2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

MAPE-4950 3 hours Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education–Fa This course provides the study of methods of instruction and practice and the study of planning and implementing units of instruction, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of various teaching strategies for teaching physical education at the secondary level. Also included is the study of understanding and developing assessment techniques in physical education and developing strategies for working with handicapped students. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. MAPE-4960 Field Experience–Fa 4 hours A field experience within the MAHPE and MAPE majors in conjunction with MAPE-4950 Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education and MAPE-4970 Field Experience in Physical Education-Special Populations. This course requires a current Ohio FBI Background Clearance Report to be on file in the School of Education for the duration of the field experience. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Credit/no credit. (Fee: $100) MAPE-4970 2 hours Field Experience in Physical Education–Special Populations–Fa An adapted physical education teaching field experience taken in conjunction with MAPE-4950 and MAPE 4960 that seeks to provide the opportunity for application of adapted physical education content and theory studied in MAPE-4950 Methods of Teaching Physical Education. This course requires a current Ohio FBI Background Clearance Report to be on file in the School of Education for the duration of the field experience. Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program; MAPE-4950 Methods of Teaching Physical Education; MAPE-4960 Field Experience. (Fee: $35) Mathematics (MATH) MATH-1700 4 hours Calculus and Dynamical Systems for the Life Sciences–Fa, Sp An introductory calculus and dynamical systems course for majors in the life sciences. Discrete and continuous dynamical systems, limits and derivatives, including derivatives of trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and inverse trigonometric functions, applications of derivatives and dynamical systems, including related rates and optimization, differential equations, integrals - both definite and indefinite - and their applications, and possibly analysis of autonomous differential equations. Prerequisite: GMTH-1030 Precalculus or equivalent; or permission of instructor. MATH-1710 Calculus I–Fa, Sp 5 hours First course of a two-course sequence covering basic concepts of analytic geometry and single variable calculus. Includes limits and single variable calculus. Includes limits and derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions, applications of the derivative, single variable integration, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and integration by substitution, and applications of integration, including solving differential equations and finding volumes of revolution. Prerequisite: GMTH-1030 Precalculus or equivalent; or permission of instructor. MATH-1720 Calculus II–Fa, Sp 5 hours The second course of a two-course sequence covering the basic concepts of analytic geometry and single variable calculus. Includes techniques of integration such as integration by parts, trigonometric substitution and partial fractions, improper integrals and L’Hopital’s rule, sequences, series, expansion of functions into Taylor and power series, conic sections, plane curves, calculus of parametric equations and polar coordinates, vectors and geometry in three-space, vector-valued functions and curvature. Prerequisite: MATH-1710 Calculus I or equivalent or permission of instructor. MATH-1880 Topics in Calculus–Fa, Sp, Su 1–3 hours This course is for students who are attempting to transfer credit for MATH-1710 or MATH-1720 Calculus I and II when those transferred courses lack some of the topics contained in MATH1710 or MATH-1720. It requires full participation in a MATH-1710 or MATH-1720 course during the sections in which the student’s transferred course is found to be deficient or in a stand-alone course offered during Summer School I. Prerequisite: GMTH-1030 Precalculus or equivalent; permission of instructor. Corequisite: partial transfer credit for MATH-1710 and/or MATH-1720 or approved transient credit for a Calculus I or II course that will provide less than full credit for MATH-1710 or MATH 1720. MATH-1990 3 hours Beautiful Math Structures and Thinking–Fa This course introduces freshmen math majors to interesting mathematical ideas and applications beyond the usual scope of standard math courses. Topics include an introduction to propositional logic, function theory, and infinite sets. Other topics will be chosen from elementary number theory, modular arithmetic, error-correcting codes, Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio, fractals, discrete dynamical systems and chaos, Euler and Hamilton Circuits, democracy and impossibility theorems, game theory, the Platonic solids, n-dimensional space, and other topics up to the discretion of the instructor. MATH-2210 Logic and Methods of Proof–Fa 3 hours Introduction to formal mathematical logic; emphasis on preparing students for the abstraction of upper-division courses. Special attention is given to the development of students’ skills with a variety of methods of proof, using examples from numerous areas. Prerequisites: MATH-1720 Calculus II; MATH1990 Beautiful Math Structures and Thinking; or permission of instructor. MATH-2510 Discrete Math for Computer Science–Sp 3 hours An introduction to mathematical foundations of computer science, including propositional and predicate calculus, methods of proof, sets and relations, recurrences, graphs and trees, and program correctness and proofs. This course does not satisfy any requirements for the BA or BS in mathematics or the BA in integrated mathematics education. Prerequisite: MATH-1710 Calculus I. MATH-2520 3 hours Discrete Math and Probability Principles for Computer Science–Sp An introduction to mathematical foundations of computer science, including propositional and predicate calculus, methods of proof, sets and relations, recurrences, program correctness and proofs, probability models, random variables, probability distributions, estimation, and hypothesis testing. This course does not satisfy any requirements for the BA or BS in mathematics or the BA in integrated mathematics education Prerequisites: MATH1720 Calculus II; EGCP-1010 Digital Logic Design. MATH-2710 Calculus III–Fa, Sp 3 hours Introduction to differential and integral calculus of several variables, multiple integrals, vector analysis, line integrals, and surface integrals. Prerequisite: MATH-1720 Calculus II or equivalent or permission of instructor. Page 278 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions MAPE-4950 – MATH-2710