2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

BIO-3200 Advanced Ecology–Fa 3 hours An advanced study of fundamental concepts of ecology across the organizational hierarchy from gene to globe. Emphasis will be placed on the topics of biodiversity, biogeography, biogeochemistry, evolution, and conservation with respect to a biblical environmental stewardship ethic in the face of global environmental change. Two hours lecture and one two-hour lab per week. Course includes a travel study experience to the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Crosslist with ENVS-3200. Prerequisites: BIO-2600 General Ecology or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $100) BIO-3300 Genetics–Fa 4 hours This is an integrative course of the areas of classical and molecular genetics. Focus on the principles of heredity in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, which includes the understanding of transmission genetics on a molecular level. The molecular nature of genes, including gene expression, mutations, and manipulation of DNA will be emphasized. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO-1115 Biology I: Cell Biology. (Fee: $100) BIO-3410 Parasitology and Invertebrate Zoology–Fa 3 hours This course provides an overview of the invertebrate parasites commonly found in domestic animals, wildlife and humans. Also included in the course is the role of invertebrates in ecological monitoring. An integrative approach to invertebrate taxonomy, ecology, morphology and physiology is presented. Field collecting is used to learn the principles of classification and to study local biodiversity. Prerequisite: BIO-1120 Biology II: Zoology. (Fee: $100) (even years) BIO-3420 4 hours Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and Physiology–Sp This course provides an investigation of the diversity among the vertebrate classes with an emphasis on mammals. The anatomy and physiology of the vertebrate body systems are examined to understand the continuity and discontinuity present within and among the groups. Three lectures and on three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO-1120 Biology II: Zoology. (Fee: $100) BIO-3430 3 hours Conservation Biology for Wildlife and Zoos–Fa This course will engage in an exploration of the theories and practices of conservation biology for wildlife and zoos. The class will address stewardship through the study of population dynamics, public policy, ethics of conservation, spatial distribution and analysis, habitat, biodiversity, and other current issues in the field. Students will also learn to identify birds and amphibians. Prerequisites: BIO-1120 Biology II: Zoology; BIO-2500 General Botany, BIO-2600 General Ecology. (even years) (Fee: $100) BIO-3450 Human Structure and Function I–Fa 4 hours Study of the structure and function of the human body with an emphasis on body systems. Includes human tissues, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO-1115 Biology I: Cell Biology. (Fee: $100) BIO-3460 Human Structure and Function II–Sp 4 hours Study of the structure and function of the human body systems, including cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and renal systems. Laboratory focuses on physiological phenomena. Three lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: BIO-3450 Human Structure and Function I. (Fee: $100) BIO-3510 Plant Physiology–Sp 3 hours A study of the physiological aspects of vascular plants with emphasis upon plant-soil water relationships, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis, and plant growth and development. Two lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO-2500 General Botany. (Fee: $100) (odd years) BIO-3520 Plant Taxonomy–Sp 3 hours A study of the naming and classification of common vascular plants with emphasis upon field identification in the context of plant community and taxonomic family, plant collecting and herbarium techniques, and the importance of plants in global stewardship and missions. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Includes a travel study opportunity during spring break. Prerequisite: BIO-2500 General Botany. (Fee: $100) (even years) BIO-3530 Agricultural Science–Sp 3 hours A study of soil, plant, and animal systems in modern agricultural production and management. Emphasis will be placed on genetic improvement, nutrition, growth and development, resource management, and agricultural products in the global marketplace. Prerequisites: BIO-1120 Biology II: Zoology; BIO-2500 General Botany; BIO-2600 General Ecology. (Fee:$100) (odd years) BIO-3600 Environmental Ethics–Sp 3 hours An introductory study of ethical systems that addresses the relationship and responsibility of humankind toward the natural world. Emphasis will be upon the biblical environmental stewardship ethic and its application to contemporary environmental issues. Three lectures per week. Prerequisites: One semester of biology; junior status; permission of instructor. (odd years) BIOA-3600 Topics in Environmental Biology–Sp, Su 4 hours Enrollment in this course signifies that the student has chosen to enroll in two or more Au Sable Institute courses in an upcoming term taught by faculty of various evangelical Christian colleges and universities. Course descriptions of the more than 20 Cedarville-approved Au Sable courses are available in the Au Sable Institute Bulletin available from the department Au Sable representative or at the Au Sable website. Enrollment begins when the student contacts the University Au Sable representative. Appropriate course titles will appear on the student’s transcript with letter grades when the studies are completed. More information on Au Sable Institute is available under Travel Studies Opportunities or at ausable.org. Prerequisite: acceptance to attend Au Sable Institute. BIO-3610 Ecophysiology–Fa 3 hours A study of the physiological characteristics of organisms that permit them to be successful in various environmental conditions. This course includes both field and laboratory studies focusing on both warm and cold environments, and covers material from cells to ecosystems. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIO-1120 Biology II: Zoology; BIO-2500 General Botany, BIO-2600 General Ecology. (odd years) (Fee: $100) BIO-3710 Biochemistry–Sp 4 hours A study of the chemical and physical properties of macromolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, and the metabolic pathways, enzyme kinetics, and thermodynamics associated with these molecules. Three lectures and one lab per week. Prerequisites: BIO-1115 Biology I: Cell Biology; CHEM-3510 Organic Chemistry I. (Fee: $150) BIO-3800 Biological Research–Fa, Sp 2 hours Student participate in an inquiry-based research project under the direction of a faculty mentor. The project stresses methods of science including literature reviews, experimental design, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation and communication of the results. The research project may be geared toward completion of the senior seminar capstone experience. Prerequisites: Sophomore status; permission of instructor. (Fee: $150) Page 222 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions BIO-3200 – BIO-3800