2008-2009 Academic Catalog

Course Descriptions Course Descriptions 2008–09 Cedarville University 255 SMGT-2920 – SOC-3750 SMGT-2920 1 hour Recreation Management Practicum –Fa, Sp This practicum provides the sport management major the opportunity to assist a recreation management employee/ volunteer with his/her responsibilities for a required minimum of 30 hours total. Prerequisite: Sophomore status or permission of the instructor. SMGT-3180 Legal Issues in the Sport Industry –Sp 3 hours This course will focus on the three major areas of law that have a direct impact on the management of sport: tort liability and risk management, contract law, and constitutional law. Prerequisite: Junior status. SMGT-3200 Facility Design and Management –Fa 3 hours This course includes planning and designing areas and facilities in sports and utilization of those facilities for sporting events. Topics will include maintenance, supervision, scheduling, planning, renovation, etc. Prerequisite: Junior status or permission of the instructor. SMGT-3300 Event Planning and Production –Sp 3 hours This course includes the process of planning for and organizing an event in sport. Organizing a plan for an event would include financial planning, risk management, scheduling, facility use, communication, promotions, registration, etc. Prerequisite: Junior status or permission of the instructor. SMGT-3880 1-3 hours Special Topics in Sport Management –Su This course will be a means of exposing students to current issues and trends in the sport industry. SMGT-4100 4 hours Marketing and Promotions in the Sport Industry –Fa This course applies the principles of promotion and marketing to the sport and fitness industry, including the area of professional sports, corporate fitness, college/high school athletics, clubs, and resorts. Prerequisite: Senior status or permission of the instructor. SMGT-4200 Financing Sport Operations –Fa 3 hours This course provides the student with an overview of the financial aspects of the sport industry. SMGT-4850 1-3 hours Independent Study in Sport Management –Fa, Sp Independent study in the area of sport management by students pursuing the sport management major. Departmental approval is required. SMGT-4910 Athletic Administration Practicum –Fa, Sp 1 hour This practicum provides the sport management major the opportunity to assist a local athletic administrator with his/ her responsibilities for a required minimum of 30 hours total. Prerequisites: SMGT-3200 Facility Design and Management; SMGT-3300 Event Planning and Production. SMGT-4990 12 hours Internship in Sport Management –Fa, Sp This is an actual work experience in a sport management setting for a minimum of 40 hours per week for a minimum of twelve weeks. Capstone course for sport management major. Departmental approval is required. Credit/no credit. (Fee: $35) Sociology (SOC) SOC-2200 Criminology –Fa 3 hours Introduction to the major criminological perspectives regarding crime causation. Selected notorious crimes are considered as case studies to enhance understanding of each perspective. Crosslisted as CRJU or SOC. SOC-2250 Popular Culture and Politics –Sp 3 hours This course will consider the relationship and effects which various forms of popular culture have had with/upon social and political movements as well as public policy initiatives both in America and International politics. The class will listen to, consider, and analyze a variety of cultural-artistic genres and the sociopolitical movements these engendered and supported in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Attention will be given to any or all of the following: music, film, art, and literature as well as to the historical, political, and social context. Crosslisted as POLS and SOC. SOC-2300 Principles of Sociology –Fa, Sp 3 hours Introduction to the concepts of sociology. The structure and processes of social life are studied. SOC-2310 Juvenile Delinquency –Sp 3 hours Study and assessment of casual theory and problems of correction and prevention of delinquency. Crosslisted as CRJU or SOC. (Fee: $30) SOC-2330 Introduction to Social Work –Fa 3 hours See course description for SWK-2330 Introduction to Social Work. SOC-2400 Marriage and the Family –Fa, Sp 3 hours A biblical theology of marriage and the family is developed as a means by which to evaluate contemporary dating, marriage, and family arrangements. A major focus of the course is upon practical application related to such topics as dating/courtship, engagement, marital adjustment, in‑law relations, communication and conflict resolution, family planning, and discipline. SOC-2840 Concepts of Chemical Dependency –Sp 3 hours See course description for SWK-2840 Concepts of Chemical Dependency. SOC-2900 Ethics in the Helping Professions –Fa, Sp 3 hours This course is designed to introduce the student to current issues and ethical dilemmas confronting professional helpers. The course encourages development of critical thinking skills by looking at dilemmas from a multifaceted point of view. Codes of ethics for the various helping professions are reviewed and emphasis is placed on understanding these codes. The course strives to provide the student a foundation in basic concepts of ethics and values, an understanding of the complexity of ethical decision making, and a sense of how their own values affect practice. The primary focus of this course is ethics, critical thinking, decision making and self awareness. Crosslisted as SOC or SWK. SOC-3330 Social Stratification –Fa 3 hours Study of the class structure and its implications for American society. Prerequisite: SOC-2300 Principles of Sociology. SOC-3340 Sociology of Religion –Sp 3 hours The relationship of religion to society with particular reference to contemporary movements. SOC-3420 Human Sexuality 2 hours Study of biblical content regarding human sexuality and an analysis of contemporary concepts within a framework of Christian thought. SOC-3710 Family and Society –Sp 3 hours This sociological study of the family examines the scientific knowledge that exists about traditional and contemporary household arrangements. Research on alternative family forms is evaluated in light of public policy decisions and a biblical view of the family. SOC-3730 Social Problems –Sp 3 hours Study of selected social problems for the purpose of developing, understanding, and exploring approaches to the social treatment of these problems within a theistic framework. SOC-3750 Social Movements –Fa, Sp 3 hours See course description for HIST-3750 Social Movements.