2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Minors Coaching Minor The coaching minor prepares students to work as coaches in organized athletic programs at any level. Although formal education is not currently required of coaches, this particular program combines theoretical, scientific, and practical components to provide students with the knowledge and the skills they will need to succeed in this competitive yet rewarding area of service. The course requirements of the coaching minor make it a suitable complement to any major field of study offered by the University. Course requirements for a minor in coaching involve 17 semester hours including: CCHG-3670 Fundamentals of Coaching........................................3 CCHG-3680 Scientific Basis of Coaching......................................2 One course selected from the following....................................2 CCHG-3700 Coaching Volleyball........................................... 2 CCHG-3720 Coaching Basketball......................................... 2 CCHG-3730 Coaching Track and Field and Cross Country... 2 CCHG-3740 Coaching Softball and Baseball........................ 2 CCHG-3760 Coaching Soccer. ............................................. 2 CCHG-4950 Internship in Coaching. .............................................3 ESS-1400 First Aid and Safety Education......................................2 ESS-1550 Athletic Training Essentials. ..........................................2 ESS-3800 Sport Psychology..........................................................3 Sport Ministry Minor The purpose of the sport ministry minor is to assist the student who is preparing for a variety of ministries through the medium of sport. This minor is a good complement to many majors including sport and exercise studies, sport management, world missions, and youth ministries. Course requirements for a minor in sport ministry involve 20–22 semester hours including: BEPT-2400 Personal Evangelism. .................................................3 BEPT-3410 Discipleship.................................................................3 CCHG-3670 Fundamentals of Coaching........................................3 ESS-1400 First Aid and Safety Education......................................2 ESSE-1350 Foundations of Sport Ministries..................................3 ESSE-2830 Recreational Leadership. ...........................................2 Two courses selected from the following..............................4–6 ESSE-2100 Wilderness Ministry............................................ 3 ESSE-2810 Introduction to Camping..................................... 2 MAPE-1210 Team Sports...................................................... 2 MAPE-2200 Individual and Dual Sports I.............................. 2 BETH-2260 World Religions. ................................................. 3 Page 131 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Department of Kinesiology and Allied Health Minors