2009-2010 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Course Descriptions Course Descriptions 258 Cedarville University 2009–10 POLS-4300 – PYCH-3520 POLS-4300 Great Books in History and Politics –Sp 3 hours This course will require the student to read a single classic work of history and political thought (or a limited number of related works) and with other students, to closely and critically analyze the argument of the work. Crosslisted as POLS, INTL, PUAD, or HIST. Prerequisite: GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture (odd years) POLS-4440 Special Topics-Political Science 1-3 hours Investigation of specific topics in Social Science and History that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. POLS-4620 Religion and American Politics –Fa 3 hours This course examines the intersection of religion and American politics by studying the historical, constitutional, and cultural contexts of the interaction. Special attention is paid to America’s founding and to the politics of evangelical and fundamentalist Protestantism in the twentieth century. (odd years) POLS-4630 American Constitutional Law –Sp 3 hours In-depth analysis of selected Supreme Court decisions and their relevance to political, social, economic, and religious dimensions of American life. POLS-4700 Prelaw Seminar –Fa, Sp 3 hours Individual projects acquaint the student with legal procedures and research in areas such as briefs and contracts. POLS-4800 Seminar in International Studies –Fa 3 hours A seminar/readings course intended to prepare senior students for graduate study. Through readings and discussion, students explore classical writings on international relations and international issues that are shaping our contemporary and future world. Crosslisted as INTL or POLS. POLS-4900 Research in Political Science –Fa, Sp 3 hours Senior capstone thesis course in which students engage in original research and writing for the completion and defense of thesis before a committee of professors. Course emphasizes substantive cross-disciplinary and biblical integration within research topic. Prerequisite: all political science major requirements or permission of instructor. (Fee: $100) POLS-4930 1-3 hours Independent Study in Political Science Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Psychology (PYCH) PYCH-1000 Orientation to Psychology –Fa, Sp 1 hour Acquaints the psychology major with various areas and issues in the field of psychology. Included will be its specialties, graduate school information, vocational opportunities, and legal and ethical matters. Should be taken during the freshman year. PYCH-1600 General Psychology –Fa, Sp, Su 3 hours Designed to provide a survey of modern scientific psychology. The course content centers on such topics as the foundations of psychology, development over the life span, how we experience the world, learning and thinking, motivation and emotion, personality, and social behavior. (Fee: $5) PYCH-1800 Cross Cultural Psychology –Fa, Sp 3 hours A survey course designed to make students sensitive to the impact of culture on life. PYCH-2600 Human Development: Life Span –Fa, Sp 3 hours An analysis of the physiological, social, and psychological development of the individual from conception through the total life span. PYCH-2610 Statistics –Fa, Sp, Su 3 hours Designed to provide an elementary coverage of descriptive and sampling statistics commonly used in the behavioral sciences. Includes problems of measurement, measures of central tendency and dispersion, linear correlation, prediction, and simple tests of significance. (Fee: $5) PYCH-2640 Abnormal Psychology –Fa, Sp 3 hours Focus upon etiology, symptomatology, and prognosis of psychological disturbance. Prerequisite: PYCH-1600 General Psychology. PYCH-2725 Child Development –Fa, Sp 2 hours A study of the physiological, social, and spiritual growth of the child from conceptual through preadolescence. Emphasis on the developmental research on family systems theory, the importance of developmentally appropriate learning objectives including play, and the influence of cultural practice and beliefs on family systems. (Fee: $10) PYCH-2735 Child-Adolescent Development –Fa, Sp 3 hours A study of the physiological, social, and spiritual growth of the child from conceptual through adolescence. Emphasis on the developmental research on family systems theory, the importance of developmentally appropriate learning objectives including play, and the influence of cultural practice and beliefs on family systems. (Fee: $10) PYCH-2750 The Parent and the Child 3 hours Designed to explore the basic value requisites for effective family living. Basic concepts such as love, communication, and parental modeling will be stressed. PYCH-2751 Family and Couple Interventions –Sp 3 hours Exploring the dynamics of marriage relationships and family systems. Scriptural, psychological, and Christian-life issues spanning pre-marriage through family life cycle are studied. PYCH-2800 Addictions 3 hours This course examines a variety of addictions, including alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling, computer games/Internet, and codependence. The course will focus on symptoms, causes, treatments, and impact on society. Students will be challenged to develop a biblical perspective. PYCH-2840 Concepts of Chemical Dependency –Sp 3 hours Available to all students. Designed to investigate the concept of chemical dependency. Course emphasis is on the various drugs of abuse and methods of assessment, intervention, and treatment. PYCH-2850 Psychology of Adjustment 3 hours The systematic process of applying psychological principles to everyday issues of human life. Biblical perspectives are integrated into problem-solving paradigms for the development of a psychologically healthy personality. PYCH-3130 Intimate Relationships –Fa 3 hours Explores friendship, love, and romance from historical, theoretical, and philosophical perspectives. Prerequisite: PYCH- 1600 General Psychology. PYCH-3380 Health Psychology –Fa 3 hours Designed to investigate the research and theory of many disciplines to understand how psychology and health are interconnected. The focus is on the major topics and problem areas in health psychology. (Fee: $5) (even years) PYCH-3420 Human Sexuality –Sp 3 hours Study of biblical content regarding human sexuality and an analysis of contemporary concepts within a framework of Christian thought. Crosslisted with SOC-3420 Human Sexuality. Prerequisite: PYCH-1600 General Psychology. PYCH-3520 Counseling and Mentoring Women –Fa 3 hours Study of the distinctives of biblical counseling specifically applied to counseling women, the mandate and skill of mentoring woman to woman, and biblical responses to life struggles that are specific to women. Crosslisted as BECE.
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