2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

BTNT-3120 3 hours New Testament 2: Acts and New Testament Epistles–Sp Study of the canonical texts of Acts, Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude. Attention is also given to the historical, theological, and literary structural considerations for the books. Drawing on the texts, contemporary implications will also be addressed. Prerequisite: BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature or permission of the instructor. (dual-listed with BTNT-6120 New Testament 2: Acts and new Testament Epistles) BTNT-3130 New Testament 3: Pauline Literature–Fa 3 hours Study of the canonical texts of Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Attention is also given to the historical, theological, and literary structural considerations for the books. Drawing on the texts, contemporary implications will also be addressed. Prerequisite: BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature or permission of the instructor. (dual-listed with BTNT-6130 New Testament 3: Pauline Literature) (even years) BTNT-3140 3 hours New Testament 4: Johannine Literature–Sp Study of the canonical texts of the Gospel of John, 1–3 John, and Revelation. Attention is also given to the historical, theological, and literary structural considerations for the books. Drawing on the texts, contemporary implications will also be addressed. Prerequisite: BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature or permission of the instructor. (dual-listed with BTNT-6140 New Testament 4: Johannine Literature) BTNT-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in New Testament–Fa, Sp, Su Student will investigate a significant topic or Scripture passage of special interest with a view toward integration of knowledge. BTNT-4990 Selected Studies in the New Testament 1–3 hours Selected studies in a New Testament book or specific grouping of books. Repeatable with different books or groupings. Prerequisites: BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of instructor. (dual-listed with BTNT-6150 Exposition of New Testament Book) Bible and Theology: Old Testament (BTOT) BTOT-3140 Psalms–Fa 3 hours Examination of the book of Psalms with special attention given to the various types of psalms and their application to life. Prerequisites: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature or permission of the instructor. BTOT-3150 Wisdom Literature–Sp 3 hours Examination of the books of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. Special attention is given to their literary qualities and practical applications for today. Prerequisites: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. BTOT-3110 Old Testament 1: Pentateuch–Fa 3 hours Study of the canonical texts of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Attention is also given to the historical, theological, and literary structural considerations for the books. Drawing on the texts, contemporary implications will also be addressed. Prerequisite: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature or permission of the instructor. (dual-listed with BTOT-6110 Old Testament 1: Pentateuch) BTOT-3210 Old Testament 2: Former Prophets–Sp 3 hours Study of the canonical texts of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings. Attention is also given to the historical, theological, and literary structural considerations for the books. Drawing on the texts, contemporary implications will also be addressed. Prerequisites: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature or permission of the instructor. (dual-listed with BTOT-6120 Old Testament 2: Former Prophets) BTOT-3310 Old Testament 3: Latter Prophets–Fa 3 hours Study of the canonical texts of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Attention is also given to the historical, theological, and literary structural considerations for the books. Drawing on the texts, contemporary implications will also be addressed.. Prerequisites: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. (duallisted with BTOT-6130 Old Testament 3: Latter Prophets) BTOT-3410 Old Testament 4: Writings–Sp 3 hours Study of the canonical texts of Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 and 2 Chronicles. Attention is also given to the historical, theological, and literary structural considerations for the books. Drawing on the texts, contemporary implications will also be addressed. Prerequisite: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. (dual-listed with BTOT6140 Old Testament 4: Writings) BTOT-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Old Testament–Fa, Sp, Su Students will investigate a significant topic or a Scripture passage of special interest with a view toward integration of knowledge. BTOT-4990 1–3 hours Selected Studies in the Old Testament–Fa, Sp Selected studies in an Old Testament book or specific grouping of books. Repeatable with different books or groupings. Prerequisites: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature or permission of instructor. (dual-listed with BTOT-6150 Exposition of Old Testament Book) Bible and Theology: Philosophy and Apologetics (BTPA) BTPA-2200 Introduction to Philosophy–Fa, Sp 3 hours Survey of the principle issues in Western philosophy, covering such areas as epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, and the major systems of philosophy. BTPA-2240 Logic–Fa 3 hours Study of the principles of correct and fallacious reasoning involved in traditional logic and modern logic. (even years) BTPA-2250 Ethics–Fa 3 hours Study and evaluation of the major theories of goodness, obligation, and motive and the development of a consistent Christian ethical system, together with the application of ethical theories to contemporary moral problems. BTPA-2260 World Religions–Fa, Sp 3 hours An introduction to the teachings and practices of the major world religions along with a Christian response to these religions. BTPA-3240 Epistemology–Fa 3 hours Study of the nature, sources, types, tests, and limits of human knowledge. Prerequisite: BTPA-2200 Introduction to Philosophy. BTPA-3250 Philosophy of Religion–Sp 3 hours Analysis of the major philosophical problems relating to religion as these have arisen in the modern intellectual environment. Prerequisite: BTPA-2200 Introduction to Philosophy. (dual-listed with BTPA-6250 Philosophy of Religion) BTPA-3280 Metaphysics–Sp 3 hours Study of selected topics in metaphysics, including the mindbody problem, substance, qualities and universals, identity, space and time, causation, and freedom and determinism. Prerequisite: BTPA-2200 Introduction to Philosophy. (odd years) BTPA-3310 3 hours History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy–Fa Survey of men and movements in Greek and Christian philosophy from Thales to Aquinas. Selected, representative writings of the philosophers will be read. Prerequisite: BTPA-2200 Introduction to Philosophy. (odd years) 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 231 Course Descriptions BTNT-3120 – BTPA-3310