2008-2009 Academic Catalog
Social Work, Criminal Justice, and Sociology School of Social Sciences and Human Performance Social Work, Criminal Justice, and Sociology 2008–09 Cedarville University 187 Admission to the Social Work Program Admission to the social work program occurs during the sophomore year. Freshmen and sophomores interested in social work should declare their intent to major in social work and meet with an appropriate advisor to ensure that courses are taken in the proper sequence. Admission Requirements and Procedures Complete at least 42.5 hours of the general education 1. requirements, including the necessary prerequisites. (Submit a summary of prerequisites.) Complete SWK-1100 Total Immersion Experience with a “C” 2. or better by the junior year. Complete SWK-2330 Introduction to Social Work with a “C” 3. or better by the junior year. Complete SWK-2900 Ethics in the Helping Professions with 4. a “C” or better by fall semester of the junior year. Complete and submit an Application for Admission to the 5. social work program director, including an autobiographical statement detailing your interest in social work. Submit letters of recommendation from your pastor, an 6. employer or volunteer supervisor, and a teacher or adult friend. Be interviewed by a minimum of two social work faculty. 7. Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or above. Submit a copy of 8. your current unofficial grade transcript from CedarNet. Complete and document 40 hours of previous volunteer 9. experience (submit form). Provide a valid “No Record” background check for the State 10. of Ohio and an additional FBI background check for those who live out of state. Submit a social work program handbook sign off sheet. 11. The final decision as to whether all requirements are adequately met for admission to and progression in the social work program will be made by the social work faculty.
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