2009-2010 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Course Descriptions Course Descriptions 240 Cedarville University 2009–10 HON-3100 – INTL-4050 HON-3240 2 hours Science and Religion: Middle Ages to Darwin– Sp A seminar centering on major primary sources in the history of science, exploring the historical relationship of science and religion, particularly Christian theology, from the late Middle Ages to the Darwinian Revolution. Prerequisite: HON-1010 The Classical and Medieval Ages; HON-1020 Renaissance, Reformation, and Revolutions. HON-4155 Image and Word in a Visual Culture– Sp 3 hours Inquiry into the tension between image and word in Jewish and Christian thought and the implications for Christians living in a visual culture. Traces this tension through the art of Judaism and the Medieval church, the iconoclastic controversies of early Byzantium and the English Civil Wars, and recent and contemporary religious thinkers. Crosslisted as EMTC-4155. HON-4910 Honors Senior Colloquium I 1 hour Development of a generic understanding of the integration of faith, learning, and life. HON-4920 Honors Senior Colloquium II 1 hour Development of a disciplinary understanding of the integration of faith, learning, and life. HON-4950 Honors Senior Project 1-2 hours The writing of an interdisciplinary research project. I International Studies (INTL) INTL-3080 History of Russia and the Soviet Union –Fa 3 hours See course description for GEO-3080 History of Russia and the Soviet Union. INTL-3190 Global Issues –Sp 3 hours Analysis of the international issues that are shaping our contemporary and future world, ranging from terrorism, the environment, international crime, disease, and collapsing states to the digital revolution and the global economy. INTL-3200 History and Politics of Latin America –Fa 3 hours See course description for GEO-3200 History and Politics of Latin America. (even years) INTL-3210 History and Politics of Asia –Fa 3 hours See course description for GEO-3210 History and Politics of Asia. (odd years) INTL-3220 History and Politics of the Middle East –Sp 3 hours See course description for GEO-3220 History and Politics of the Middle East. (even years) INTL-3230 History and Politics of Western Europe –Sp 3 hours See course desription for GEO-3230 History and Politics of Western Europe. (odd years) INTL-3240 History and Politics of Eastern Europe– Sp 3 hours See course description for GEO-3240 History and Politics of Eastern Europe. (even years) INTL-3250 3 hours History and Politics of Central and South Asia –Fa See course description for GEO-3250 History and Politics of Central and South Asia. (odd years) INTL-3540 History and Politics of Africa –Sp 3 hours See course description for GEO-3540 History and Politics of Africa. (even years) INTL-3650 International Relations –Fa 3 hours A survey of contemporary international affairs and principles of interstate relations, focusing on forces that unite and divide our world. Crosslisted as INTL or POLS. INTL-4050 3 hours Issues in International Diplomacy –Sp See course description for HIST-4050 Issues in International Diplomacy. Crosslisted as HIST or POLS HON-3100 2 hours Two Philosophies of Teaching and Learning Workshop in integrative thinking, exploring comparisons and contrasts between the philosophies of education implicit in Proverbs 1-9 and explicit in the writings of John Dewey. HON-3120 2 hours Reading and Writing the Literature of the Natural Environment –Fa, Sp A study in both the reading of and the writing of the literature surrounding “environmentalism.” The course will combine a “workshop” approach to writing and an active engagement with both the history of “environmental writing” and current state of many environmental issues. HON-3130 2 hours Perspectives on Friendship, Love, and Romance Explores friendship, love, and romance from historical, theological, and philosophical perspectives. HON-3140 2 hours Body and Soul: Foundations for Human Personhood –Sp An interdisciplinary study of human valuing, from the perspectives of theology, philosophy, psychology, biology, and neuroscience. The course will analyze and contrast various secular and Christian theories to arrive at a Christian anthropology, with applications to contemporary issues in bioethics. Prerequisite: HON-1010 The Classical and Medieval Ages; HON-1020 Renaissance, Reformation, and Revolutions. HON-3180 Aesthetics 2 hours Introduction to the study of aesthetics through an exploration of classical writings and the accounts of contemporary theorists, critics, and artists. HON-3190 Postmodernism 2 hours An interdisciplinary analysis, critique, and response to postmodernism as it is reflected in contemporary culture. HON-3200 Romanticism and Its Offspring 2 hours Study of the development of poetry and music from 1800 to the present postmodern pop culture. HON-3210 Contemporary Global Issues –Sp 2 hours Designed to provoke critical thinking about a broad range of complicated, cross-disciplinary issues that confront the world today. Students will be introduced to issues that are truly global– planetary problems, global economy, environmental issues, human rights, and basic human needs. HON-3220 2 hours The Rhetoric of Faith in the Christian Tradition Study of primary documents written in the genres of Christian confession, prayer, and creedal statement. These documents will be treated in two ways. First, they will be studied as historical representations of believers’ use of language to express messages of the development of a renewed mind and spirit in the Christian faith. Second, they will be used as models for encouraging contemporary believers to employ the power of the written word in the development of a Biblical practice of meditating on, praying for, and affirming those things that are holy, righteous, and pure. Prerequisite: HON-1010 The Classical and Medieval Ages; HON- 1020 Renaissance, Reformation, and Revolutions. HON-3230 Chance, Emergence, or Design –Sp 2 hours The origin of complexity and order in the universe is studied from three different perspectives: Neo-Darwinism (chance and necessity), Emergence, and Creation. Starting at the origin of the physical universe and ending with the origin of self-awareness, these perspectives are compared by their scientific value and their philosophical and religious implications. (odd years)
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