2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

MATH-4450 Topology–Fa 3 hours An introduction to elementary point set topology with emphasis on illustrating how the familiar concepts of closed and open intervals, continuity of functions, distances, and various geometrical properties have been generalized from classical mathematics. Topics include: metric spaces, topological space theory, separation axioms, covering properties, compactness, connectedness, metrizability, and complete metric spaces. Prerequisite: MATH-2210 Logic and Methods of Proof. (even years) MATH-4610, 4620 Abstract Algebra I and II–Fa, Sp 3 hours/sem Introduction to and development of the basic ideas of algebraic systems, groups, rings, integral domains, fields, and other advanced topics. Prerequisite: MATH-2210 Logic and Methods of Proof. (even years) MATH-4710, 4720 Real Variables I and II–Fa, Sp 3 hours/sem Introduction to the real number system’s algebraic order, completeness, and cardinality properties, the topology of Cartesian spaces Rn and functions including continuity and uniform continuity, connectedness, convexity, compactness, various types of convergence, limits, differentiability, and Riemann integration, measurability, and Ln. Prerequisites: MATH-2210 Logic and Methods of Proof. (odd years) MATH-4800 3 hours Capstone Experience in Mathematics–Fa, Sp The course will allow students to deeply research an important topic in mathematics, both individually and collectively, and to present their findings from library research as well as personal work. Prerequisites: MATH-3800 Research Methods in Mathematics; 15 hours of MATH courses 2XXX-level or above; permission of instructor. (Fee: $20) MATH-4880 Topics in Mathematics–Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Some typical topics are linear programming, numerical analysis, stochastic calculus, non-parametric statistics, partial differential equations, or mathematical modeling. This course is intended to be a topic not in the current curriculum that is a logical extension and development of the student’s academic plan. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. MATH-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Mathematics–Fa, Sp Independent research in the various branches of mathematics and allied fields of application. Submission and approval of a research proposal must precede registration. Prerequisite: Major in mathematics or permission of research advisor. Molecular Biology (MBIO) MBIO-3210 Advanced Cell Biology–Sp 4 hours In-depth study of the cell will include the following topics: biochemical and electrical properties of membranes, the endomembrane system, molecular machines and cellular organization, normal cell physiology and division, differentiation, signaling pathways and gene regulation, and programmed cell death. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIO-1115 Biology I: Cell Biology; CHEM-1120 General Chemistry II or permission of the instructor. (Fee $100) MBIO-4220 Signal Transduction–Fa 4 hours Study of major cellular signaling pathways and their physiological functions in homeostasis and disease. Applications to development, organ and tissue homeostasis, and conditions arising from aberrant signaling, such as cancer. Emphasis upon current discoveries and analysis of current, peer-reviewed literature in the field. Three (50-minute) lectures per week and one laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MBIO-3210 Advanced Cell Biology or permission of instructor. (odd years) MBIO-4250 Biology of Cancer–Fa 4 hours Study of cancer including classification of cancer, pathophysiology of the disease in terms of signal transduction and gene regulation, and mechanisms behind current and experimental treatments for the disease. Three (50-minute) lectures per week and one laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MBIO-3210 Advanced Cell Biology or permission of instructor. (even years) MBIO-4300 Molecular Biology–Fa 4 hours Study of the molecules that make up the living cell with an emphasis on nucleic acid biology. Three lectures and one (threehour) laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIO-3300 Genetics; BIO-3710 Biochemistry. (Fee: $100) MBIO-4310 Eukaryotic Gene Regulation–Sp 3 hours This course covers eukaryotic gene regulation, which encompasses the knowledge of both basal and regulated transcriptional machinery, how these proteins are regulated, how they regulate gene expression, and their role in cancer progression. Emphasis is placed on the role of chromatin structure and epigenetics in gene expression. Prerequisite: MBIO-4300 Molecular Biology. MBIO-4370 Virology–Sp 3 hours The concepts and methods of virology are covered, with emphasis on animal viruses, within the framework of cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, immunology, pathology, and epidemiology. Viral replication will be examined in detail. The effects that viruses inflict on host cells will also be examined, as will some of the host cell responses generated by such virus-cell interactions, including interferon induction, the antiviral response generated by interferon, and oncogenic transformation. In addition, an overview of procedures used for prevention and treatment of viral diseases via vaccines and antiviral drugs, respectively, will be presented. Prerequisite: BIO-3300 Genetics. (even years) Management (MGMT) MGMT-3500 3 hours Principles of Organization and Management–Fa, Sp An examination of the policies, principles, practices, and problems involved in the management of organizations as they are currently being applied in the United States and around the world to meet or exceed customer’s expectations. MGMT-3510 3 hours Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management–Fa This course will introduce students to business innovation and entrepreneurship in small and large organizations. The basics of envisioning, evaluating, starting, and running a brand new business and/or a new business unit within an existing organization will be explored. (crosslisted with ENTR-3510 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management) MGMT-3525 Service and Production Operations–Fa 3 hours This course introduces management concepts, methodologies, and application to service and production operations. The course develops an understanding of the role of OM and how management decisions in product or service design, analysis and development of processes bring value to both the customer and the organization. Prerequisites: ACCT-2120 Principles of Accounting II; BUS-2150 Statistics for Business; MGMT-3500 Principles of Organization and Management; or permission of instructor. (Fee: $50) MGMT-3530 Human Resources Management–Fa 3 hours An analysis of the principle functions, processes, and problems involved in the management of personnel policies; selection, training, promotion, compensation, and discharge of personnel; labor turnover, safety, health, and recreation. Prerequisite: MGMT3500 Principles of Organization and Management or permission of instructor. Page 280 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions MATH-4450 – MGMT-3530