2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

PWID-3050 Writing for the User Experience–Sp 3 hours Students will learn to conduct formative and summative user research that will help them make critical decisions about content, structure, and layout of online publications, including websites, blogs, and magazines. They will study principles of usability, user experience, and information architecture in order to gain a comprehensive view of how to arrange, structure, and write content for online publications. PWID-3090 Copywriting–Fa 3 hours Students will learn to write for brands identifying the mission and values of organizations and writing to support them. The class explores how to create effective marketing materials through writing, editing, and designing copy and related graphics. Prerequisite: PWID-3010 Style and Mechanics for Writers. PWID-3170 2 hours The Professional Writer in a Corporate Culture–Sp Students will discuss issues beyond intellectual ability and technical know-how that are crucial to a successful career. They will discover guidelines to assist them in improving their emotional intelligence capabilities. (Fee: $50) PWID-3180 3 hours Visual Rhetoric for Information Designers–Fa Students will learn to understand the rhetoric of visual language and to adapt visual language to specific audiences, purposes, and contexts — just as they do written texts. As a result, they should be able to respond flexibly to design problems in all professional documents. PWID-3210 Professional Editing–Fa 3 hours Students will learn both copyediting and comprehensive editing skills. These skills include editing for grammar, punctuation, syntax, sentence structure, content development, and visual design. Students will learn to edit paper and electronic copy and will also explore editing in both publishing houses and corporate environments. PWID-3250 Writing and Designing Documentation–Sp 3 hours Students will learn to plan, design, and create user documentation through systematic user analysis, task identification, effective writing, and effective visual design. PWID-3320 Editing in Publishing Contexts–Sp 3 hours Students will learn to edit in publishing contexts. They will identify the purposes of manuscripts and practice editing to help authors accomplish their goals. Students will gain knowledge of publishing contexts and the various kinds of genres, styles, and documents they may edit for a publisher. Prerequisites: PWID-3010 Style and Mechanics for Writers; PWID-3210 Professional Editing PWID-4010 Report Writing–Sp 3 hours Students will learn to design and write effective technical reports and presentations that purposefully convey clear, concise, and accurate information to a targeted audience while using an appropriate level of technicality and supporting data or information. PWID-4020 Professional Portfolio Development II–Fa 1 hour Students will maintain a professional portfolio and learn to use it effectively to obtain employment after graduation. (Fee: $50) PWID-4050 Writing and Strategy for the Web–Fa 3 hours Students will learn how to write effective web content and manage that content throughout its life cycle. They will engage with content strategy principles and study how to write for the interactive web. PWID-4120 Writing for Industries–Sp 3 hours Students will learn to write and design deliverables specific to a set of relevant industries. Prerequisites: PWID-3210 Professional Editing; PWID-3250 Writing and Designing Documentation. PWID-4130 Instructional Design I–Fa 3 hours Teaches technical communicators how to employ technology and learning theory in developing adult training courses. PWID-4140 Instructional Design II–Sp 3 hours This course provides students with the opportunity to delve deeper into the art and science of instructional design by focusing on educational technology in general and e-learning tools, techniques, and practices specifically in use in today’s corporate environment. The course also investigates the topics of knowledge management, performance support and human capital management in order to give students a well-rounded introduction to the contemporary practice of non-traditional instructional design. Prerequisites: PWID-4130 Instructional Design I or permission of instructor. PWID-4150 Writing for Publications–Sp 3 hours Writing for Publications prepares students to manage a publication from conception until it is published. Students will develop an editorial strategy, write content, edit content from other writers, and manage the process until the document is published. Students will also explore how to market the publication. Prerequisite: Senior status or permission of instructor. PWID-4160 Professional Writing Internship–Su 3 hours Students will participate in a work-study program approved and administered by the department in which advanced Professional Writing and Information Design students receive a variety of jobrelated experiences in a communication environment. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. PWID-4170 Professional Writing Capstone–Sp 3 hours The Professional Writing Capstone explores trends in the writing, editing, and design disciplines while also allowing students to bring together their skills and knowledge from throughout the program through various pedagogical means and assessments. Prerequisites: PWID-2130 Introduction to Professional Writing; PWID-3010 Style and Mechanics for Writers Capstone course. PWID-4230 1–3 hours Independent Study in Professional Writing and Information Design–Fa, Sp, Su Independent study for junior and senior-level PWID majors with special interests and demonstrated ability. Psychology (PYCH) PYCH-1000 Orientation to Psychology–Fa, Sp 1 hour Acquaints the psychology major with various areas and issues in the field of psychology. Included will be its specialties, graduate school information, vocational opportunities, and legal and ethical matters. Should be taken during the freshman year. PYCH-1010 Writing in APA–Fa, Sp 1 hour Students in the course will learn and practice the standards of writing for the behavioral and social sciences as set forth by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the ethical standards for research and scholarship. PYCH-1020 1 hour Graduate School and Career Preparation–Fa, Sp Information and guidance is provided for students to make informed decisions regarding postbaccalaureate career options in the human services. Students explore field options comparing non-graduate school, preprofessional jobs as well as professional career opportunities in psychology, counseling, and marriage and family therapy. PYCH-1600 General Psychology–Fa, Sp, Su 3 hours Designed to provide a survey of modern scientific psychology. The course content centers on such topics as the foundations of psychology, development over the life span, how we experience the world, learning and thinking, motivation and emotion, personality, and social behavior. (Fee: $5) PYCH-1800 Cross-Cultural Psychology–Fa, Sp 3 hours A survey course designed to make students sensitive to the impact of culture on life. Page 290 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions PWID-3050 – PYCH-1800