2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

ENG-4230 Independent Study in English–Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Independent study in a selected field for students with special interests and demonstrated ability. Entrepreneurship (ENTR) ENTR-1010 Creative Problem-Solving–Fa, Sp 2 hours This course prepares students to understand and address two pressing issues in organizations today: how to recognize and create new opportunities and how to think more creatively within workplace environments. Students will be introduced to a number of tools, concepts, and approaches including human-centered design, ideation techniques, the importance of embracing ambiguity, personal responsibility, and the place of risk and failure in entrepreneurship, creativity, and life. (Fee:$20) ENTR-1020 Introduction to Entrepreneurship–Fa, Sp 2 hours This course introduces students to the opportunities and challenges associated with the creation and management of startup and small businesses. Students will learn about the Lean Startup framework, which allows founders to test, advance, and improve business ideas and meet important milestones. The course also provides an overview of small business concepts, including topics such as: how to recognize business opportunities, types and characteristics of entrepreneurship, the business life cycle, entrepreneurial economics, intellectual property, product and service research development and acquisition, and the use of technology. ENTR-2030 Entrepreneurial Finance–Sp 2 hours Entrepreneurial Finance differs from traditional corporate finance due to the way startups are founded and funded. This course lays out the financial decision-making process of founders, owners, and CEOs from early to late-stage ventures and covers financial techniques such as bootstrapping, venture capital, public grants, and crowd funding, etc. Students will learn capital table strategy, discover sources and types of venture funding, and calculate startup venture metrics and valuations. ENTR-2040 Social Enterprising–Fa, Sp 2 hours This course uses research and cases from both secular and faith-based organizations to understand the blending of business models and mission-focused purposes to solve social problems and further the Kingdom of God. The student will learn to identify opportunities, develop blended business approaches, avoid pitfalls, determine methods to raise capital, and plan a launch of their enterprise. ENTR-3010 3 hours Digital Marketing: Creating Content –Fa, Sp The rate at which customers shop and source information online is accelerating at a frenzied pace. Many companies — ranging from startups to established corporations — are unsure how to best engage these content-starved consumers and find themselves struggling to grow awareness and generate leads. This course reveals why and how many companies are compelled to supplement or replace traditional marketing methods with digital-style engagements and provides an immersive experience alongside the most common platforms and tactics used in social media marketing, content creation and automated marketing. (Fee:$20) ENTR-3020 Digital Marketing: Brand Advertising–Sp 3 hours Ensuring brands and products are easily found by customers requires both inbound and outbound methods backed by a solid web presence. Choosing the right channels and refining digital content allows companies to enjoy higher conversion rates while receiving the best ROI on advertising efforts. This class will evaluate the different E-commerce Platforms, how to optimize product information and explore the best SEO methods to ensure highest deliverability. Advertising through various PPC (pay-perclick) campaigns then evaluating metrics using assorted analytics software are also covered in this course. (Fee:$20) ENG-2020 2 hours Career Development for the English Major–Sp Course will orient students to the marketplace value of an English major. Topics will include skills and personality assessment, career exploration, and the development of a theology of vocation. ENG-2070 Fundamentals of English Grammar–Fa 3 hours This course is a foundational course for preservice language arts educators and is a prerequisite for Advanced Grammar. It covers forms and functions of words, pronoun/antecedent agreement, subject/verb agreement, and pedagogy. ENG-2120 3 hours History of Rhetorical Theory and Literary Criticism–Sp A study of the rich philosophic heritage of the West, this course is designed to familiarize students with the writers whose works have shaped rhetorical theory and led to the literary critical canon. We will examine three major questions: What are the functions of rhetoric and literature? What are the intersections between the two? How do we evaluate each? Featured writers will include Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Blair, Grimke, Cady Stanton, Burke, and Bakhtin. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. ENG-2230 Advanced Composition–Fa, Sp 3 hours An advanced treatment of the composing process, particularly related to the planning, drafting, revision, and final composition of essays. Writing workshops and peer evaluations are included. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. ENG-3010 Style and Mechanics for Writers–Fa, Sp, Su 3 hours Students will learn to apply reliable principles to make writing clear, concise, coherent, and cohesive. (Crosslisted with PWID3010 Style and Mechanics for Writers) Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. ENG-3060 The English Language–Fa 3 hours Historic treatment of the growth and change in the English language with some attention to the ideologies implicit in the development of variant conventions. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. ENG-3070 English Grammar–Fa, Sp 3 hours In this course, students will study the conventions of the English language, which include the grammar and syntax of standard English. Students will use Reed and Kellogg traditional sentence diagrams to analyze and to represent the syntax of English sentences. The course also includes discussions about contemporary usage. Required of all majors with English as a teaching field. Prerequisite for adolescent and young adult language arts majors only: ENG-2070 Fundamentals of English Grammar. ENG-3180 Visual Rhetoric–Fa,Sp 2 hours In this course, students will practice reading visuals as texts, as well as producing visuals that serve as effective texts by balancing ethos, pathos, and logos in ways persuasive to specific audiences. This course seeks to illuminate connections between contemporary visual practices and classical rhetorical theory. ENG-3200 Practicum in Writing Instruction–Sp 2 hours This course is designed to explore and practice the various methods and theories essential to the teaching of written expression. Course content includes discussion of and practice with the CCSS (Common Core) writing standards, the writing process, and assessment of student writing. ENG-3333 Internship–Sp 1–3 hours Department-approved work-study program for advanced English majors or minors to receive academic credit for a career development opportunity in a job related to an English field. ENG-3550 Writing Center Theory and Training–Fa, Sp 1 hour Designed to orient students to writing center theory and practice. Will train students for employment opportunities in the writing center. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition; permission of instructor. 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 257 Course Descriptions ENG-2020 – ENTR-3020