2008-2009 Academic Catalog

Course Descriptions Course Descriptions 262 Cedarville University 2008–09 TPC-4020 – WSHP-4980 TPC-4020 Professional Portfolio Development II –Fa 1 hour Students will maintain a professional portfolio and learn to use it effectively to obtain employment after graduation. (Fee: $25) TPC-4050 Designing Information For The Web –Fa 3 hours Students will learn how to design and manage information on the World Wide Web. Prerequisites: TPC-3010 Style for Technical Communicators; TPC-3100 Designing Visual Communication. TPC-4090 Designing Online Information –Sp 3 hours Students will learn to design and develop online help systems. Prerequisites: TPC-3130 Technical Communication; TPC-3250 Design of Manuals. TPC-4130 Instructional Design –Sp 3 hours Teaches technical communicators how to employ technology and learning theory in developing adult training courses. TPC-4160 1-10 hours Technical and Professional Communication Internship –Sp Students will participate in a work-study program approved and administered by the department in which advanced technical and professional communication students receive a variety of job- related experiences in a communication environment. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. TPC-4170 Special Topics –Sp 3 hours Students will study a selected topic(s) at the 4000-level. The flexibility of this course allows the faculty to meet the ever- changing nature of technical communication. Possible topics include project management, professional presentations, research methods, ethics in TPC, or other topics presented by faculty or requested by students. Prerequisites: TPC-3130 Technical Communication; TPC-3010 Style for Technical Communicators. Capstone course. TPC-4230 1-3 hours Independent Study in Tech. and Prof. Communication – Fa, Sp, Su Independent study for junior and senior-level TPC majors with special interests and demonstrated ability. W Worship (WSHP) WSHP-1010 Introduction to Worship Ministry –Fa 1 hour This class is designed to be an introductory course to the field of worship ministry. It will provide the student with an examination of current practices in worship ministry, an overview of the worship degree at Cedarville, the character of a worshipper, the role of a worship leader, and career opportunities. WSHP-1020 Introduction to Worship Technology –Sp 2 hours This class is designed to be an introductory course to the field of worship technology. It will explore the basic technologies and concepts that are needed in worship ministry today, including audio, graphics, video, copyright, and ministry team building. WSHP-2100 Worship Forum –Fa, Sp 0 hour A once-per-semester seminar designed to expose students to various aspects of worship ministry. The seminar may take the form of a lecture or masterclass. Crosslisted with CHMU- 2100 Church Music Seminar. Prerequisites: worship major or permission of instructor. WSHP-2200 Worship Field Experience –Fa, Sp, Su 1 hour Initial field experience in a local church or parachurch organization. Students are responsible for finding a place of ministry involvement to begin developing music ministry skills. Supervision will be provided by an on-site staff member. Prerequisites: worship major or permission of instructor. WSHP-3100 Worship Practicum –Fa, Sp 0-1 hour This class is designed to help students refine their worship leadership abilities. Students will be given in-class and out-of- class worship leading assignments. Current trends and advanced worship leading topics will also be discussed. Prerequisites: junior-level status; church music or worship major; or permission of instructor. WSHP-4900 Worship Internship –Fa, Sp 9 hours Intensive field experience in worship leadership. Place of service is determined by student interest, recommendation of supervising faculty, and by sponsoring organization (typically a local church congregation). Students must apply for internships and receive endorsement from the advisor and the chair of the department one academic semester before period of service and prior to registering. Students should check with their advisor for complete internship requirements. Prerequisites: senior- level standing as a worship major, approval by the advisor and department chair. WSHP-4980 Special Topics in Worship 1-3 hours This is a workshop for students interested in worship leadership and will be offered on a periodic basis depending on instructor availability and student interest. Contact hours will determine the amount of credit given. Prerequisite: topic dependent.