2006-2007 Academic Catalog
2006-07 Cedarville University 123 School of Health and Human Performance Exercise and Sport Science Exercise and Sport Science EXSC-4600 Research in Exercise Science –Sp 3 hours Designed to develop an appreciation for the importance of and need for research in exercise science. Orientation to methods and procedures utilized in exercise science research, emphasizing basic principles of conducting research using the case study, literature review and typical outcomes measurement. Prerequisite: Junior status or permission of the instructor. EXSC-4810 3 hours Organization and Administration of Exercise Science –Fa This course is designed to provide the knowledge and begin to develop the skills and abilities necessary to organize, administer, manage, promote, and deliver quality health/fitness programs effectively, safely, and efficiently, meeting the needs and desires of both the client and the employer. Prerequisites: ESS-1350 Foundations of Exercise and Sport Science; EXSC-2000 Worksite Observation; EXSC-3860 Basic Exercise Testing; EXSC-3870 Basic Exercise Prescription. EXSC-4850 1-3 hours Independent Study in Exercise Science –Fa,Sp Independent study in the area of exercise science by students pursuing the exercise science major. Departmental approval is required. EXSC-4880 3 hours Exercise Testing and Prescription for Special Populations –Fa This course will prepare exercise science students to do exercise testing and prescriptions for individuals who are either acutely or chronically distinct from the “apparently not at risk” adult population. These include individuals who are children, elderly, or pregnant, as well as those who have acute or chronic illness or disease conditions that might affect the testing protocol or details of the exercise prescription. Prerequisites: ESS-1350 Foundations of Exercise and Sport Science; EXSC-2000 Worksite Observation; EXSC-3860 Basic Exercise Testing; EXSC-3870 Basic Exercise Prescription. (Fee: $15) EXSC-4990 Internship in Exercise Science –Fa,Sp 6-12 hours This is an actual work experience in an exercise science setting for a minimum of 300 work hours for 9 credit hours and up to 400 work hours for 12 credit hours with a minimum of 30 work hours per week. Capstone course for Exercise Science major. Senior status and departmental approval is required. Credit/no credit (Fee $35) Multi-Age Health Education MAHE-1000 1 hour Introduction to the Health Profession –Fa Introductory course for students planning career involvement in health and health-related professions. The students will be introduced to health careers by providing descriptions of jobs, the educational and legal requirements, the work environment, and additional information about specific fields. MAHE-1350 Foundations of Health Education –Sp 2 hours Orientation to the history, philosophy, and scope of modern health education from a theistic perspective. MAHE-2100 Personal Health Issues –Fa 3 hours This course will explore various health topics, including but not limited to emotional and mental well being, gerontological health issues, and death and dying. Course content may be revised to reflect changing health needs and priorities. (Even years) MAHE-3030 2 hours Nutrition for Health & Weight Control –Fa A study of the science of nutrition, together with the study of eating habit formation and modification for optimal wellness, presented from a Christian perspective. MAHE-3070 Current Issues in Health –Sp 1 hour Designed to explore, from a Christian perspective, health- related issues that challenge our society. This course recognizes the reality that there are “no easy answers” as ethics, technology, and economics merge to generate new dilemmas of increasing complexity every day. MAHE-3100 Drug Education –Sp 3 hours Students will investigate the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual factors influencing consumer health behavior with specific application to use/misuse of dietary supplements and herbal preparations, prescription drugs, over- the-counter drugs, alcohol, stimulants, opiates, hallucinogens, and steroids. MAHE-3130 School Health Program –Sp 3 hours Analysis of the scope of the school health program, including health services, healthful school living, and health instruction. MAHE-3500 Community Health Concepts –Fa 2 hours Analysis of current community health problems and how solutions can be achieved in and through existing community health programs. MAHE-4400 Health Education In-Service –Fa,Sp 0 hours Students are required to organize and conduct a health fair or make a presentation on a health-related issue to other health professionals, parents, faculty, or school personnel at the site of their student teaching experience or on campus to faculty, staff, and students. Students will prepare the information and materials for the health fair and/or presentation as part of the course Community Health Concepts. Departmental approval is required. Prerequisite : MAHE-3500 Community Health Concepts. Credit/no credit. MAHE-4610 Teaching Health –Fa 5 hours This course provides methods of instruction with emphasis on the teacher’s role in comprehensive school health education, including an introduction to the health status of youth, at-risk students, objectives for A Healthy People 2010, components of comprehensive school health education, the role of the teacher in school health services, and special health concerns of today’s preschool children through post-secondary youth, as well as curriculum development, behavioral objectives, life skills, scope and sequence of learning, teaching strategies, philosophy of wellness, and responsible decision making. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. (Odd years)
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