2007-2008 Academic Catalog

School of Natural and Applied Science Science and Mathematics 2007-08 Cedarville University 221 Science and Mathematics BIO-4880 Topics in Biology 1-3 hours Topics of special interest by the biology faculty from the areas of modern biology. Prerequisites: BIO-1110 Introduction to Biology; BIO-1120 General Zoology; BIO-2500 General Botany, BIO-2600 General Ecology; BIO-3300 Genetics. BIO-4900 Independent Study: Biology –Fa,Sp 1-3 hours Supervised independent study of a particular biological phenomenon. Submission and approval of a research proposal must precede registration. Prerequisites: major in biology; permission of advisor. BIO-4910 Environmental Biology Internship –Fa,Sp 4 hours An opportunity to participate in an internship experience involving research projects with field biologists, ecologists, environmental health scientists, or environmental educators, depending upon the student’s vocational preference. Involves department faculty or faculty in conjunction with local or state agencies or private institutions. Provides practical experience in field biology and ecology techniques related to habitat characterization, monitoring, management, and restoration. Prerequisites: BIO-1120 General Zoology; BIO-2500 General Botany, BIO-2600 General Ecology; permission of instructor. (Fee: $25) Chemistry CHEM-1110 General Chemistry I –Fa 4 hours Fundamental concepts of physical, inorganic, and analytical chemistry are developed. Students are introduced to the physical chemistry concepts of atomic theory, chemical bonding, molecular structure, intermolecular forces, states of matter, and thermodynamics. Inorganic concepts of reaction types and stoichiometry are included. Lab stresses analytical techniques including quantitation, separation, titration, and statistical analysis of data. Many of the lab reports require use of spreadsheets or other computer software. Three lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: satisfactory performance on the chemistry placement exam. (Fee: $100) CHEM-1120 General Chemistry II –Sp 4 hours A continuation of General Chemistry I, including the physical chemistry concepts of kinetics and equilibrium. Inorganic topics include acids and bases, oxidation-reduction reactions, nuclear chemistry, and the descriptive chemistry of the main group and transition metal elements. Lab exercises stress quantitative analytical techniques and application of visible light spectroscopy. Lab reports require use of spreadsheets or other computer software and statistical analysis of data. Three lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-1110 General Chemistry I. (Fee: $100) CHEM-2210 Analytical Chemistry I –Fa 3 hours A study of the fundamental concepts and skills of analytical chemistry including measurement, statistical treatment of data, equilibrium constant calculations, acid-base equilibria, electrochemistry, and volumetric analysis. The laboratory sessions focus on volumetric methods such as precipitation titrations, acid-base titrations, complexation titrations, and redox titrations in which accurate measurement of volume is essential. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM- 1120 General Chemistry II. (Fee: $100) CHEM-2220 Analytical Chemistry II –Sp 3 hours Detailed study of analytical instrumentation, including electro-analytical methods such as potentiometry, coulometry, voltammetry, spectrochemical analysis, and analytical separations, including various types of chromatography. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-2210 Analytical Chemistry I. (Fee: $100) CHEM-2800 Introduction to Research in Chemistry –Fa 1 hour An introduction to the purpose and methodology of research in chemistry, including keeping a laboratory notebook, retrieving information, using the chemical literature, and writing research reports. One lecture per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-1120 General Chemistry II. (Fee: $100) CHEM-3210 Environmental Chemistry –Sp 4 hours A detailed study of energy resources, atmospheric chemistry, and surface water chemistry, with an emphasis on the application of principles from previous classes to current environmental issues. Three lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-2220 Analytical Chemistry II and CHEM-3510 Organic Chemistry II, or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $100) (odd years) CHEM-3410 Inorganic Chemistry –Fa 3 hours Detailed study of inorganic compounds, including atomic structure, the structure of solids, molecular structure and bonding, molecular symmetry and its applications, acids and bases, and oxidation and reduction. Lab stresses synthesis and characterization using instrumental methods. Two lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-2210 Analytical Chemistry I. (Fee: $100) CHEM-3510 Organic Chemistry I –Fa 5 hours Detailed study of the structure, nomenclature, stereochemistry, physical properties, spectra, syntheses, reactions, and reaction mechanisms of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols, and ethers. Biological and medical applications are included. Lab includes basic techniques, procedures, and instruments, as well as syntheses and reactions. Four lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-1120 General Chemistry II. (Fee: $100) CHEM-3520 Organic Chemistry II –Sp 5 hours Continuation of Organic Chemistry I, including the detailed study of conjugated aliphatics, aromatics, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, anhydrides, esters, acyl halides, amines, phenols, and aryl halides. Lab includes systematic qualitative organic analyses using modern instrumental methods (H-NMR, C- NMR, FTIR, GC/MS). Three lectures and two three-hour labs per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-3510 Organic Chemistry I. (Fee: $100) CHEM-3525 Organic Chemistry II for Biologists –Sp 4 hours Continuation of Organic Chemistry I, including the detailed study of conjugated aliphatics, aromatics, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, anhydrides, esters, acyl halides, amines, phenols, and aryl halides. Lab includes systematic qualitative organic analyses using modern instrumental methods (H-NMR, C- NMR, FTIR, GC/MS). This course satisfies the organic chemistry II requirement for the B.S. in biology and may be used as an elective for the B.A. in biology. Three lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-3510 Organic Chemistry I. (Fee: $100) CHEM-3710 Biochemistry –Sp 4 Hours A study of the chemical and physical properties of macromolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, and the metabolic pathways, enzyme kinetics, and thermodynamics associated with these molecules. Four lectures per week. Prerequisites: BIO-1110 Introduction to Biology; CHEM- 3510 Organic Chemistry I. CHEM-4210 Advanced Chemistry Lab –Sp 2 hours This laboratory course will integrate organic and inorganic synthetic methodology with the application of various characterization techniques. Analytical, physical, and instrumental analysis techniques will be utilized. One three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-4320 Physical Chemistry II. (Fee: $100)