2009-2010 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Course Descriptions Course Descriptions 228 Cedarville University 2009–10 EMTC-4700 – ENG-3300 EMTC-4700 Special Topics in Electronic Media –Fa, Sp 3 hours Available to advanced students who desire intense study in special areas of electronic media. Prerequisites: junior or senior status as an electronic media major; permission of the faculty mentor. EMTC-4710 Independent Study: Electronic Media 1-3 hours Taken to allow the student to study an area beyond what is provided through regular course offerings. The student must make a proposal of what is to be studied for the term when applying to a faculty mentor. The student will then follow a schedule approved by the faculty mentor for studying the topic and submitting a report. Repeatable to a total of 6 credit hours in the field. Prerequisite: approval of proposal by faculty mentor. EMTC-4810 Senior Seminar –Fa, Sp 1 hour A transition to the professional world. Includes development of resumes, resume tapes, and portfolios; interviewing skills; and business etiquette. Students enrolled in Senior Seminar must take the Tek.Xam, a national, standardized assessment tool that measures technology applications and problem-solving skills within the technology environment. The cost for Tek.Xam is covered by the course fee. Capstone course. Prerequisite: senior status as electronic media major. (Fee: $50) EMTC-4920 Senior Project 3 hours The student selects one of two options: 1) a paper reporting on the student’s original research that investigated a topic in electronic media or 2) a media production. A proposal detailing the student’s plan for the senior project must be submitted and approved by the faculty mentor prior to registration for the class. Capstone course. Prerequisites: EMTC-3111 Survey Research for Electronic Media or EMTC-3112 Content Research for Electronic Media; GPA of 3.0 in major classes; senior status; permission of EMTC faculty. (Fee: $35) EMTC-4930 Electronic Media Internship 3-12 hours Students are placed with media companies to gain experience in actual career situations. The work must be done under the supervision of an employee of the company approved by the faculty mentor. Students should discuss this option with their advisors at least one semester prior to the internship. Internship agreements must be signed by the student, job supervisor, and faculty mentor prior to registration for the experience. Internships depend upon availability and approval by the electronic media faculty. Capstone course. Prerequisites: GPA of 3.0 in major classes; senior status; approval by the electronic media faculty. English (ENG) ENG-1000 Basic English –Fa 3 hours Study of nomenclature, identification, and application in the linguistic process. Admission by departmental designation only. May not be applied toward the hours needed for graduation. ENG-1400 Composition –Fa, Sp 3 hours Designed to assist the student in developing the skills necessary to meet the demands of typical writing situations, both academic and professional. The course will introduce the student to the common expository writing methods of description, narration, analysis, persuasion, and research presentation. ENG-2070 Fundamentals of English Grammar –Fa, Sp 3 hours This course is a foundational course for preservice language arts educators and is a prerequisite for Advanced Grammar. It covers forms and functions of words, pronoun/antecedent agreement, subject/verb agreement, and pedagogy. ENG-2210 Principles of Journalism –Fa, Sp 3 hours An introductory study of the fundamental skills needed for collecting, organizing, writing, editing, and evaluating material for the common types of news stories, along with a consideration of ethical and legal issues for the print journalist. Strong emphasis on developing journalistic writing skills. Prerequisite: ENG- 1400 Composition. ENG-2230 Advanced Composition –Fa, Sp 3 hours An advanced treatment of the composing process, particularly related to the planning, drafting, revision, and final composition of essays. Writing workshops and peer evaluations are included. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. ENG-3010 Style and Mechanics for Writers –Fa, Sp, Su 3 hours Students will learn to apply reliable principles to make writing clear, concise, coherent, and cohesive. (Crosslisted with TPC- 3010 Style and Mechanics for Writers) Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. ENG-3020 Creative Writing: Short Forms –Su 3 hours Intensive summer study in the writing of specific and various short forms in creative writing (selected by instructor); utilizing a “workshop” approach, with a focus on the completion of a final portfolio. Topics may include, but are not limited to, flash-fiction, the prose poem, and the creative nonfiction short. Prerequisite: ENG-2230 Advanced Composition. ENG-3030 Creative Writing: Fiction –Sp 3 hours Workshop approach to studying, creating, and responding to short stories. Course focuses on the elements of the modern short story from Chekhov forward. Emphasis is on traditional literary fiction; the course does not cover science fiction, fantasy, adolescent fiction, or children’s literature. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition; ENG-2230 Advanced Composition. ENG-3040 Creative Writing: Poetry –Sp 3 hours Provides guided practice, instruction in craft, constructive criticism, and a supportive atmosphere. Students should leave the course with more confidence about how to read and write poetry, as well as knowledge of the tradition, issues, and forms of poetry. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition; ENG-2230 Advanced Composition. ENG-3050 Creative Writing: Nonfiction –Sp 3 hours Intensive study in writing literary nonfiction. Course focuses on sub-genres in contemporary nonfiction: the personal essay, autobiography/the memoir, the short, reportage. Workshop and conference approach. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition; ENG- 2230 Advanced Composition. ENG-3060 The English Language –Fa 3 hours Historic treatment of the growth and change in the English language with some attention to the ideologies implicit in the development of variant conventions. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. ENG-3070 3 hours Advanced Grammar for Adolescent Teachers –Fa, Sp, Review of standard grammar with emphasis on current teaching methods of grammatical analysis. Required of all majors with English as a teaching field. Prerequisite for Adolescent and Young Adult Language Arts majors only: ENG-2070 Fundamentals of English Grammar. ENG-3220 Advanced Journalism –Sp 2 hours Designed for the student who anticipates writing as a vocation or avocation. The emphasis is on reporting and writing for newspapers and magazines. Topics of study include: beat reporting, developing the in-depth features and series, investigative practices, standards and ethics, community and publisher relations, and manuscript production. Prerequisite: ENG- 2210 Principles of Journalism. ENG-3300 Developmental Reading –Sp 3 hours Includes basic philosophies, testing, evaluation, clinical methods, and materials utilized in the prescriptive teaching of basic reading skills in the language arts content area for adolescent/young adult teachers. Field and clinical experiences included. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. (Fee: $25)