2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

HLMU-4990 Independent Study in Music History 1–3 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of music history for individual students who demonstrate special interests and abilities. Prerequisites: HLMU-3310, 3320 Music History I and II. HLMU-4980 Special Topics: Music History–Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Study of selected topics in music. Prerequisites: HLMU-3310 Music History I and HLMU-3320 Music History II or permission of instructor. Honors (HON) Freshman Humanities Sequence: HON-1010,1020 The Making of the Modern Mind 10 hours HON-1010 The Classical and Medieval Ages 5 hours This course explores the development of historical, religious, philosophical, and artistic movements from creation to the 16th century. Emphasis is given to historical influence between intellectual eras and biblical evaluation of historical worldviews. HON-1020 5 hours Renaissance, Reformation, and Revolutions This course explores the development of historical, religious, philosophical, and artistic movements from the 16th century to the present. Emphasis is given to historical influence between intellectual eras and biblical evaluation of historical worldviews. HON-3020 Honors Seminar 2 hours Investigation of special topics that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Seminars are focused on the liberal arts from an interdisciplinary perspective. Past offerings include: C.S. Lewis; Biblical Canon; Music and Nationalism; Change, Emergence, or Design?; and Human Personhood. This course is repeatable. Prerequisites: HON-1010 The Classical and Medieval Ages; HON-1020 Renaissance, Reformation, and Revolutions. HON-4900 Independent Study in Honors 1–3 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. Prerequisites: HON-1010 The Classical and Medieval Ages; instructor approval. HON-4910 Honors Senior Colloquium I 1 hour Development of a generic understanding of the integration of faith, learning, and life. HON-4920 Honors Senior Colloquium II 1 hour Development of a disciplinary understanding of the integration of faith, learning, and life. HON-4950 Honors Senior Project 1–2 hours The writing of an interdisciplinary research project. Humanities (HUM) HUM-1400 Introduction to the Humanities–Fa, Sp 3 hours Historical study of the relationship of music, art, and literature to the dominant cultural, religious, and philosophical trends and their relationship to Christian theism. (Fee:$75) HUM-2430 Enjoyment of Music–Fa 3 hours This course is designed to present a study of music by genre and chronology. It will focus on the art traditions in music. Students will become familiar with a wide variety of music literature and will learn to listen analytically. The primary goal will be to bring students as far as possible along the road to being music lovers. (Fee: $50) (even years) HUM-4980 Special Topics: Humanities–Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Study of selected topics in humanities. Industrial and Innovative Design (IDES) IDES-2000 History and Influences of Design–Sp 3 hours Survey of design from the 17th century to the present. The course highlights significant stages in the development and pivotal influences of design including technological advances, individual works, key movements, schools of thought, and approaches relative to time(s) and culture(s). Crosslisted with VCD. IDES-3110 Drawing in Dynamic Perspective I–Fa 3 hours This hands-on course includes lecture, demonstration, progressive hand-generated drawing exercises, and project work, all designed to reveal the hidden keys to training our creativity to perceive space and the geometry of space with greater authority. The principles of one-point and two-point perspective and related visual systems will be presented in a bold problem-solving format ranging in scale from the simple to the complex in order to accurately express our conceptual capabilities. Prerequisites: ART-2230 Three-Dimensional Design; VCD-1050 Applied Design; Tech Tools I. IDES-3120 Drawing in Dynamic Perspective II–Fa 3 hours Building on the visual authority and refined hand-drawing skills developed in Drawing in Dynamic Perspective I, this course explores in greater depth the application of advanced perspective principles in problem-solving scenarios for a diverse range of “core content” industrial design exercises. Prerequisite: IDES-3110 Drawing in Dynamic Perspective I. IDES-3210 Language of Line–Fa 4 hours Rapid visualization (Power Drawing) skills will be presented in lecture, demonstration, progressive hand-generated drawing exercises, and project work in an in-depth study of the “language of line” and how it generates visual confidence. The course analyzes the three keys to drawing authority: form, position and texture. Further, the course will place these elements into a process that will produce and solve design problems ranging from understanding basic volumes to successfully illustrating complex volumes through study of applied science, ergonomics, and ethics. Prerequisite: IDES-3120 Drawing in Dynamic Perspective II. IDES-3220 Innovative Media Systems–Fa 4 hours Through the use of the latest digital and traditional design tools, students will develop and demonstrate their previously learned skills and knowledge in industrial design, creative problem-solving, and visual communication techniques by way of market-relevant studio exercises, hands-on design labs, and experientiallearning projects. Prerequisite: IDES-3120 Drawing in Dynamic Perspective II. IDES-3310 3 hours Fundamentals of Surface Development I–Sp This study will introduce the principles of creating innovative shapes, forms, and volumes, and explore how they in turn influence manufacturing systems. Students will engage in using a variety of materials such as paper, structural foam, plastics, glass, wood, etc., to successfully convey a three-dimensional model interpretation. Prerequisite: IDES-3220 Innovative Media Systems. IDES-3320 3 hours Fundamentals of Surface Development II–Sp The principles of this course will expand the model-building skill base by working with an advanced palette of materials to successfully illustrate a set of three-dimensional models. Prerequisite: IDES-3310 Fundamentals of Surface Development I. IDES-3410 Three-Dimensional Composition–Sp 4 hours This course will lay the foundations for “finishing techniques” for modeling and act as an overview for the various software, hardware, hand-crafted, and artisan techniques required to gain a deeper appreciation of the visual impact potential of a finished model and/or prototype, and various presentation practices. Prerequisite: IDES-3320 Fundamentals of Surface Development II. 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 269 Course Descriptions HLMU-4990 – IDES-3410