from a noncompetitive perspective. Small and large group activities are planned, such as new games and challenge initiatives to enhance individual and group development and recognize group process and dynamics. Practical work in planning, implementing, and evaluating recreational programs for all ages in schools, youth group outings, Bible clubs, and camps are provided. (odd years) ESSE-4850 Independent Study in Sport Ministry 1-3 hours Independent study in the area of Sport Ministry by students pursuing the Sport Ministry minor. Prerequisites: Departmental approval is required. Exercise Science EXSC-2000 Worksite Observation –Fa,Sp,Su 0 hours Students are required to arrange a field experience for five consecutive full days (minimum of 30 contact hours) in an exercise science work setting approved by their advisor where they can observe and participate in exercise science worksite activities. Departmental approval and a follow-up report are required. Credit/no credit. EXSC-3000 Exercise Science Practicum –Fa,Sp 1 hour This practicum is a minimum of 30 contact hours assisting or instructing in group aerobics, muscle strength conditioning instruction and workout supervision, muscle toning instruction and workout supervision, or personal training. Departmental approval is required. Credit/no credit. EXSC-3010 Campus Exercise Science Practium –Fa,Sp 1 hour This practicum is a minimum of 30 contact hours assisting or instructing on-campus experiences such as group aerobics, strength conditioning, work-out supervision and personal training. Departmental approval is required. Credit/No Credit. EXSC-3020 1 hour Community Exercise Science Practicum –Fa,Sp This practicum is a minimum of 30 contact hours and is intended to provide a hands-on experience in either a sports enhancement facility, hospital cardiac rehabilitation center, or similar facility. Departmental approval is required. Credit/No Credit. EXSC-3180 Legal Issues in the Sport Industry –Sp 3 hours This course will focus on the three major areas of law that have a direct impact on the management of sport: tort liability and risk management, contract law, and constitutional law. Prerequisite: Junior status EXSC-3860 Basic Exercise Testing –Fa 3 hours This course includes guidelines and techniques of evaluation for basic fitness testing with emphasis on aerobic capacity, flexibility, strength, and body composition. Basic concepts of EKG interpretation, including electrode placement, arrhythmia, and electrophysiology, are introduced. The content is consistent with the skills necessary to prepare students for the American College of Sports Medicine health fitness instructor certification. Prerequisite: BIO-2010 Human Anatomy and Physiology or ESS- 3890 Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Physical Educator; GMTH-1020 College Algebra. (Fee:$15) EXSC-3870 Basic Exercise Prescription –Sp 3 hours This course stresses the scientific foundations of conditioning with specific attention to exercise programming using the components of frequency, duration, intensity, mode, and progression, for apparently healthy individuals. The content is consistent with the skills necessary to prepare students for the American College of Sports Medicine health fitness instructor certification. Prerequisite: EXSC-3860 Basic Exercise Testing. (Fee:$15)
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