2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

MATH-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Mathematics –Fa, Sp Independent research in the various branches of mathematics and allied fields of application. Submission and approval of a research proposal must precede registration. Prerequisite: major in mathematics or permission of research advisor. Management (MGMT) MGMT-3500 3 hours Principles of Organization and Management –Fa, Sp An examination of the policies, principles, practices, and problems involved in the management of organizations as they are currently being applied in the United States and around the world to meet or exceed customer’s expectations. MGMT-3510 3 hours Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management –Fa This course will introduce students to business innovation and entrepreneurship in small and large organizations. The basics of envisioning, evaluating, starting, and running a brand new business and/or a new business unit within an existing organization will be explored. MGMT-3511 3 hours Entrepreneurship and Small Business Strategy –Fa This course will focus on looking for, identifying, and evaluating business opportunities, then matching business models to take advantage of them. Content will include creativity, opportunity recognition, evaluation, cognitive processes of entrepreneurs, environmental scanning, entrepreneurial business models (strategy), and will introduce initial financial elements of opportunity evaluation. Prequisities: MGMT-3510 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management MGMT-3512 3 hours Entrepreneurship and Small Business Finance –Fa This course will focus on the finance, accounting, and tax issues involved in operating a small business, entrepreneurial high growth firm, or family business. Content will include small business and high growth financial issues, managing cash flow, attracting financial resources, accounting issues such as the role of a forward-thinking accountant, setting up accounting systems that serve the firm strategy, and tax planning. It will also include financial elements of opportunity evaluation and exploitation as well. Prerequisite: MGMT-3510 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. MGMT-3513 3-12 hours Entrepreneurship and Small Business Practicum –Fa, Sp This course will be a practicum for SB and E students to gain experience in a small business or entrepreneurial setting that is appropriate for their future goals. These experiences will be in the form of internships, shadowing entrepreneurs, working in a small business or entrepreneurial firm on significant projects or in significant roles, or consulting with these types of firms. Due to the dynamic nature of opportunities provided by small business people and entrepreneurs, it can be taken, with the permission of the lead professor, at any time during the SB and E program. In addition, since each experience is unique, it can be taken more than once for up to 12 semester hours. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. MGMT-3520 3 hours Production and Operations Management –Fa, Sp Introduction to the concepts, methodologies, and application of production and operations management. Designed to develop problem-solving and decision-making skills to apply in the operations and production areas of the firm. Designed to develop an appreciation for the interaction of operations management with the management systems of organizations and the processes associated with “lean” thinking necessary to create value for the customer. Prerequisites: ACCT-2120 Principles of Accounting II; BUS-2150 Statistics for Business; MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; or permission of instructor. (Fee: $50) MGMT-3530 Human Resources Management –Sp 3 hours An analysis of the principle functions, processes, and problems involved in the management of personnel policies; selection, training, promotion, compensation, and discharge of personnel; labor turnover, safety, health, and recreation. Prerequisite: MGMT- 3500 Principles of Organization and Management or permission of instructor. MGMT-3550 Organizational Behavior –Fa 3 hours A study of the impact of human behavior within and upon the organizational structure. Emphasis is given to behavior as it relates to employment, absenteeism, employee turnover, productivity, human performance, and management. Prerequisite: MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management or permission of instructor. MGMT-3560 Project Management –Sp 3 hours This course will lay a foundation for an understanding of project management principles. It will examine principles, processes, and tools project managers have developed to effectively manage and lead projects. MGMT-3570 International Management –Sp 3 hours Focuses on the principles of management in a global economy. Exporting and foreign direct investment are analyzed from the multinational perspective. Strategy, organizational structure, and control techniques are developed in a world environment. Prerequisite: MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management. MGMT-3580 3 hours Compensation and Benefits Management –Fa An introduction to the concepts, methodologies, and application of compensation and benefit programs within human resources. Designed to develop problem-solving and decision-making skills in the area of compensation and benefits. Students will also learn to develop “lean” thinking necessary to create value for stakeholders in organization through this human resources function. Prerequisites: MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; MGMT-3530 Human Resources Management. (odd years) MGMT-4510 Strategic Management –Fa, Sp 3 hours Strategic issues faced by organizations are analyzed in a comprehensive manner. Skills in strategic analysis are developed through lectures and from diverse industries, nonprofit, and quasi- public institutions. Open only to seniors in business administration within 2 semesters of graduation. Must be taken at Cedarville University; transfer or transient credit for this course will generally not be accepted. Capstone course. Prerequisites: FIN-3710 Principles of Finance; MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing. Course Descriptions | MGMT-4510 – MRKT-3610 Page 254 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions MATH-4900 – MGMT-4510