2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

POLS-4930 1–3 hours Independent Study in Political Science Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Prepharmacy (PPHR) PPHR-1011 1 hour Profession of Pharmacy–Introduction to Public Health–Sp This course will introduce students to basic public health concepts as they relate to pharmacy. Emphasis will be on understanding the factors that impact community and behavioral health as well as how to effectively plan health promotion activities within a pharmacy setting. PPHR-1012 1 hour Profession of Pharmacy–History and Issues–Fa The profession of pharmacy has a long history. It is believed to have started in the 9th century around Baghdad, then spreading to Europe as alchemy. This course will explore the history of pharmacy as it diverged from the practice of medicine and how this impacts the practice of pharmacy today and the future of the profession. The course also discusses current issues in pharmacy including ethical research, drug development, introductory practice skills, foundational pharmacy calculations, legal issues, and innovation in pharmacy practice. (Fee: $20) PPHR-2013 1 hour Profession of Pharmacy–Careers I–Fa The profession of pharmacy has experienced tremendous growth in recent history, both in terms of numbers in the profession as well as opportunities. In this course, the student will learn of many career options available to the pharmacist. Practicing pharmacists within different career paths facilitate discussions regarding their areas of expertise and field of practice. (Fee: $50) PPHR-2014 1 hour Profession of Pharmacy–Careers II–Sp Focusing on careers different from those discussed in PPHR2013, this course introduces the students to additional career options available to the pharmacist. Students will be exposed to current practicing pharmacists to gain a more personal perspective of pharmacy today. Practicing pharmacists within different career paths will facilitate discussions regarding their areas of expertise and field of practice. (Fee: $50) PPHR-3460 Advanced Physiology for Pharmacy–Sp 3 hours This course will address the structure and function of major organ systems of the human body. Organ systems covered include muscular, nervous, endocrine/reproductive, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and renal. Prerequisites: GBIO-2010 Human Anatomy and Physiology I; GBIO-2015 Human Anatomy and Physiology II; or equivalent. PPHR-4280 2 hours Introduction to Health Behaviors and Beliefs This course provides an introduction to concepts of patient health behaviors and cultural health beliefs. In the first half of the semester, students will examine the theories explaining health behaviors and complete in-class activities utilizing the theory to influence health behavior change. In the second half of the semester, students will examine health beliefs in cultures around the world and the implications of these beliefs with regard to modern healthcare systems. Public Administration (PUAD) PUAD-3100 Public Budgeting–Fa 3 hours Analysis of public sector budgeting at all levels of government in the United States with an emphasis on budgets as reflectors of priority, power, and control. Crosslisted as POLS or PUAD. (odd years) PUAD-3390 Public Finance–Fa 3 hours A consideration of the financing of local, state, and federal governments. Much attention is given to three functions of government: stabilization, distribution, and allocation. All major taxes that are present in the United States are studied as to structure, revenue gained, and present status. Crosslisted as ECON. Prerequisite: ECON-2340 Macroeconomics. (even years) PUAD-3600 Public Administration–Fa 3 hours Introduction to public administration both as a discipline and profession, including organization theory, budgeting, public policy analysis and evaluation, and public sector administration. Crosslisted as POLS or PUAD. PUAD-3690 Public Policy–Sp 3 hours Focus on decision-making, problem solving, and methods of program analysis. Crosslisted as POLS or PUAD. Prerequisite: GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture PUAD-4440 Special Topics: Public Administration 1–3 hours Investigation of specific topics in Social Science and History that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. PUAD-4640 Strategies for Public Administration–Fa 3 hours Designed to acquaint the advanced student in public administration or international studies with some of the policy decisions facing American government. All three levels of American government, federal, state, and local, will be examined in light of their particular relationships with foreign governments. (odd years) PUAD-4800 Applied Public Administration–Sp 3 hours Capstone course for public administration majors, involving the research of issues related to public administration in the United States from a normative and/or empirical perspective. (Fee: $80) PUAD-4970 1–3 hours Independent Study in Public Administration Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Professional Writing and Information Design (PWID) PWID-2130 Introduction to Professional Writing–Fa 3 hours Students will study the discipline and profession of professional writing. They will learn core skills that will help them succeed in the program and workplace. The class focuses on improving students’ writing ability and allowing them to explore the job market in professional writing. PWID-3010 Style and Mechanics for Writers–Fa, Sp, Su 3 hours Students will learn to apply reliable principles to make writing clear, concise, coherent, and cohesive. Crosslisted with ENG 3010 Style and Mechanics for Writers. Prerequisite: ENG-1400 Composition. PWID-3020 Professional Portfolio Development I–Fa 1 hour Students will develop a professional portfolio and learn to use it effectively as a tool to obtain an internship. (Fee: $50) 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 289 Course Descriptions POLS-4930 – PWID-3020