2006-2007 Academic Catalog

226 Cedarville University 2006-07 School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies Social Sciences and History Social Sciences and History CRJU-4440 - SWK-4440 Special Topics 1-3 hours Investigation of specific topics in Social Science and History that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. CRJU-4440 Special Topics - Criminal Justice GEO-4440 Special Topics - Geography HIST-4440 Special Topics - History INTL-4440 Special Topics - International Studies POLS-4440 Special Topics - Political Science PUAD-4440 Special Topics - Public Administration SOC-4440 Special Topics - Sociology SWK-4440 Special Topics - Social Work ANTH-4940 through SWK-4950 1-3 hours Independent Study in Social Science Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. A NTH-4940 Anthropology CRJU-4960 Criminal Justice GEO-4920 Geography HIST-4900 History INTL-4980 International Studies POLS-4930 Political Science PUAD-4970 Public Administration SOC-4910 Sociology SWK-4950 Social Work Anthropology ANTH-1800 Cultural Anthropology –Fa,Sp 3 hours Analysis of the concept and its importance for the study of man; an examination of various cultures of the world as they relate to technological, economic, social, political, and religious aspects of these cultures. Criminal Justice CRJU-1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice –Fa 3 hours Introduction to the discipline and institutions of criminal justice in the United States. Law enforcement, the courts, and corrections will be recognized in an open systems sense as interacting and interdependent institutions. On occasion, timely issues will be considered as they relate to criminal justice agencies. CRJU-1350 1 hour Career Planning for the Criminal Justice Professional –Sp The course is designed to provide an understanding of how to select the right major as a student and how to identify your professional career aspiration. Understanding one’s unique skill set, interest, and God’s will is paramount to identifying the correct vocation to select. This course will utilize two personal assessment instruments to help students better understand their personal profile in relationship to professional opportunities. Students will learn the fundamentals of how to develop and implement a career plan. Prerequisite: CRJU-1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice. CRJU-2200 Criminology –Fa 3 hours Introduction to the major criminological perspectives regarding crime causation. Selected notorious crimes are considered as case studies to enhance understanding of each perspective. Crosslisted as CRJU or SOC. CRJU-2310 Juvenile Delinquency –Sp 3 hours Study and assessment of causal theory and problems of correction and prevention of delinquency. Crosslisted as CRJU or SOC (Fee: $30) Course Descriptions Departmental Courses GSS-1000 Foundations of Social Science– Fa,Sp 3 Hours Designed to provide the student with a knowledge of basic concepts in sociology, economics, and political science from a Christian perspective. GSS-1010 Contemporary Worldviews– Su 2-3 hours An exploration of the assumptions of contemporary approaches to issues in society. Includes the study of Naturalism, Transcendentalism, Theism and Post-modernism with an emphasis in the areas of ethics, sociology, political science, history, economics, and law. Prerequisite: completion of the Summit Ministries Leadership Conference for a choice of two or three hours of academic credit. GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture– Fa, Sp 3 hours This course serves as an introductory study of America’s constitution and political institutions, with emphases on political participation, political culture, and public policy. GSS-3630 4 hours Data Analysis and Research Methodology –Fa This course will train social science students in the use of statistical techniques that range from central tendency through bivariate regression, and it introduces students to the primary issues of research methodology, which includes levels of measurement, sampling, internal and external validity, and reliability. Students must also master the use of one piece of statistical software. Prerequisite: students must have satisfied Cedarville’s mathematics proficiency requirement before enrolling in GSS-3630. GSS-3810,3820 1 hour each Clinical Teaching in the Social Sciences –Fa,Sp Practical, on-campus, one credit hour experience in which a student is assigned to assist a college instructor in the preparation of tests and quizzes, grading, research, and other teaching responsibilities. A student will be expected to participate for 30 clock hours for each semester hour of credit. A student may arrange to do either of the following with the director of this experience in his or her discipline: One 30-hour experience for two different semesters. A 60-hour experience for one semester. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program . GSS-4990 Social Science/History Internship 3-12 hours Majors who participate in government service, historical research, public administration, international studies, criminal justice, or other approved activities related to the social sciences may earn up to 12 hours of credit. 1. 2.