2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

International Studies (INTL) INTL-3040 3 hours History and Politics of the British Isles and Canada –Sp This course examines three countries: the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, and Canada. After an extensive topical history along with a discussion of major prime ministers who served in the 19th and 20th centuries, this course also investigates contemporary issues including foreign policy, recent political debates, secessionist problems in Scotland and Quebec, membership in the European Union, and the ongoing structural changes to government. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, and POLS. (even years) INTL-3080 History of Russia and Eastern Europe –Fa 3 hours See course description for GEO-3080 History of Russia and Eastern Europe. INTL-3190 Global Issues –Sp 3 hours Analysis of the international issues that are shaping our contemporary and future world, ranging from terrorism, the environment, international crime, disease, and collapsing states to the digital revolution and the global economy. Crosslisted as INTL or POLS. INTL-3200 History and Politics of Latin America –Fa 3 hours See course description for GEO-3200 History and Politics of Latin America. (even years) INTL-3210 History and Politics of Asia –Fa 3 hours See course description for GEO-3210 History and Politics of Asia. (odd years) INTL-3220 History and Politics of the Middle East –Sp 3 hours See course description for GEO-3220 History and Politics of the Middle East. INTL-3230 History and Politics of Western Europe –Sp 3 hours See course desription for GEO-3230 History and Politics of Western Europe. (odd years) INTL-3400 History of American Foreign Policy –Fa 3 hours American statesmen have defended the principles of their government and the rights of American citizens in a world of empires and nation-states. This course provides an overview of controversies over independence and imperialism, modern tyranny and regime change, which have marked U.S. foreign policy from the founding to the present day. Crosslisted as HIST or POLS. Prerequisite: GSS-1100 Politics in American Culture. (even years) INTL-3650 International Relations –Fa 3 hours A survey of contemporary international affairs and principles of interstate relations, focusing on forces that unite and divide our world. Crosslisted as INTL or POLS. INTL-3790 Comparative Politics –Fa 3 hours This course will familiarize students with major historical developments, political debates, and scholarly research in the subfield of comparative politics. Particular emphasis will be placed on topics of the modern state, nationalism, economic development, political culture and ideology, identity structure, regime types, regime transitions, and comparative political economy. Crosslisted as POLS or INTL. (odd years) INTL-4050 3 hours Diplomacy of the Major Powers –Sp See course description for HIST-4050 Diplomacy of the Major Powers. Crosslisted as HIST, INTL, or POLS INTL-4160 International and Domestic Terrorism –Sp 3 hours In-depth study of terrorism, focusing worldwide and domestically. An intensive examination of ongoing international conflicts, narco-terrorism, eco-terrorism, cyber-terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, geographical trouble spots, enemies of the United States, terrorism-counter-terrorism theory and options, terrorism history, law, civil liberties, and Homeland Security. Crosslisted as CRJU and INTL. INTL-4300 Great Books in History and Politics –Sp 3 hours This course will require the student to read a single classic work of history and political thought (or a limited number of related works) and with other students, to closely and critically analyze the argument of the work. Crosslisted as POLS, INTL, PUAD or HIST. Prerequisite: GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture (odd years) INTL-4440 Special Topics-International Studies 1–3 hours Investigation of specific topics in Social Science and History that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. INTL-4800 Seminar in International Studies –Fa 3 hours A seminar/readings course intended to prepare senior students for graduate study. Through readings and discussion, students explore classical writings on international relations and international issues that are shaping our contemporary and future world. Crosslisted as INTL or POLS. INTL-4850 Research in International Studies –Sp 3 hours Students will prepare and present a formal research project on a country, region, or significant international issue. INTL-4980 1–3 hours Independent Study in International Studies Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Information Technology Management (ITM) ITM-1500 2 hours Information Technology for Business –Fa, Sp This course will focus on understanding the broad nature of information technology and how it fits in today’s business world. Students will learn the nature of information technology, its application, and unique business models, as well as how to manage technology from a business value perspective. Fundamentals of the industry, technologies, and application of that technology are developed. Students will experience the IT industry through practical exploration of its breadth and depth. ITM-1510 Software Tools for Business –Fa, Sp 2 hours This course emphasizes the use of software in a business environment. Students will develop a working knowledge of spreadsheet, database, and other software packages appropriate to the current business environment. (Fee: $10) ITM-1900 Fundamentals of IT Management –Fa 3 hours This course is an introduction to the field of Management Information Systems (MIS). It is a demanding course that takes students through the process of developing an information system. While working through this process, students will apply the primary topics and techniques used in project management in a hands-on, team project. Gateway course to the Information System major. ITM-2100 Database Management –Sp 3 hours This course teaches students database fundamentals while providing a broad survey of the field’s major topics. Students learn about the critical nature of databases within Information Systems contexts. Topics include Structured Query Language (SQL), data modeling and normalization, logical and physical design, concurrency and security issues, stored procedures, triggers, data warehouses, and data mining. Students apply essentials by creating and managing databases in a SQL Server environment. Prerequisite: ITM-1900 Fundamentals of IT Management. (Fee: $20) Course Descriptions | ITM-1500 – ITM-4300 Page 244 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions -3040 – ITM-2100