2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

BTPA-3320 History of Modern Philosophy–Sp 3 hours Study of the principle philosophers from Descartes through Nietzsche. The development of rationalism and empiricism with the Kantian synthesis and its results will be emphasized. Prerequisite: BTPA-2200 Introduction to Philosophy. (odd years) BTPA-3330 Contemporary Philosophy–Fa 3 hours Survey of significant European and American philosophies of the 19th and 20th centuries covering philosophical developments from Hegelianism to analytic philosophy. Prerequisite: BTPA-2200 Introduction to Philosophy. (even years) BTPA-3450 Biblical Apologetics–Sp 3 hours Study of theological and philosophical arguments for the Christian faith. Emphasis on biblical revelation and its use in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel in historical sources and contemporary settings. Prerequisite: BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. (dual-listed with BTPA6450 Christian Apologetics) BTPA-3500 Current Religious Movements–Sp 3 hours Survey of new religious movements with attention given to their history, beliefs, and practices, as well as to critical assessment and appropriate response. Prerequisites: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor. BTPA-4030 Philosophy and Literature–Sp 2 hours Course will be divided into two sections. The first will focus on philosophy of literature, exploring literary theory, hermeneutics, and literature as a work of art. The second part of the course will examine philosophy in literature, looking at the ways in which philosophical ideas are expressed through the medium of literature. (even years) BTPA-4290 Topics in Philosophy–Sp 1–3 hours Various topics offered as interest demands. For majors in philosophy. Permission of instructor required for non-majors and minors. BTPA-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Philosophy–Fa, Sp, Su The student will investigate a significant topic of philosophy of special interest with a view toward integration of knowledge. BTPA-4910 Seminar in Philosophy–Fa 3 hours Senior course in which students will demonstrate their knowledge of philosophy and the integration of philosophy with Scripture and the liberal arts. This will be accomplished through guided research, critical thinking, and demonstration of oral and written skills. Course will be taken during the year immediately prior to graduation. Capstone course. Credit/no credit. Business Administration (BUS) BUS-1000 The Business Profession–Fa, Sp 2 hours Provides a broad and comprehensive introduction to the field of business and encourages students to discover their calling to ministry in the marketplace. Includes an introduction to the academic requirements of the program and provides opportunity for practical experience in the field of business. (Fee $25) BUS-2100 Business Communication–Fa, Sp 3 hours Instruction for writing business letters, memos, email, and business reports. Oral business presentations, group collaboration, and the communication process in general are also discussed. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. BUS-2150 Statistics for Business–Fa, Sp 3 hours An introduction to statistical methods used in business decision- making including descriptive statistics, probability, probability distributions, interval estimation, hypothesis tests involving variances, t-tests, Chi-square tests, F-tests, regression models, and time series. Prerequisite: GMTH-1020 College Algebra. BUS-2170 Introduction to Business Analytics–Sp 3 hours This course will expose students to the data analytics practices executed in the business world. Key areas include the analytical process; how data is created, stored, accessed; and how the organization works with data and creates the environment in which analytics can flourish. The course will explore the use of statistical programming languages and packages to perform data analysis. This course also provides a basis for going deeper into advanced investigative and computational methods. Prerequisites: ITM-2100 Database Management ; BUS-2150 Statistics for Business. (even years BUS-2180 Business Law I–Fa, Sp 3 hours Examines the legal environment in which business operates. The course begins by surveying various sources of law and related ethical principles, and the structure and function of the judicial system. The remainder of the course addresses substantive areas of law, typically including torts, contracts, warranty and consumer protection, agency and employment, business entities, antitrust, intellectual property, and environmental law. BUS-3000 The Business Experience–Fa, Sp 1 hour This course is to prepare the business student to transition into the work world upon graduation. Topics and experiences include: résumé writing, interviewing, networking, internships, and business etiquette. (Fee $25). BUS-3150 Operations Analysis–Fa, Sp 3 hours Introduces mathematical methods of decision analysis. Topics include probability, forecasting, decision under uncertainty, decision trees, inventory models, linear programming, and networks. Prerequisite: BUS-2150 Statistics for Business. BUS-3180 Business Law II–Sp 3 hours Continues the study of the legal environment in which business operates, with particular focus on topics covered on the CPA exam. Typical course content includes sales, negotiable instruments, secured transactions, bankruptcy, partnerships, securities regulation, real and personal property, wills and trusts, and insurance. Prerequisite: BUS-2180 Business Law I. BUS-3280 3 hours Integrated Business Core Practicum–Fa Guided by faculty, students will organize and operate a business for the semester and also plan and complete a community service project. Students in this course will apply concepts learned in prerequisite and corequisite courses in establishing a business venture. Prerequisites: MRKT-3600 Principles of Marketing; Corequisites: MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; FIN-3710 Principles of Finance (corequisite courses taken concurrently as a block). BUS-3400 1–3 hours Independent Study in Business Administration–Fa, Sp, Su Research in problems of accounting, management information systems, general business, economics, finance, management, or marketing. BUS-3410 Topics in Business–Fa, Sp, Su 1–3 hours A variety of courses are covered under this heading on an experimental basis. This allows the department to meet the changing needs of the students without formally adding or dropping courses. (crosslisted with ENTR-3410 Topics in Entrepreneurship; ITM-3410 Topics in Information Technology Management) BUS-3450 Business Internship 3–12 hours A work-study program designed for junior and senior business administration majors to receive a variety of job-related experiences in a business environment. The program is arranged and administered by the department. Page 232 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions BTPA-3320 – BUS-3450