2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

LIT-4230 Independent Study in Literature–Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Independent study in a selected field for students with special interests and demonstrated ability. Upper-level literature courses cannot be used as a substitution for the general education literature requirement. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-4310 Literary Theory–Fa 3 hours A study of theoretical literary contexts. Special consideration will be given to economic, political, psychological, linguistic and cultural contexts. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-4420 European Novel–Sp 3 hours Study of the 19th- and 20th-century influences on the novel from Dostoevsky to Camus. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. (even years) LIT-4450 Milton: Poetry and Selected Prose–Fa 3 hours A study of Milton’s early poetry, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes, and selected prose works. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. (even years) LIT-4490 Special Topics–Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Investigation of such literary phenomena that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Upper-level literature courses cannot be used as a substitution for the general education literature requirement. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. LIT-4510 3 hours Recent American Literature 1945–Present–Fa A study of the social, political, economic, and religious issues that defined the American experience in the last half of the 20th century. Diverse poetry, short stories, drama, novels, and films will be analyzed to give students an understanding of the myriad subjectivities that have shaped American values and attitudes since World War II. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. (even years) Multi-Age Health Education (MAHE) MAHE-3030 Nutrition–Fa, Sp 3 hours A study of the science of nutrition, together with the study of eating habit formation and modification for optimal wellness, fitness, and performance, presented from a Christian perspective. MAHE-3070 Current Issues in Health–Fa 1 hour Designed to explore, from a Christian perspective, healthrelated issues that challenge our society. This course recognizes the reality that there are “no easy answers” as ethics, technology, and economics merge to generate new dilemmas of increasing complexity every day. MAHE-3130 School Health Program–Sp 3 hours Analysis of the scope of the school health program, including health services, healthful school living, and health instruction. MAHE-3150 Health Concepts for the Educator–Sp 3 hours This course is intended to prepare students to understand the role of the health educator in the comprehensive school health education program. Nutrition, drug education, sexuality education, mental and emotional health unit content areas will be addressed from a biblical perspective. MAHE-4610 Teaching Health–Fa 3 hours The teacher’s role in comprehensive school health education including an introduction to the health status of youth, at-risk students, objectives from Healthy People 2020, components of comprehensive school health education, the role of the teacher in school health services, and special health concerns of today’s children and youth. As well, curriculum review, behavioral objectives, life skills, scope and sequence of learning, teaching strategies, responsible decision-making, resistance skills, health behavior contracts, health resources, student-learner evaluation, and assessment concepts and procedures will be presented. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Odd years) MAHE-4850 1–3 hours Independent Study in Health Education–Fa, Sp Independent study in the area of health education by students pursuing multi-age health education teaching licensure or a health promotion minor. Prerequisite: Departmental approval is required. Multi-Age Physical Education (MAPE) MAPE-1000 Foundations of Physical Education–Fa 1 hour Orientation to the history, philosophy, and scope of modern exercise and sport science from a theistic perspective. MAPE-1500 Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills–Fa 1 hour This course is an introduction to the tactical games approach in teaching physical education. Preparing students for learning games and important principles of game teaching will be addressed. The course will include the concept of tactical transfer and the process of teaching within a game. The course will promote an interest in the game-learning process, an understanding of playing a game, and the ability to play a game. The course is presented from the biblical perspective of the teaching profession as it relates to physical education. MAPE-2000 Recreational Games–Fa 2 hours Theory and practice in frisbee games (disc golf, ultimate), flag football, softball, and spikeball with attention given to various teaching methods, skills, and rules. Prerequisite: MAPE-1500 Teaching Sport Concepts. (Fee: $25) MAPE-2300 Net Games–Fa 2 hours Theory and practice in volleyball, tennis, badminton, and pickleball with attention given to various teaching methods, skills, and rules. Prerequisite: MAPE-1500 Teaching Sport Concepts. (Fee: $25). MAPE-2600 Invasion Games–Sp 2 hours Theory and practice in basketball, soccer, team handball, and speedball with attention given to various teaching methods, skills, and rules. Prerequisite: MAPE-1500 Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills. (Fee: $25). MAPE-2900 Lifetime Physical Fitness–Sp 2 hours Fundamentals in improving cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, balance, and circuit training with attention given to various teaching methods, exercises and drills. (Fee: $25) MAPE-3600 5 hours Physical Education in the Elementary School–Sp An overview of the place of physical education in the elementary school curriculum with an emphasis on the study of current program content design, teaching techniques, assessment concepts and procedures, as well as modifying activities for the purpose of inclusion for the physically challenged. SHAPE standards aligned with assessment and the analysis of student learning are a vital part of this course. MAPE-4500 2 hours Curriculum Development in Physical Education–Fa Overview of the curriculum process in physical education, specifically giving attention to the theoretical base, process of curriculum design, and curriculum development for elementary through high school educational programs. Prerequisite: MAPE3600 Physical Education in the Elementary School; Corequisite: MAPE-4950 Methods of Secondary Physical Education. MAPE-4850 1–3 hours Independent Study in Physical Education–Fa, Sp Independent study by major students of advanced standing toward the understanding and appreciation of problems in physical education. This course gives students an opportunity to develop skills in the use of literature and in the appropriate techniques of problem solving. Prerequisite: Departmental approval is required. 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 277 Course Descriptions LIT-4230 – MAPE-4850