2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

IDES-3420 Three-Dimensional Presentation–Sp 4 hours This course is the natural extension of three-dimensional composition. The course focuses on the critical importance of creating, defining, and implementing a series of two-dimensional sketch rendering ideas and converting those ideas into successful three-dimensional model series. Prerequisite: IDES-3410 ThreeDimensional Composition. IDES-4010 Consumer Product Design–Fa 4 hours This course is designed to focus on the development of the designer’s personal vision and preparation for careers in the area of product design. Completed solutions will be created by the candidates through concept sketches, renderings, layout studies, 3-D models, and a final, scale foam study. Prerequisite: IDES-3420 Three-Dimensional Presentation. IDES-4020 Interior Space Design–Fa 3 hours This course is designed to focus on the development of the designer’s personal vision and preparation for careers in the area of interior design. Completed solutions will be created by the candidates through the understanding of human scale, consumer product trends, human interaction, interface, ergonomics, traffic patterns, interior design materials, etc. Prerequisite: IDES-3420 Three-Dimensional Presentation. IDES-4030 Transportation Design–Fa 4 hours This course is designed to focus on the development of the designer’s personal and client visions and for preparation with the career choice of transportation design. Completed solutions will be created through concept sketches exploring the world of mobility (aircraft, watercraft, automobile, etc.) Prerequisite: IDES-3420 Three-Dimensional Presentation. IDES-4040 Architectural/Exterior Space Design–Fa 4 hours Architectural exterior space design concentrates on the discipline of developing the designer’s expertise in utilizing structural materials to create the next generation of architectural design systems. Projects will include glass, metals, stone, and a diverse vocabulary of other materials that integrate the creative process to build confidence for this vocational choice. Prerequisite: IDES-3420 Three-Dimensional Presentation. IDES-4200 4 hours Professional and Ethical Practices in Design–Sp Based on the previous semester’s exposure to various disciplines within the industrial and innovative design degree, the candidate will focus on an area of specialization and, with staff assistance, develop a thesis statement. Further, candidates will receive coaching from professionals and staff in the areas of design business ethics. Prerequisite: IDES-4040 Architectural/ Exterior Space Design. IDES-4300 3 hours Design Project: Selection Statement, Research, and Scope–Sp With staff and professional support, the candidates will embark on a research journey to discover real-world, market-applicable design solution research within a selected area of specialization. Prerequisite: IDES-4200 Professional and Ethical Practices in Design. IDES-4400 Design Project and Presentation–Sp 10 hours In this capstone course, candidates will be assisted in completing their portfolio presentation skills, business case development, professional practices, and receive a professional written and oral critique of their work. Prerequisite: IDES-4300 Design Project: Selection Statement, Research, and Scope. International Studies (INTL) INTL-2100 Global Issues–Sp 3 hours Analysis of the international issues that are shaping our contemporary and future world, ranging from terrorism, the environment, international crime, disease, and collapsing states to the digital revolution and the global economy. Prerequisite: GSS1100 Politics and American Culture. INTL-3040 3 hours History and Politics of the British Isles and Canada–Sp This course examines three countries: the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, and Canada. After an extensive topical history along with a discussion of major prime ministers who served in the 19th and 20th centuries, this course also investigates contemporary issues including foreign policy, recent political debates, secessionist problems in Scotland and Quebec, membership in the European Union, and the ongoing structural changes to government. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, and POLS. (odd years) INTL-3080 History of Russia and Eastern Europe–Fa 3 hours See course description for GEO-3080 History of Russia and Eastern Europe. (even years) INTL-3200 History and Politics of Latin America–Fa 3 hours See course description for GEO-3200 History and Politics of Latin America. (odd years) INTL-3210 History and Politics of East Asia–Fa 3 hours See course description for GEO-3210 History and Politics of East Asia. (even years) INTL-3220 History and Politics of the Middle East–Sp 3 hours See course description for GEO-3220 History and Politics of the Middle East. INTL-3230 History and Politics of Western Europe–Sp 3 hours See course description for GEO-3230 History and Politics of Western Europe. (even years) INTL-3400 History of American Foreign Policy–Fa 3 hours American statesmen have defended the principles of their government and the rights of American citizens in a world of empires and nation-states. This course provides an overview of controversies over independence and imperialism, modern tyranny and regime change, which have marked U.S. foreign policy from the founding to the present day. Crosslisted as HIST or POLS. Prerequisite: GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture. (even years) INTL-3650 International Relations–Fa 3 hours A survey of contemporary international affairs and principles of interstate relations, focusing on forces that unite and divide our world. Crosslisted as INTL or POLS. INTL-3790 Comparative Politics–Fa 3 hours This course will familiarize students with major historical developments, political debates, and scholarly research in the subfield of comparative politics. Particular emphasis will be placed on topics of the modern state, nationalism, economic development, political culture and ideology, identity structure, regime types, regime transitions, and comparative political economy. Crosslisted as POLS or INTL. INTL-4050 3 hours Diplomacy of the Major Powers–Sp See course description for HIST-4050 Diplomacy of the Major Powers. Crosslisted as HIST, INTL, or POLS INTL-4160 International and Domestic Terrorism–Sp 3 hours In-depth study of terrorism, focusing worldwide and domestically. An intensive examination of ongoing international conflicts, narco-terrorism, eco-terrorism, cyber-terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, geographical trouble spots, enemies of the United States, terrorism-counter-terrorism theory and options, terrorism history, law, civil liberties, and Homeland Security. Crosslisted as CRJU and INTL. Page 270 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions IDES-3420 – INTL-4160