2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

LING-3500 2 hours Methods of Teaching Foreign Language –Fa Examination of the purposes and objectives along with the methods used in the K–12 foreign language classroom instruction. The student studies the effect of cognitive, affective, and socio- cultural variables on second (new) language acquisition. The student is given the opportunity to establish goals and objectives and design curricula that reflect Ohio’s grade-level learning outcomes in content areas, as well as to develop strategies that promote language-based English learning for K–12 grade-level students. Open only to TESOL endorsement teacher candidates and TESOL minors. LING-3600 1 hour Clinical Teaching of English as a Second Language –Fa, Sp, Su A practical experience in assisting an ESL classroom teacher in a K–12 ESL program. Under the supervision of a qualified ESL teacher, the student will observe and participate in a formal classroom setting. During this experience, the student will be provided various opportunities to aid the classroom teacher in the development and execution of activities and assessments and to practice teaching on a limited basis. Ongoing during this experience, the student will analyze, evaluate, reflect on, and describe their field experience. The student is expected to participate in 30 clock hours. Open only to TESOL endorsement teacher candidates. Prerequisite: LING-3500 Methods of Teaching Foreign Language . Credit/No Credit. LING-3610 2 hours TESOL Practicum for Education Majors –Fa, Sp, Su Independent teaching of ESL students under the general supervision of a master teacher. In a K–12 placement under the supervision of a qualified ESL teacher, the student will practice teaching in a formal classroom situation. During this experience, the student will be provided opportunities to establish goals and objectives and design curricula that reflect Ohio’s grade- level learning outcomes in content areas. The student will also be given opportunities to select, adapt, create, and use varied resources appropriate to age, cultural groups, and different learning styles. Activities should include integrating technology in planning and delivering instruction and strategies for creating and maintaining communication with families. Practicum will also provide the student with knowledge and skills in assessment. Ongoing during this experience, the student will analyze, evaluate, reflect on, and describe their field experience. Prerequisite: COM-2140 Intercultural Communication; ENG-3060 The English Language; ENG-3070 English Grammar; LING-3080 Linguistics for Language Learning; LING-3500 Methods of Teaching Foreign Language; LING-3600 Clinical Teaching of English as a Second Language. Credit/No Credit. (Fee: $45) LING-3710 2 hours TESOL Practicum for Non-Education Majors –Sp Practice teaching of ESL under general supervision of master teacher for non-education majors who are completing TESOL minor requirements. May be satisfied by a satisfactory completion of LING-3600 and LING-3610. Prerequisite: COM-2140 Intercultural Communication; ENG-3070 English Grammar; LING- 3080 Linguistics for Language Learning; LING-3500 Methods of Teaching Foreign Language. Credit/No Credit. (Fee: $45) LING-4100 3 hours Advanced Linguistics/Field Methods –Sp This course is the capstone course for the major in linguistics. In this course, students will put into practical application the theories and concepts learned while completing the requirements for the major. Prerequisites: LING-2070 Introduction to Linguistics; LING- 3080 Linguistics for Language Learning; LING-3082 Phonetics; LING-3090 Sociolinguistics; LING-3100 Principles of Language Acquisition. Literature (LIT) LIT-1990 First-Year Seminar 3 hours This course will provide instruction in the close reading of and the analytical writing about literary texts. Prerequisites: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-2090 Literary Analysis –Fa, Sp 3 hours Introductory study of basic textual analysis and traditional contextual analysis. This course is primarily intended for adolescent and young adult integrated language arts and English majors as preparation for upper-division literature courses. Prerequisite: LIT-1990 First-Year Seminar LIT-2120 History of Literary Criticism –Sp 3 hours A study of the rich philosophic heritage of the West, this course is designed to familiarize students with the writers whose works have defined the critical canon as the result of the way they addressed three questions: What is the function of literature? What is the role of an author? How do we evaluate literature? Featured writers will range from Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine to Lewis, Eliot, and Bakhtin. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-2130 Dramatic Literature –Sp 3 hours Survey of major dramatic works from Greek to modern day playwrights, emphasizing the relationships among themes and dramatic construction amid various cultural and historical contexts. Can be applied to meet English or Communication requirements, but not both. Prerequisite: major status or permission of instructor. LIT-2300 Introduction to Literature –Fa, Sp 3 hours Emphasis on developing the ability to read critically and analytically representative examples of literary genres through use of appropriate criteria. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-2330 World Mythology –Fa 3 hours Study of mythologies, the theories of myth and myth making, and the incorporation of myth in selected literary works. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-2340 Western Literature –Fa, Sp, Su 3 hours Survey of major works of Western literary tradition from Homer to T.S. Eliot. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-2390 3 hours Survey of American Literature to 1900 –Fa, Sp Study of prominent American authors from colonial times to 1900. Although this course may be taken for general education credit, it is primarily designed for majors. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition LIT-2430 Survey of British Literature to 1800 –Fa, Sp 3 hours Study of various English authors from the Anglo-Saxons to 1800. Although this course may be taken for general education credit, it is primarily designed for majors. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-2440 3 hours Survey of British Literature from 1800 to Present –Sp Study of noteworthy English authors from 1800 to the present. Although this course may be taken for general education credit, it is primarily designed for majors. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-3170 American Literature: 1820–1865 –Sp 3 hours Intensive study of American authors who are representative of the literary traditions of Romanticism and Transcedentalism and their influence on a period of history often called the American Renaissance. Authors may include Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, Whitman, Dickinson, Douglass, Jacobs, Stowe, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, and others. Upper-level literature courses cannot be used as a substitution for the general education literature requirement. Prerequisite: LIT-2390 Survey of American Literature to 1900. (even years) Course Descriptions | LIT-3200 – LIT-3520 Page 249 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions LING-3500 – LIT-3170