2007-2008 Academic Catalog
School of Natural and Applied Science Science and Mathematics 2007-08 Cedarville University 217 Science and Mathematics Course Descriptions General Education Except where noted, general education courses are designed to meet the general education requirements for graduation. These courses will not count toward graduation requirements for majors found in the Department of Science and Mathematics unless they are specifically listed in the curriculum requirements for a major. A student majoring in science or mathematics may take these courses only as electives. However, any course listed for a science or mathematics major or minor may also count toward fulfilling general education requirements. CHEM-1000 Principles of Chemistry –Fa 5 hours For non-science majors, an introduction to atomic structure, ionic and covalent bonding, stoichiometry, kinetic theory, solutions and equilibria, nuclear chemistry, nomenclature, structure, and reactions of organic compounds. Four lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. (Fee: $100) CHEM-1010 Principles of Biochemistry –Sp 5 hours For non-science majors, an introduction to organic compounds not covered in CHEM-1000 and a study of the nomenclature and metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Four lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-1000 Principles of Chemistry. (Fee: $100) CHEM-1050 Chemistry for Engineers –Fa 3.5 hours Fundamental concepts of chemistry are developed with applications of chemistry to engineering disciplines. Students learn measurement, number handling, the Periodic Table, descriptive properties of atoms, elements, molecules, and ions, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, chemical bonding, equilibrium, thermodynamics, gas laws, and the nature of solids and liquids. Three lectures per week, and one bi-weekly two-hour laboratory. (Fee: $75) ESCI-2310 Introduction to Oceanography –Fa 4 hours An introductory survey of the oceans and the processes that occur in and around them. Major topics will include ocean currents, coastlines, plate tectonics, marine sediments, waves, tides, composition of sea water, interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere, marine life forms, and their habitats. A field trip will visit a local aquarium. Lecture three times per week and one laboratory per week. This course satisfies the physical science requirement of the general education requirements. (Fee: $100) (odd years) ESCI-2410 General Meteorology –Fa 4 hours A survey of basic meteorological principles and weather systems. Topics covered will include the vertical structure of the atmosphere, cloud development and precipitation, optical effects of the atmosphere, wind systems, air masses, fronts, and severe weather. Labs will be used to develop basic meteorological skills such as observation of local weather, decoding and interpretation of meteorological data, and introductory weather forecasting. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. This course satisfies the physical science requirement of the general education requirements. Prerequisite: high school physics; GMTH-1030 Precalculus or equivalent; or permission of instructor. (Fee: $100) (even years) ESCI-2510 Introduction to Astronomy –Sp 4 hours An introduction to the structure and composition of the universe. Topics covered will include measurement of celestial objects, structure of the solar system and galaxy, composition and history of the universe. Time will be spent in the discussion of various cosmological models and their implications. Three weekly lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Variations in the laboratory schedule will be made to accommodate field observations. This course satisfies the physical science requirement of the general education requirements. Prerequisite: GMTH-1030 Precalculus or equivalent or permission of instructor. (Fee: $100) (odd years) GBIO-1000 Principles of Biology –Fa,Sp,Su 3.5 hours Emphasizes basic life processes and the principles by which these processes operate at the ecological, organismic, and cellular levels of organization with emphasis on human responsibility toward life at all levels. Three lectures each week and one two-hour, bi-weekly laboratory. (Fee: $75) GBIO-2010 Human Anatomy and Physiology –Fa 4 hours Survey of the principal systems of the human body with emphasis on both structure and function. Includes the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: GBIO-1000 Principles of Biology; or CHEM-1000 Principles of Chemistry. (Fee: $100) GBIO-2020 Advanced Clinical Physiology –Sp 4 hours Advanced study in human structure and function, including the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems, as well as metabolism and acid-base balance. The pathophysiology of disease is presented using a case-study format. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: GBIO-2010 Human Anatomy and Physiology. (Fee: $100) GBIO-2720 Bioethics and the Human Experience –Sp 3 hours An integrative survey of bioethics, emphasizing human personhood, human sexuality and reproduction, end-of-life issues, and biomedical decision making. Prerequisite: GBIO-1000 Principles of Biology. GBIO-4700 Bioethics Colloquium –Sp 1 hour An integrative bioethics project, including a written paper and oral presentation. Prerequisite: Completion of other elements of Bioethics minor. GEOL-1110 Introduction to Physical Geology –Fa 4 hours An introductory study of the earth and its geological processes, including various alternative interpretations of earth history. Laboratory exercises will complement the lecture material and will include local field trips. Three weekly lectures and one weekly laboratory experience. This course satisfies the physical science requirement of the general education requirements. (Fee: $100) GEOL-1120 Historical Geology –Sp 4 hours The earth’s geological history from its beginning to the present. Topics of study include plate tectonics, biological evolution and the meaning of the fossil record, correlation, dating methods, and alternative views of earth history. Required field trips will study local fossils. Three lectures and one laboratory per week. Prerequisites: GEOL-1110 Introduction to Physical Geology. (Fee: $100) GMTH-1010 Introduction to Mathematics –Fa,Sp 3 hours Introduction to mathematical concepts including voting theory, apportionment and fair division, models of population growth, and graph theory. Prerequisite: proficiency in mathematics. GMTH-1020 College Algebra –Fa 3 hours Introduction to methods of algebraic analysis. Includes (but may not be limited to) many topics of intermediate algebra: the field axioms, linear functions, inequalities, systems of equations, determinants, and quadratic functions. This course, in conjunction with GMTH-1030 Precalculus, is designed to prepare the student for calculus. Prerequisite: proficiency in mathematics; two years of high school mathematics; or permission of instructor. GMTH-1030 Precalculus –Fa,Sp 4 hours Introduction to the principles of trigonometry and some advanced topics in algebra. Coverage includes, but may not be limited to, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and circular functions, triangle problems, and vectors. This course, in conjunction with GMTH-1020 College Algebra, is designed to help prepare the student for calculus. Prerequisites: proficiency in mathematics; GMTH-1020 College Algebra or equivalent; or permission of instructor.
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