2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

EGME-4530 Advanced Mechanics of Materials–Fa 3 hours Advanced treatment of stress and strain including coordinate transformations, the eigenvalue problem, Mohr’s circle and linear constitutive equations. Failure theories and energy methods, including Castigliano’s theorems, are studied; applications to classical topics including analysis of beams with non-symmetrical sections, non-circular torsion, thin-wall beams, and beams on elastic foundations. Prerequisite: EGME-2530 Statics and Mechanics of Materials. (odd years) EGME-4550 Continuum Mechanics–Fa 3 hours Continuum Mechanics is a discipline of physics that deals with both solid and fluid continuous matter. This course establishes the fundamental mechanical and kinematic equations that are valid for all continuous media using the laws of physics including the conservation of mass, momentum and energy and the concepts of stress and kinematics of deformation. Constitutive equations which describe the behavior of specific idealized materials (e.g. perfectly elastic solid, viscous fluid) are also developed. Topics include: continuum assumptions, essential mathematics, stress principles, kinematics of deformation and motion, balance laws and constitutive theory. Prerequisites: EGME-2410 Properties of Engineering Materials; PHYS-2120 General Physics II; MATHDifferential Equations. (even years) EGME-4560 Biomechanics and Biomaterials–Sp 3 hours Introduction to biomechanics of the human body, reactions of biological tissue and synthetic materials to load, and the biomechanics of biomaterials. Advanced mechanical analysis of rigid and deformable bodies and fluid mechanics applied to bone, muscle, connective tissue and blood. This course will provide foundational knowledge to the engineering student for occupations in medical device manufacturing, health and sport sciences industries, and advanced fields of study. Prerequisites: EGME2410 Properties of Engineering Materials; PHYS-2120 General Physics II and MATH-2740 Differential Equations. (odd years) EGME-4610 Dynamics of Machines–Fa 3 hours Dynamic analysis of machines and mechanisms; Newton’s laws of motion, energy methods, force analysis, shaking forces, static and dynamic balancing, engine dynamics, multi-cylinder engines, and cam dynamics. Prerequisite: EGME-3610 Kinematics and Design of Machines. EGME-4660 Principles of Automatic Controls–Fa 3 hours Introduction to theoretical and experimental analysis of classical analog feedback control systems with emphasis on modeling, transfer function formulation, frequency response, root locus, Bodé plots, stability, and compensator design. Three lecture hours and one two-hour laboratory or recitation per week; design project required. Prerequisite: EGEE-2050 Circuits and Instrumentation. (Fee: $100) EGME-4710 Vibrations–Sp 3 hours Free and forced vibrations of mechanical systems having lumped mass and elasticity, single and multiple degree-of-freedom systems, matrix formulation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, normal mode theory, Laplace Transform, dissipative systems, introduction to random, continuous, nonlinear vibrations, and engineering applications. Prerequisite: EGME-2630 Dynamics. (Fee: $15) EGME-4720 Vibrations Lab–Sp 1 hour Laboratory experiments to demonstrate and support EGME4710 Vibrations; function and calibration of instrumentation and motion detection transducers, measuring the frequency response and impulse response function, electrodynamic shakers, instrumentation, Fast Fourier Transform, spectral analysis, and experience using a commercial FFT analyzer. One two-hour laboratory per week. Pre- or Corequisite: EGME-4710 Vibrations. (Fee: $100) EGME-4750 3 hours Random Vibrations and Signature Analysis Introduction to vibration analysis of discrete and continuous systems to random excitation, harmonic vibration, transient response, convolution integral, Laplace and Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform, random variables, coherence, correlation, auto- and cross-correlation, power spectral density, transfer function, and modal analysis; experience using a commercial FFT analyzer. Design project required. Prerequisite: EGME-4710 Vibrations. (Fee: $100) EGME-4810 3 hours Mechanical Engineering Senior Design I–Fa This is the senior capstone design project for mechanical engineers. Student teams work independently on a design project to find a solution consistent with stated specifications using principles studied in previous courses. Work in this semester includes writing the proposal and performing background research and preliminary design. Students conduct a mid-term design review and end-of-semester oral and written presentation. Projects are advised by a faculty committee; course includes weekly written progress reports and meetings with the faculty project advisor. Prerequisites: EGME-3850 Mechanical Design; EGME-3610 Kinematics and Design of Machines; EGME-3150 Heat Transfer; EGME-3020 Mechanical Engineering Lab II; and senior status. (Fee: $100) EGME-4820 3 hours Mechanical Engineering Senior Design II–Sp A continuation of EGME-4810, emphasizing detailed design, prototyping, troubleshooting, design modifications, project completion, reporting, and oral presentation. Students submit written progress reports and attend meetings each week with the faculty project advisor, conduct an oral presentation, and prepare the final report. Prerequisite: EGME-4810 Mechanical Engineering Senior Design I. (Fee: $100) EGME-4950 1–3 hours Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering–Sp Selected topics in mechanical engineering at the 4000-level that expand the depth of existing 3000- and 4000-level courses or expose the students to advanced concepts not taught in other courses. Topics may be proposed by the engineering faculty or students. Prerequisite: instructor’s permission. English (ENG) ENG-0900 Composition Workshop–Fa, Sp 1 hour This course prepares students for university-level, academic writing by focusing on the rhetorical situation and exposing students to a wide variety of writing situations for which appropriate audiences, purposes, genres, stances, and mediums must be ascertained. The course aids students with various writing assignments by workshopping drafts in process for composition and other courses across the curriculum. While the rhetorical situation and writing process are emphasized, grammar will be a major focus as well. Corequisites: ENG-1400 Composition; or permission of instructor. ENG-1400 Composition–Fa, Sp 3 hours Designed to assist the student in developing the skills necessary to meet the demands of typical undergraduate writing situations. The course emphasizes critical reading, research, and argumentation, requiring students to apply the writing process, synthesize and document resources into academic discourse, incorporate common writing methods (description, analysis, exposition, and argumentation), and produce effective prose. (Fee: $25) Page 256 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions EGME-4530 – ENG-1400