2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Science Education (SCED) SCED-3120 Teaching Science –Fa 3 hours This course presents the professional knowledge, skills, methods, and instructional strategies required for teaching adolescent and young adult science, based on Ohio Educator Standards and NSTA science teacher preparation standards within the context of a biblical framework. Emphasis will be given to the facilitation of learning and innovation skills for adolescents and young adult students. Prerequisite: admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Fee $100) Department of Social Work Course Descriptions Social Work (SWK) SWK-1100 Total Immersion Experience –Sp 1 hour This course is available to all students interested in the helping professions. It is primarily a course designed for social work students who will receive a pre-professional experience in social work. The student’s participation will be in a social service agency, “shadowing” a social worker who has a degree in social work or who is licensed in social work. (Fee: $60) SWK-2330 Introduction to Social Work –Fa, Sp 3 hours Introduction to Social Work introduces the social work profession and a variety of fields of social work practice. It includes a study of the historical development of social work. Content will emphasize an overview of the biblical foundation for the social work profession. Crosslisted as SOC or SWK. (Fee: $55) SWK-2350 Field Survey –Fa, Sp 2 hours Experiential learning through visitation and observation of social workers and intradisciplinary teams in agency settings. It also provides exposure to fields of social work practice, the role of social work, and the agency structure. There is a special emphasis on understanding a biblical view of the diverse populations social workers serve. A series of field trips will provide students with an understanding of agency structure, the role of a social worker in a variety of settings, generalist social work practice, the dynamics of giving and taking help, and how to establish a professional helping relationship. Does not count toward social science elective for general education. (Fee: $40) SWK-2500 Social Work with Aging Populations –Fa 3 hours This course is designed to complete the undergraduate program and thus equip the student for beginning professional social work practice with the elderly population. Focus is on knowledge of the issues related to aging, exposure to the different types of social work and agencies that service the elderly and the varied social work careers related to serving the aged. The course will examine aging, the role of caregiving, grief, death, and dying from a biblical worldview. SWK-2820 Social Work in Mental Health Settings –Sp 3 hours This course will provide an exposure to contemporary issues of social work practice in mental health settings, with an emphasis on a biblical worldview. This is a survey course and will critically examine the system of care and issues that currently exist for individuals, families, and communities in the field of mental health. SWK-2840 3 hours Concepts of Chemical Dependency –Fa Available to all students. This course presents an overview of the social, economic, political, legal, spiritual, and ethical considerations concerning the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs in our culture. A primary emphasis of the course includes application of a biblical perspective to assess use of various philosophies and perspectives on drugs and abuse. Treatment and prevention options for individuals and families will be discussed. Crosslisted as CRJU, PYCH, SOC, or SWK. SWK-2900 Ethics in the Helping Professions –Sp 3 hours This course is designed to introduce the student to current issues and ethical dilemmas confronting professional helpers. The course encourages development of critical thinking skills by looking at dilemmas from a multifaceted point of view keeping in mind the ramifications decisions have on practice, services, and clients. Students learn to address delimmas by drawing upon Scripture, professional values, and ethical principles as presented in the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, as well as codes of ethics from other helping professions. The importance of human rights, justice, and mercy are incorporated throughout the course content. Crosslisted as SOC or SWK. SWK-3010 3 hours Human Behavior and the Social Environment –Fa, Sp This course will provide a biblical assessment of social work theories to assist in understanding human behavior with families, groups, organizations, and communities. Emphasis will be placed on holistic human relationships that have the capacity to be influenced by biological, psychological, social, spiritual, and cultural dimensions. Prerequisite: admission to the social work program. SWK-3020 3 hours Generalist Social Work Practice with Groups –Fa, Sp This course provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of theories, methods, and skills in relation to generalist practice with social work groups. Students explore the use of groups as a modality throughout scripture. Students examine cultural values of individuals and the influence of those values on the group process. Prerequisite: admission to the program or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $45) SWK-3110 Social Welfare Programs and Policy –Fa, Sp 3 hours This course examines social welfare policies and programs in relation to their effects on specific populations in society. Social policy is crucial to the way social workers are called upon to advocate for their clients in diverse settings. This course challenges students to examine the role of various levels of governmental policy and our roles as believers in Christ. Students gain this perspective through evaluating and analyzing current social policies and the provision of services. The course considers questions of social choice and the underlying criteria for the funding and delivery of social services. Policy analysis will be a major focus. Prerequisite: admission to the social work program. (Fee: $35) SWK-3210 4 hours Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families –Fa,Sp This 4-hour course is designed to introduce the student to social work practice from a generalist’s perspective. This course will help the student integrate knowledge and theory with agency practice. Emphasis will be given to the basic principles and values of practice as well as the skill development essential to beginning social work relationships. The student should emerge with a foundation in the basic core of concepts, methodology, and values along with an ability to examine his/her own practice. The primary focus of this course is social work ethics, the worker/client relationship, and interviewing skills. Prerequisites: admission to the social work program. 2021–22 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 305 Course Descriptions SCED-3120 – SWK-3210 SOCIAL WORK