2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Getting Started Weekend “Getting Started” takes place at the start of each semester, when new students are provided with opportunities designed to facilitate adjustments to their new surroundings. The program includes orientation for parents. Special interest sessions, question and answer times, small group meetings, and social activities provide opportunities to adjust to a new environment. Placement testing may be required during orientation. Vehicles There are no restrictions on vehicle registration. Please understand that parking is limited and upperclassmen are given priority. All vehicles parked on campus must be registered at cedarville.edu/campussafety . Ministry Opportunities Cedarville University is dedicated to ministry involvement as a vital part of each student’s education and spiritual growth. Students are challenged to consider how their academic disciplines, interests, and abilities can be used to build relationships to share the Gospel with the people God intentionally places in their lives. Directed by the Associate Vice President for Christian Ministries and coordinated through 14 full-time staff members, Christian Ministries provides training and assistance to the hundreds of students who volunteer each year. Chapel
 It has been said that the heartbeat of Cedarville University is the daily chapel service held in the James T. Jeremiah Chapel. At 10 a.m. each morning, the auditorium comes alive as the University gathers to worship, pray, hear from God’s Word, and contemplate relevant issues facing the body of Christ today. Chapel is a place for students to grow and connect as speakers inspire and challenge the University family. Many students participate in one of the many chapel bands that lead worship each day, or work in a production support role. Alumni often mention chapel as one of the things they miss most after graduation. You can watch chapel live weekdays by going to cedarville.edu/chapellive . Church Relations Church Relations seeks to engage Christ-centered churches and their leadership in order to build and strengthen strategic and reciprocal relationships, connect churches to the resources of Cedarville University, and promote student involvement in local churches. This engagement occurs through a number of activities and efforts. • Pastor Appreciations Notes — Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to express appreciation for their pastors. Personal notes and postcards are used in this annual effort. • Annual Conferences — Church Relations sponsors or supports Cedarville conferences designed to equip and strengthen local churches, such as the annual Pastors Conference, Worship 4:24, and other events, addressing a variety of issues facing the church. • Regional and National Conferences — Church Relations represents the University at a number of regional and national conferences. • Pastor Recommendation and Church Match Scholarships are a way Cedarville partners with churches in support of young people who attend Cedarville. Discipleship Ministries Discipleship Ministries seeks to create opportunities that foster and flourish 2 Timothy 2:2 relationships, where as a result of walking together, students grow in their relationship with Christ as well as their ability to train others to do the same. Nearly one-third of the student body is involved in upperclassman-led Bible studies. These groups meet weekly throughout the school year and create an atmosphere for spiritual growth through accountability, prayer, open discussion, and loving community. Every fall, students can sign up to join a group. Fit To Be Tied is another strategic ministry specifically targeting seriously dating or engaged student-couples. Couples meet regularly with their mentor couple throughout the school year as well as attending five relevant seminars focused on building Christ- honoring marriages. cedarville.edu/discipleship Tied and True exists to cultivate marriages that adorn the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This ministry is a complement to our Fit to be Tied program and seeks to provide guidance and mentoring to our newly married student-couples. The program has two major components: specific small groups for both husbands and wives as well as group panel discussions on topics vital to building strong, biblical marriages that point to Christ. Global Outreach — Local Students reach out to their neighbors through local churches, community outreach teams, using their resources, talents, and time to live out the Gospel while serving others. Cedarville University is located in a region known as the Miami Valley. The cities of Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati are close by, as well as many smaller communities. Dozens of student-led teams serve faithfully in these local communities and churches each week. • Local Church Teams — students serve alongside church members in many areas such as worship/music, youth ministries, children’s ministries, Awana, nursery, etc. • Local Outreach Teams — students serve in various agencies and faith-based organizations, including crisis pregnancy/ abstinence, evangelism/urban, youth and children, jail/ detention, refugee, and special needs ministries. Global Outreach — Domestic Students have opportunity to join a weeklong team, often over a break, to serve along with ministries in various cities, such as Memphis, New York, Dearborn, and Chicago, seeking to share the Gospel in the inner city, refugee outreach, and practical children’s programs. Global Outreach — International Proclaiming the Gospel to the nations while experiencing missions firsthand, our students reach out around the world. Each year during breaks and in the summer, hundreds of students serve assisting missionaries while also discerning God’s direction in their lives. Participants raise their own financial and prayer support prior to leaving and report on their ministries upon returning. Since 1971, over 7,200 participants have served in 91 countries. 2020–21 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 7 Introduction Ministry Opportunities