2011-2012 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Page 14 2011–12 Undergraduate Catalog Introduction Admissions Academic Information Academic Departments Course Descriptions Financial Information Appendix Index Sanctify Ministries seeks to encourage, equip, and support students in pursuing a lifestyle of purity during and beyond their college experience at Cedarville University. Semper Fidelis Society is dedicated to encouraging and providing support for United States Marine Corps Officer candidates, reservists, and veterans. Society of Engineers Aiding Missions (SEAM) exists to educate, equip, and engage engineers in the cause of world missions. Students for Life seeks to educate students about issues concerning the sanctity of life and enable them act in defense of the helpless and vulnerable. Departmental Support Delta Alpha Epsilon (DAE) is comprised of 12 to 16 selected student volunteers. The members of DAE strive to “Build Relationships by Serving.” They represent the student body to Cedarville alumni and are devoted to serving alums. The organization also assists the advancement division with a variety of activities planned for alumni and friends of the University. Discipleship Council , affectionately known as the “DC,” is a select group of upperclassmen who assist the discipleship director in administration of discipleship small groups. Throughout the year, the DC examines the topic of discipleship through Bible study, group interaction, and shared ministry experience. Ministry Council is a group of students who work closely with the director of Community Ministries to establish a personal connection between student ministry team leaders and the community ministries office. Ministry Council exists to serve, encourage, and equip student ministry team leaders through one- on-one and small-group interaction. The Student Center Activities Board (SCAB) exists to develop and equip student leaders while serving the Cedarville University community by creating and implementing traditional, creative, and original student programs and events. Ten/24 (formerly CAB.) is a volunteer student organization with a desire to serve the University family with activities and programs that connect students and their families with the University. Events that facilitate contact between students, faculty and staff are also planned. Ten/24 works in support of the community and family programs office, a department under the office of student life programs. Gamma Chi is a women’s service organization formed for women with a passion for their local church. It helps women connect with local churches in or near Cedarville, believing that committed involvement in local churches during their years at Cedarville will prepare them to serve at churches in their future. Kappa Sigma serves to provide fellowship, mentoring, and encouragement for married students on campus. Phi Epsilon Beta is a women’s organization promoting spiritual and social growth within its members. Phi Gamma Psi promotes social interaction and enhances spiritual growth among women at the University. Sigma Phi Lambda is a men’s organization that seeks to further the cause of Christ through various activities and service opportunities. Theta Rho Epsilon is a men’s organization that seeks to develop character and friendships through social and service opportunities. Zeta Pi Sigma cultivates a community of Christian men and is dedicated to the principles of leadership by example, encouragement through service, and spiritual growth through discipleship and accountability. Special Interest Organizations Acting on AIDS exists to create awareness and activism of the global AIDS pandemic by changing hearts on campus, to create awareness in communities, and to be an advocate for those impacted by AIDS. Alpha Mu Beta encourages student fellowship through the outlet of ultimate Frisbee. Alpha Sigma Lambda exists to provide opportunities for students to gain experience using American Sign Language and to minister to both deaf and hearing people within the Cedarville University family and the broader community. Chess Club provides opportunities for fellowship and interaction with students who enjoy the game of chess. Cedarville Photography Club is established to provide everyone within the Cedarville University family—students, staff, and faculty—the opportunity to learn, share, and fellowship about their common interests in all areas of photography and imaging as a hobby, artistic medium, and profession. Furthermore, the Cedarville Photography Club will promote a Christ-centered and Christ-honoring approach to photography and imaging as a medium for personal, artistic, and professional expression. Cedarville Students for Life (SFL) is an organization dedicated to defending the dignity and value of every human life, from conception until death. SFL is a voice for the defenseless in our society. Through awareness-raising events and political advocacy, SFL equips students to take a stand against abortion and the willful destruction of innocent life. CU College Democrats is an organization dedicated to the development of Christian leaders in the political arena. CU College Republicans is an organization dedicated to the development of Christian leaders in the political arena. CU Republican Club is an organization dedicated to the development of Christian leaders in the political arena. Fusion Films provides a point of connection for Cedarville students who are enthusiastic about making student films, fosters a network of people who can provide the resources needed to make student films, and enhances Cedarville’s student film community. Officers Christian Fellowship exists to promote spiritual growth and camaraderie among Air Force and Army ROTC cadets. ProTerraForma seeks to promote a healthy, God-centered view of creation care. This org strives to do this through campus outreach and education, recreational activities, and service opportunities that actively engage the student body and encourage environmental stewardship.