2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
SWK-3450 Junior Seminar II –Sp 1 hour and SWK-3460 Jr Field Experience II –Sp 3 hours Junior Field Experience II is the placement of students in a poverty-focused social service agency. Each student will be in field for a minimum of 75 hours, practicing eight hours weekly with clients and agency staff under the supervision of a qualified field instructor. Seminar class will meet once a week for one hour where the student will receive input from peers and faculty. The last four weeks will be one-hour orientation sessions designed to inform and equip the student to complete all assignments required before entering their senior field seminar. Prerequisite: admission to the social work program. Corequisite: It is recommended that SWK-3450 and SWK-3460 be taken concurrently. (Fee: $150) SWK-4210 3 hours Social Work Practice with Diverse Populations –Fa This course is the second part of a three-course sequence in acquiring values, skills, and knowledge of generalist social work practice. Intervention strategies for practice with a wide variety of populations will be presented, including people of different religions; women; lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgendered people; children and youth; the elderly; disabled; Appalachian; African Americans; Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; American Indians; Mexican Americans; Hispanics and Puerto Ricans; and refugees and immigrants. Prerequisite: admission to the social work program. (Fee: $15) SWK-4220 4 hours Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations –Sp Designed to complete the undergraduate program and thus equip the student for beginning professional social work practice. Focus is on competency in social work practice in multiple macro settings as a generalist in problem solving and social change. Prerequisites: admission to the social work program; SWK-4210 Social Work Practice with Diverse Populations. (Fee: $80) SWK-4440 Special Topics-Social Work 1–3 hours Investigation of specific topics in Social Work that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. SWK-4510 Senior Seminar I –Fa 2 hours and SWK-4560 Senior Field Experience I –Fa 6 hours This course offers students the opportunity to practice social work 16 hours weekly with professional supervision. A seminar is held two hours weekly in which students submit their own practice record for critical study and offer feedback to their peers. Emphasis is placed on the integration of students’ social work theoretical knowledge and skills as they enter the profession. Students must complete a minimum of 225 hours in field. Prerequisite: admission to the social work program. Corequisite: It is recommended that SWK-4510 and SWK-4560 be taken concurrently. (Fee: $250) SWK-4520 Senior Seminar II –Sp 2 hours and SWK-4570 Senior Field Experience II –Sp 6 hours These courses offer students the opportunity to practice social work 16 hours weekly, with professional supervision. A seminar is held two hours weekly in which students submit their own practice record for critical study and offer criticism to their peers. Emphasis is placed on the integration of the students’ social work theoretical knowledge and skills as they enter the profession. Students must complete a minimum of 225 hours in field. Prerequisite: admission to the social work program. Corequisites: It is recommended that SWK-4520 and SWK-4570 be taken concurrently. (Fee: $250) SWK-4610 Data Analysis –Fa 3 hours This course provides an introduction to the conceptual and quantitative tools used to describe and interpret data in the conduct of social work practice and research. Students learn how to select, calculate, analyze, and interpret statistics applicable to common social work situations related to direct practice, administration and planning, and policy making. Students will be able to recognize the statistical impact that race, gender, age, sexual orientation and other relevant variables have on many psycho-social-spiritual variables during computer labs using SPSS statistical software and current GSS database. Prerequisite: admission to the social work program or permission of the instructor; students must have satisfied Cedarville’s mathematics proficiency requirement before enrolling. SWK-4620 Social Work Research Methods –Sp 3 hours Designed to survey the basic process of research methods as practiced in the social sciences. Underlying principles of science and logic are emphasized and special attention is directed toward the recognition of common sources of error and bias in the implementation and interpretation of research studies as it affects the outcomes of research utilization. Students will be better prepared to recognize the impact of special population variables (age, race, gender, etc.) on the research process. Prerequisite: admission to the social work program. SWK-4950 1–3 hours Independent Study in Social Work Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. T Music Theory (THMU) THMU-1010 2 hours Introduction to Music Theory and Aural Skills –Fa An intensive study of the rudiments of music: notation, pitch, and rhythm. These elements will be explored with aural and written components. These credits may not be substituted for any other music course. (Fee: $30) THMU-1210 Music Theory I –Fa 3 hours A foundational study of the essential building blocks of music including chord analysis, harmony, voice leading, and form. Prerequisite: THMU-1010 Introduction to Theory or competency equivalency as shown by entrance examination. (Fee: $30) THMU-1220 Music Theory II –Sp 3 hours A continuation of Theory I with an in-depth exploration of part-writing, seventh chords, and elementary chromaticism. Prerequisite: THMU-1210 Music Theory I. (Fee: $30) THMU-1250 Contemporary Musicianship I –Sp 2 hours This course is designed to help students understand the structure of contemporary music. The class will also continue to develop written and aural musicianship studied in Introduction to Music Theory and Aural Skills. Prerequisites: THMU-1010 Introduction to Music Theory and Aural Skills. (Fee: $30) THMU-1310 Aural Skills I –Fa 2 hours Introduction to techniques of basic aural musicianship, including singing, recognizing, and dictating intervals and chords within the diatonic major and minor systems by “guide tone” numeric scale degree method. Corequisite: THMU-1210 Music Theory I. Course Descriptions | THMU-2260 – THTR-1480 Page 270 2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions SWK-3450 – THMU-1310
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