2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Course Descriptions | BEST-4950 – BIO-1110 BEPT-3490 The Pastor’s Wife 2 hours The pastor’s wife: her responsibilities, problems, and privileges. Practical suggestions from area pastors’ wives, individual research, and group discussion will be explored. BEPT-3500 Teaching and Preaching in the Church – Sp 3 hours This course is designed for the student considering ministry to develop a philosophy, strategic approach, and working model for teaching and preaching. Emphasis is placed on the preparation and presentation of lessons and sermons appropriate and effective for particular audiences and contexts. Prerequisites: BEGE- 1720 Spiritual Formation; BEGE- 2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature. BEPT-3510 Introduction to Urban Ministry –Fa 3 hours An introduction to the principles and practices of urban ministry. Focus will be on developing a biblical view of the city as well as understanding the sociological, anthropological, and multi- cultural distinctives of the urban context. Attention will be given to particular urban issues such as ministering to the poor, developing an incarnational lifestyle, and authentic strategies for urban ministry. (Fee: $75) BEPT-4510 Advanced Urban Ministry –Sp 3 hours Continuation of the earlier Urban Ministry course, including global urban issues, particular challenges in world-class cities, sociology of the city, and its implications for mission in the city. Prerequisite: BEPT-3510 Introduction to Urban Ministry. (Fee: $75) BEPT-4560 Advanced Homiletics –Sp 3 hours Advanced study of sermon structure development and effective delivery. Designed to give the student practice in outlining, writing, delivering, and evaluating sermons for different types of preaching situations. Prerequisite: BEPT-3500 Teaching and Preaching in the Church. BEPT-4710 Ministry Internship –Fa, Sp, Su 2–3 hours A mentored and evaluated ministry experience under the direction of a qualified field mentor. Capstone course for Comprehensive Bible majors. This program is open to students in other majors. Crosslisted with XBPT-4710. Prerequisites: approval of the faculty of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies; senior academic status; BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; one theology elective BETH-XXXX; one practical theology elective BEPT-XXXX. Repeatable up to three times BEPT-4720 Missionary Internship 3–12 hours Four to six weeks in a crosscultural context gaining experience in actual missions activity under the supervision of Bible department faculty and a qualified missionary. This program is open to students in various majors. Up to three hours may count toward the preseminary major. Capstone course. Prerequisites: completion of at least two missions courses; approval of the Bible faculty. Repeatable up to 12 credit hours. BEPT-4730 Pastoral Internship 3–12 hours A mentored and evaluated local church ministry experience under the direction of qualified pastoral staff. This is an opportunity to utilize and develop knowledge and skills from courses in a ministry context appropriate for student’s interest and preparation. Capstone course. Repeatable to 12 hours. Prerequisite: approval of the faculty of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies, senior academic status, completion of the following courses BEPT-3420 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry; BEPT-3430 Pastoral Counseling; BEPT-3500 Teaching and Preaching in the Church; BEPT-4560 Advanced Homiletics. BEPT-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Practical Theology –Fa, Sp, Su Students will investigate an area of pastoral ministry or missions, the latter including mission boards, methods, and places of service. BEPT-4990 Topics in Practical Theology –Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Investigation of special topics in Bible and theology, which have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Permission of instructor required for non-majors. Biblical Studies — Special Topics (BEST) BEST-2910 Theological Research –Fa, Sp 2 hours This course is designed to survey the basic process, as well as selected special processes, germane to the field of theological research. Prerequisite: BEGE-1720 Spiritual Formation. BEST-2920 3 hours Scriptural Interpretations of Gender Issues and Roles –Fa A survey of key biblical components that delineate what it means to be male and female in Christ. The course includes a study of various views held within the evangelical community, a survey of women in the Bible, and a discussion of gender within the current cultural milieu. Crosslisted with BETH-2920 Prerequisite: BEGE-1720 Spiritual Formation. BEST-3400 Bible Backgrounds –Sp 3 hours An introduction to the world of the Bible including the historical context, geographical setting, and cultural milieu. These will be accomplished through a survey of Ancient Near Eastern backgrounds, a survey of the main geographical features of Israel and the Fertile Crescent, and a survey of Intertestamental literature. Prerequisites: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature. BEST-3410 Biblical Archaeology I –Sp 2 hours An introduction to biblical archaeology and the historical and cultural backgrounds of the Old and New Testaments. (even years) BEST-3420 Biblical Archaeology II –Su 1 hour An introduction to the archaeology of the Old and New Testaments and the historical and cultural background of the Bible on a field trip to Europe. It will also introduce the historical and cultural aspects of European Christianity. (Fee: Not to exceed $3,000) (even years) BEST-4310 Hermeneutics –Fa 3 hours A study of the theory and related practice of the roles of author, reader, and text toward the end of authoritative interpretation and contextualization of the Bible. BEST-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Special Topics –Fa, Sp Students will investigate a significant topic or Scripture passage of special interest with a view toward integration of knowledge. BEST-4910 Seminar in Bible –Fa, Sp 2 hours Senior course for preseminary and comprehensive Bible majors. Students demonstrate the ability to articulate and defend an appropriate systematic theology. Crosslisted with XBST-4910. Capstone course. BEST-4950 Men and Women in Leadership –Fa 3 hours A complementary perspective of men and women providing leadership for the body of Christ within the current cultural milieu. BEST-4990 Topics in Special Topics –Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Investigation of special topics in Bible and theology, which have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Permission of instructor required for non-majors. Biblical Studies —Theology (BETH) BETH-2260 World Religions –Fa, Sp 3 hours An introduction to the teachings and practices of the major world religions along with a Christian response to these religions. BETH-2350 Theological Foundations of Ministry –Fa 3 hours An examination of theological issues critical for the formation of a biblical philosophy of ministry, as well as a critical survey of historical developments in Christian educational ministries in light of those theological discussions. Page 201 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions BEPT-3490 – BETH-2350