2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Course Descriptions | BEBL-4990 – BECE-3720 ATRN-3903 Clinical III –Fa 2 hours A practicum course that allows the student to demonstrate mastery of clinical proficiency by applying course content to the actual practice of athletic training. Students will be assigned to a clinical rotation site where they will be supervised by an Approved Clinical Instructor (ACI) or Clinical Instructor (CI) and assist the Allied Health Care Professional with providing services. Students are responsible for their own transportation. Prerequisites: ATRN- 2560 Lower Body Injury Management; ATRN-2570 Upper Body Injury Management. (Fee: $50) ATRN-3904 Clinical IV –Sp 2 hours A practicum course that allows the student to demonstrate mastery of clinical proficiency by applying course content to the actual practice of athletic training. Students will be assigned to a clinical rotation site where they will be supervised by an Approved Clinical Instructor (ACI) or Clinical Instructor (CI) and assist the Allied Health Care Professional with providing services. Students are responsible for their own transportation. Prerequisites: ATRN- 3903 Clinical III. (Fee: $175) ATRN-4560 General Medical Issues –Fa 3 hours Focuses on the medical issues related to allied health including, but not limited to conditions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems. ATRN-4610 Issues in Athletic Training –Sp 1 hour A study of the current significant issues in athletic training with an emphasis on legal/ethical issues and professional development. ATRN-4850 1–3 hours Independent Study in Athletic Training –Fa, Sp An independent study in athletic training by students pursuing the athletic training major. Departmental approval is required. ATRN-4905 Clinical V –Fa 2 hours A practicum course that allows the student to demonstrate mastery of clinical proficiency by applying course content to the actual practice of athletic training. Students will be assigned to a clinical rotation site where they will be supervised by an Approved Clinical Instructor (ACI) or Clinical Instructor (CI) and assist the Allied Health Care Professional with providing services. Students are responsible for their own transportation. Prerequisites: ATRN- 3904 Clinical IV. (Fee: $50) ATRN-4906 Clinical VI –Sp 2 hours A practicum course that allows the student to demonstrate mastery of clinical proficiency by applying course content to the actual practice of athletic training. Students will be assigned to a clinical rotation site where they will be supervised by an Approved Clinical Instructor (ACI) or Clinical Instructor (CI) and assist the Allied Health Care Professional with providing services. Students are responsible for their own transportation. Capstone Course. Prerequisites: ATRN-4905 Clinical V. (Fee: $175) B Biblical Languages (BEBL) BEBL-2010 3 hours Introduction to Biblical Language Tools –Sp Learning the original language opens the Scriptures to serious students of the Bible in exciting ways. This course is an introduction to the basic principles of phonology (sounds), morphology (forms), and grammar of biblical Greek and Hebrew with a focus on gaining proficiency to be able to use digital language tools such as Logos and the New English Translation Bible. (Fee $150) BEBL-2510, 2520 4 hours/semester Elementary Greek I and II –Fa, Sp Basic elements of the Greek language. Careful attention is given to grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and the reading of selected portions of the Greek New Testament. BEBL-2610, 2620 3 hours/semester Elementary Hebrew I and II –Fa, Sp Introduction to the basic elements of biblical Hebrew. Attention is given to vocabulary, grammar, and the use of language tools. BEBL-3510, 3520 3 hours/semester Intermediate Greek I and II –Fa, Fa, Sp Detailed study of advanced Greek grammar, reading in the Greek New Testament, the application of advanced syntactical rules, and an introduction to exegesis. Prerequisite: BEBL-2510, 2520 Elementary Greek. BEBL-4110 Greek Exegesis –Sp 3 hours This course is an exegetical study of the Greek text of Colossians, emphasizing the book’s teaching on the sufficiency of Christ for the salvation and life of the believer. The course provides the opportunity for students to develop their own exegetical skills in working with the Greek text of the New Testament and to grow in their ability to preach and teach expository messages on the Bible. Prerequisites: BEBL 3510 Intermediate Greek I; corequisite: BEBL-3520 Intermediate Greek II. BEBL-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Biblical Language –Fa, Sp, Su The student will translate and/or exegete a Scripture passage or investigate advanced grammar and syntax. BEBL-4990 Topics in Biblical Languages –Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Investigation of special topics in Bible and theology that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Prerequisites: permission of instructor required for non-majors. Biblical Education — Biblical Studies (BEBS) BEBS-1000 Introduction to Biblical Studies –Fa 1 hour This course will introduce the student to the field of biblical studies and related career opportunities. This will provide an overview of the major and the various complementary minors, introduce the various areas of study and related skills, survey career posibilities, and aid the student in determining his or her fit with the field. (Fee: $35) BEBS-2020 Biblical Research Methods –Fa 1 hour The student will learn both how to conduct research and how to produce a research paper, the contents and style of which comply with generally accepted standards held by biblical scholars. In addition, the student will demonstrate these skills by producing a research paper that proposes the student’s plan for fulfilling the program’s senior-seminar capstone requirement. (odd years) BEBS-4850 Senior Colloquium –Sp 2 hours The senior colloquium is a reading and writing intensive course dealing with key aspects of biblical studies. Students will meet with the appointed biblical studies faculty for written presentations and discussion of guided readings in classical and contemporary studies in the discipline. Prerequisites: senior status. (even years) BEBS-4910 Seminar in Bible –Fa, Sp 2 hours Senior course for Biblical studies majors. Students demonstrate the ability to articulate and defend an appropriate systematic theology. Crosslisted with BEST-4910 and XBST-4910 Capstone course. Page 196 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions ATRN-3903 – BEBS-4910