2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

SWK-4520 Senior Seminar II–Sp 2 hours and SWK-4570 Senior Field Experience II–Sp 6 hours These courses offer students the opportunity to practice social work 16 hours weekly, with professional supervision. A seminar is held two hours weekly in which students submit their own practice record for critical study and offer criticism to their peers. Emphasis is placed on the integration of the students’ social work theoretical knowledge and skills as they enter the profession. Students must complete a minimum of 225 hours in field. Prerequisite: Admission to the social work program. Corequisites: It is recommended that SWK-4520 and SWK-4570 be taken concurrently. (Fee: $250) SWK-4610 Statistics for Social Workers–Fa 3 hours This course is one of the two courses in the research sequence for undergraduate social work majors. It provides an introduction to the conceptual and quantitative tools used to describe and interpret data that informs social work practice. Students learn how to select, run, and interpret statistics applicable to social work practice, while critically evaluating the provisional nature of frequentist statistics from a biblical worldview. The course provides students an opportunity to acquire a foundation in personal computer skills through relevant examples of technology. Students will be able to recognize how statistics can be used to evaluate anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion in practice through class discussions and relevant computer lab assignments. Prerequisite: Admission to the social work program or permission of the instructor; students must have satisfied Cedarville’s mathematics proficiency requirement before enrolling. SWK-4620 Social Work Research Methods–Sp 3 hours This course provides basic knowledge about research methods as they apply to social work. Social work practice and research share common features and processes, as both are fundamentally problem-solving enterprises. Students learn to apply the basic concepts and principles presented within this course, while critically examining the concepts and principles from a biblical worldview. Prerequisite: Admission to the social work program. SWK-4950 1–3 hours Independent Study in Social Work Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Songwriting (SWMU) SWMU-2100 Fundamentals of Songwriting–Fa 3 hours This course will introduce fundamental components of songwriting. This class is designed to expose students to practical exploration of songwriting concepts such as lyric, melody, harmony, rhythm, and form structure. In this course, special emphasis will be placed on the topics of melody and poetic devices. Prerequisite/Corequisite: THMU-1210 Music Theory I or THMU-1250 Contemporary Musicianship I. (odd years) SWMU-2500 Worship Songwriting–Sp 3 hours This course will continue the development of skills related to songwriting. This class is designed to help the student hone practical techniques for crafting worship songs. Special emphasis will be placed on the topics of lyrics, theology, and application within a congregation. Prerequisite: SWMU-2100 Fundamentals of Songwriting (odd years) SWMU-3100 Professional Aspects of Songwriting–Fa 3 hours This course will continue the development of skills related to songwriting. It will discuss professional and legal aspects related to songwriting such as copyright, publishing, licensing, production and promotion. In an effort to offer exposure to the songwriting industry, additional outside hours and travel component may be required for this class. Prerequisites: SWMU-2500 Worship Songwriting; corequisite: TYMU-2510 Introduction to Digital Music Production (Fee:$300)(even years) SWMU-4900 Senior Songwriting Seminar–Sp 1 hour This course is designed to be a culminating experience for songwriting minors. Students will record and produce a multi-song demo of original music written within the context of the songwriting minor. They will create a personal brand and professional social media presence and release the EP digitally. They will also present the music live in a “songwriters in the round” setting. Prerequisites: SWMU-3100 Professional Aspects of Songwriting; corequisite: TYMU-2520 Music Production Techniques. (Fee:$100) (even years). Music Theory (THMU) THMU-1010 2 hours Introduction to Music Theory and Aural Skills–Fa An intensive study of the rudiments of music: notation, pitch, and rhythm. These elements will be explored with aural and written components. These credits may not be substituted for any other music course. (Fee: $30) THMU-1210 Music Theory I–Fa 3 hours A foundational study of the essential building blocks of music including chord analysis, harmony, voice leading, and form. Prerequisite: THMU-1010 Introduction to Theory or competency equivalency as shown by entrance examination. (Fee: $30) THMU-1220 Music Theory II–Sp 3 hours A continuation of Theory I with an in-depth exploration of part-writing, seventh chords, and elementary chromaticism. Prerequisite: THMU-1210 Music Theory I. (Fee: $30) THMU-1250 Contemporary Musicianship I–Sp 2 hours This course is designed to help students understand the structure of contemporary music. The class will also continue to develop written and aural musicianship studied in Introduction to Music Theory and Aural Skills. Prerequisites: THMU-1010 Introduction to Music Theory and Aural Skills. (Fee: $30) THMU-1310 Aural Skills I–Fa 2 hours Introduction to techniques of basic aural musicianship, including singing, recognizing, and dictating intervals and chords within the diatonic major and minor systems by “guide tone” numeric scale degree method. Corequisite: THMU-1210 Music Theory I. THMU-1320 Aural Skills II–Sp 2 hours A continuation of Aural Skills I with an in-depth exploration of melodic and harmonic dictation along with an introduction to the techniques of transcribing select popular music recordings by ear. Prerequisite: THMU 1310 Aural Skills I. THMU-2140 Functional Keyboard Skills–Fa 1 hour Students will develop skills in harmonization at sight, transposition, playing by ear, and other keyboard harmony skills specifically designed to meet the piano proficiency requirements. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. THMU-2210 Music Theory III–Fa 3 hours Critical study and analysis of the chromatic harmony, counterpoint and formal structure of 18th century music. Creative work in traditional compositional forms. THMU-2220 Music Theory IV–Sp 3 hours Critical study and analysis of the chromatic harmony and formal structure of 19th-century music. Analytical study of 20thcentury compositional techniques, including impressionistic, serial, neoclassical, and electronic practices: creative work in contemporary styles. 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 297 Course Descriptions SWK-4520 – THMU-2220