2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Course Descriptions | BIO-1120 – BIO-3800 BETH-2920 3 hours Scriptural Interpretations of Gender Issues and Roles –Fa A survey of key biblical components that delineate what it means to be male and female in Christ. The course includes a study of various views held within the evangelical community, a survey of women in the Bible, and a discussion of gender within the current cultural milieu. Crosslisted with BEST-2920 BETH-3330 Christian Evidences and Apologetics –Fa 3 hours Study of the basis for, and the nature of, evidence for Christianity. Emphasis on biblical revelation and its use in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. BETH-3340 Trinitarian Theology –Fa 3 hours A study of the triune God, the wasy in which the triune God is identified in Scripture, and the language used by the Church to describe God’s triune identity. BETH-3350 Bibliology and Theology Proper –Fa 3 hours Study of bibliology, the doctrine of the Scriptures. Emphasis on its revelation, inspiration, canonicity, and illumination; and theology proper, the doctrine of the being of God with attention given to His existence, attributes, trinitarian relationships, and decrees. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. (odd years) BETH-3360 Angelology and Anthropology –Sp 3 hours Study of angelology, the doctrine of the unfallen angels, the fallen angels, and Satan; and anthropology, the doctrine of man, with stress on his creation, constitution, fall, and sinful condition. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; BEGE-3755 Theology I; or permission of instructor. (odd years) BETH-3400 Current Religious Movements –Sp 3 hours Survey of new religious movements with attention given to their history, beliefs, and practices, as well as to critical assessment and appropriate response. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. BETH-3500 Historical Theology –Sp 3 hours An examination of the development of Christian doctrine from the Apostolic Fathers to the modern era. The course will highlight key thinkers and theological developments in the patristic, medieval, Reformation and modern eras. Attention will be given to the reading and analysis of primary documents. Prerequisites: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature , BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature, and BEHI-2500 Church History. BETH-3720 Spiritual Formation II –Fa 3 hours This course will develop a biblical theology of spiritual formation, explore alternative models of spiritual formation, and engage students in personal and corporate study and practice of spiritual disciplines as informed by influential thinkers through the history of the Church. Prerequisites: BEGE-1720 Spiritual Formation; BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; major status or permission of instructor. BETH-3730 Theology of Worship –Fa 3 hours This course explores the theology, history, and practice of Christian worship, with particular attention to how worship practices both reflect and shape theological commitments. Various elements of Christian worship will be examined in light of diverse cultural contexts and theological perspectives with the goal of enabling the student to plan appropriately and to lead worship in a particular ministry setting. Prerequisites: BEGE-1720 Spiritual Formation; BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature. BETH-4100 Biblical Theology –Fa, Sp 3 hours A study of some of the major distinctive theologies of the Old and New Testaments within the overall unity of Scripture. This course focuses both on the varieties and tensions among biblical authors and collections within their particular genres and historical settings, and on the similarities and unifying themes among the biblical writings and through both Testaments. BETH-4300 Global Theology –Sp 3 hours An introduction to the rise and nature of non-Western theologies along with an examination of the nature of theology and its relevance in contemporary contexts. (even years) BETH-4320 Contemporary Theology –Sp 3 hours Critical study of traditions, trends, issues, and major thinkers in contemporary theology. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; BEPH-2200 Introduction to Philosophy; or permission of the instructor. BETH-4370 Soteriology and Christology –Fa 3 hours Study of soteriology, the doctrine of salvation, including election, the atonement, and eternal security; and Christology, the doctrine of Christ with emphasis upon His deity, humanity, and redemptive work. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. (even years) BETH-4380 Pneumatology and Ecclesiology –Fa 3 hours Study of pneumatology, the doctrine of the person and work of the Holy Spirit; and ecclesiology, the doctrine of the Church with stress on the universal Church and the local church. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; BEGE-3755 Theology I; or permission of instructor. (even years) BETH-4390 Eschatology –Sp 3 hours Study of eschatology, the doctrine of last things with attention given to the rapture of the Church, the tribulation, the millennium, the eternal state, and the distinctives of dispensationalism. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. (even years) BETH-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Theology –Fa, Sp, Su Students will investigate a significant topic of theology of special interest with a view toward integration of knowledge. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. BETH-4990 Topics in Theology –Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Investigation of special topics in Bible and theology, which have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Permission of instructor required for non-majors. Prerequisite: BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. Biology (BIO) BIO-1110 Introduction to Biology –Fa 4 hours Structure and function of plant and animal cells with emphasis in central concepts. This is the first biology course for majors, open to others with high school biology and chemistry backgrounds. Three lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. (Fee: $100) BIO-1120 General Zoology –Sp 4 hours This course will provide an integrative study of the diversity of organisms that make up the animal kingdom. Morphology, physiology, and ecology of the major phyla will be integrated with principles of population dynamics to study the continuities and discontinuities among the animal taxa. Two fifty-minute lectures and two 2-hour labs per week. Prerequisite: BIO-1110 Introduction to Biology. ( Fee: $100) Page 202 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions BETH-2920 – BIO-1120
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