2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
BRDM-4710 Independent Study: Digital Media 1–3 hours Taken to allow the student to study an area beyond what is provided through regular course offerings. The student must make a proposal of what is to be studied for the term when applying to a faculty mentor. The student will then follow a schedule approved by the faculty mentor for studying the topic and submitting a report. Repeatable to a total of 6 credit hours in the field. Prerequisite: approval of proposal by faculty mentor. BRDM-4810 Senior Seminar –Fa, Sp 1 hour The course is designed to help the student transition from the college to professional world. Students will interact with professionals to network and to focus on developing résumés and portfolios, interviewing skills, and an understanding of business etiquette. Prerequisite: senior status as broadcasting and digital media major. (Fee: $45) BRDM-4920 Senior Project 3 hours The student selects one of two options: 1) a paper reporting on the student’s original research that investigated a topic in electronic media or 2) a media production. A proposal detailing the student’s plan for the senior project must be submitted and approved by the faculty mentor prior to registration for the course. Capstone course. Prerequisites: BRDM-3111 Survey Research for Electronic Media; GPA of 3.0 in major courses; senior status; permission of BRDM faculty. (Fee: $35) BRDM-4930 Electronic Media Internship 3–12 hours Students are placed with media companies to gain experience in actual career situations. The work must be done under the supervision of an employee of the company approved by the faculty mentor. Students should discuss this option with their advisors at least one semester prior to the internship. Internship agreements must be signed by the student, job supervisor, and faculty mentor prior to registration for the experience. Internships depend upon availability and approval by the electronic media faculty. Capstone course. Prerequisites: GPA of 3.0 in major courses; senior status; approval by the electronic media faculty. Business Administration (BUS) BUS-1000 The Business Profession –Fa, Sp 2 hours Provides a broad and comprehensive introduction to the field of business and encourages students to discover their calling to ministry in the marketplace. Includes an introduction to the academic requirements of the program and provides opportunity for practical experience in the field of business. (Fee $25) BUS-1410 Topics in Business 1–3 hours A variety of courses are covered under this heading on an experimental basis. This allows the department to meet the changing needs of the students without formally adding or dropping courses. BUS-2100 Business Communication –Fa, Sp 3 hours Instruction for writing business letters, memos, email, and business reports. Oral business presentations, group collaboration, and the communication process in general are also discussed. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. BUS-2110 Statistics I –Fa, Sp 2 hours An introduction to statistical methods used in business decision making, including descriptive statistics, probability, probability distributions, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: GMTH-1020 College Algebra. BUS-2120 Statistics II –Fa, Sp 2 hours An extension of Statistics I to include tests of hypothesis, analysis of variance, chi-square, simple and multiple regression models. Prerequisite: BUS-2110 Statistics I. BUS-2150 Statistics for Business –Fa, Sp 3 hours An introduction to statistical methods used in business decision making including descriptive statistics, probability, probability distributions, interval estimation, hypothesis tests involving variances, analysis of variance, ch-square tests, F-tests, simple and multiple regression models, model building, and time series. Prerequisites: GMTH-1020 College Algebra. BUS-2180 Business Law I –Fa, Sp 3 hours Examines the legal environment in which business operates. The course begins by surveying various sources and law and related ethical principles, and the structure and function of the judicial system. The remainder of the course addresses substantive areas of law, typically including torts, contracts, warranty and consumer protection, agency and employment, business entities, antitrust, intellectual property, and environmental law. BUS-3000 The Business Experience –Fa, Sp 1 hour This course is to prepare the business student to transition into the work world upon graduation. Topics and experiences include: résumé writing, interviewing, networking, internships, and business etiquette. (Fee $25). BUS-3150 Operations Analysis –Fa, Sp 3 hours Introduces mathematical methods of decision analysis. Topics include probability, forecasting, decision under uncertainty, decision trees, inventory models, linear programming, and networks. Prerequisites: BUS-2150 Statistics for Business. BUS-3180 Business Law II –Sp 3 hours Continues the study of the legal environment in which business operates, with particular focus on topics covered on the CPA exam. Typical course content includes sales, negotiable instruments, secured transactions, bankruptcy, partnerships, securities regulation, real and personal property, wills and trusts, and insurance. Prerequisite: BUS-2180 Business Law I. BUS-3280 3 hours Integrated Business Core Practicum –Fa In this course, students will apply concepts from the corequisite courses in which they are enrolled to their own start-up business ventures and to community service projects. Students in the class will form a 30- to 35-person company. Each company will develop a plan of organization to form and operate a business for the semester, as well as an organizational and operating plan to complete a community service project. Prerequisites: ITM-1500 Information Technology for Business; ITM-1510 Software Tools for Business; ACCT-2110 Principles of Accounting I; ACCT-2120 Principles of Accounting II; BUS-2150 Statistics for Business; BUS-2180 Business Law I; ECON-2330 Microeconomics; ECON- 2340 Macroeconomics. Corequisites: MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing; MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; FIN-3710 Principles of Finance (blocked courses). BUS-3400 1–3 hours Independent Study in Business Administration –Fa, Sp, Su Research in problems of accounting, management information systems, general business, economics, finance, management, or marketing. BUS-3410 Topics in Business –Fa, Sp, Su 1–3 hours A variety of courses are covered under this heading on an experimental basis. This allows the department to meet the changing needs of the students without formally adding or dropping courses. BUS-3450 Business Internship 3–12 hours A work-study program designed for junior and senior business administration majors to receive a variety of job-related experiences in a business environment. The program is arranged and administered by the department. Course Descriptions | CHMU-4900 – CLMU-3410 Page 207 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions BRDM-4710 – BUS-3450
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