2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

PYCH-3700 Adolescent Development 3 hours Recent research dealing with adolescents will be emphasized. Emphasis is placed on the interaction of cultural, social, and personal family variables. Spiritual variables are integrated into the developmental process. Prerequisite: PYCH-1600 General Psychology, or permission of instructor. PYCH-3701 Counseling Adolescents –Sp 3 hours This course introduces students to counseling interventions for helping adolescents who are struggling with common developmental and adjustment problems. Prerequisite: PYCH-1600 General Psychology, or permission of instructor. PYCH-3710 Adult Development and Aging –Fa 3 hours The study of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual development and experience in the adult years. Prerequisite: PYCH-1600 General Psychology, or permission of instructor. PYCH-3720 Psychology of Personality –Fa, Sp 3 hours Contemporary theories of the development, organization, and dynamics of personality. (Fee: $5) PYCH-3730 Research Methods –Fa, Sp 3 hours An introduction to methods utilized in behavioral science research; emphasis upon experimental methodology and research design. Prerequisite: PYCH-2610 Statistics or permission of instructor. (Fee: $5) PYCH-3740 Qualitative Research –Fa 3 hours An investigation of a scientific method of inquiry utilizing qualitative rather than quantitative methodologies. Research methodologies such as participant observation and in-depth interviewing will be emphasized. A significant portion of the course will involve students actively engaging in qualitative research projects and preparing papers for potential presentation and publication. Prerequisites: PYCH-1010 Writing in APA or permission of instructor. PYCH-3750 Psychological Testing 3 hours A survey of instruments frequently utilized in psychology. Assessments include intellectual, personality, and vocational interest inventories. Students have opportunities for self- assessment and are introduced to report writing and ethical principles of psychological testing. Prerequisite: PYCH-1600 General Psychology; PYCH-2610 Statistics or permission of instructor. (Fee: $20) PYCH-3760 Cognitive Neuroscience –Sp 3 hours Equip students with a thorough understanding of theories and research in Cognitive Neuroscience. Emphasis will be placed on brain physiology and anatomy contributing to the various cognitive processes. Laboratory exercises will enable the students to concretize the concepts presented in class as well as those presented in the research papers and to apply it to themselves. Prerequisites: PYCH-1600 General Psychology or permission of instructor. PYCH-3900 Physiological Psychology –Fa, Sp 3 hours Explores the physiological, biological, and anatomical mechanisms responsible for behavior. Prerequisite: PYCH-1600 General Psychology or permission of instructor. (Fee: $10) PYCH-3901 Medications and Behavior –Fa 3 hours An overview of the major categories of psychotropic medications. Emphasis is on general understanding of how these medications affect behavior, their mechanism of action, and common side effects. Prerequisite: PYCH-1600 General Psychology or permission of instructor.. PYCH-4400 Counseling Skills –Sp 3 hours Emphasis is on assisting individuals in ways of dealing with solving or transcending their problem situations. The methods and skills of helping others are investigated. PYCH-4640 3 hours Psychology Comprehensive Review –Fa, Su Reports and discussions of research literature in psychology. Required of all psychology majors during their senior year. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (Fee: $20) PYCH-4650 Special Topics Seminar 1–3 hours Various topics to be offered as interest demands. Available to students with special interests in psychology. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. PYCH-4700 Counseling Children –Fa 3 hours An in-depth analysis of the effects of genetic, family, and environmental factors on the developmental patterns of children. A special emphasis will be placed on behavioral disorders of dysfunctional families. PYCH-4950 Psychology Thesis –Fa, Sp 3 hours Provides opportunities for students to conduct an independent research project on a topic of interest and prepare a publishable paper under the supervision of an individual faculty advisor. (Fee: $20) PYCH-4960 Independent Study in Psychology 1–3 hours Independent research carried out by the advanced psychology student in an area of interest and usefulness to the student. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. PYCH-4990 Psychology Internship –Fa, Sp, Su 1–9 hours Junior and senior psychology majors may, with approval of the department, engage in psychological activity at a human service setting. One member of the Department of Psychology will supervise the student’s internship. The department will determine the number of credit hours that will be given for individual work experience. Repeatable to nine hours. Capstone course. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (Fee: $20) S Science Education (SCED) SCED-3110 Clinical Teaching in Science –Sp 1 hour This course is designed to provide preservice science teachers clinical experiences within grad 7–12 classrooms. Students are assigned to assist cooperating science teachers in facilitating student learning in science content and process skills. Preservice science teachers will plan instructional outcomes, teaching strategies and assessments for the experience and implement them in the local school science classroom. Prerequisites: teacher education core courses. SCED-3120 Teaching Science –Fa 3 hours Introduces prospective secondary school science teachers to the curriculum, materials, and methods of classroom and laboratory science teaching. Attention will be given to the philosophy and education psychology theories that are currently influencing science education and the methods of instruction that arise from these theories. Teacher education students participate in activities and complete assignments designed to provide experience in science lesson planning, acquisition of classroom and laboratory resources, and strategies of maintaining science laboratory safety. Prerequisite: admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Fee $100) Sport and Exercise Studies (SES) SES-4850 1–3 hours Independent Study in Sport and Exercise Studies –Fa, Sp Independent Study in the area of sport and exercise studies by students pursuing the sport and exercise studies major. Departmental approval is required. Course Descriptions | SES-4990 – SOC-2200 Page 265 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions PYCH-3700 – SES-4850