2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

THTR-2200 Stage Management–Sp 2 hours The course presents the procedures and ethics established and practiced by professional stage managers. Students will put these skills into practice through multiple class projects and in the development of a prompt book. Prerequisites: THTR-1300 Introduction to Technical Theatre; THTR-1410 Introduction to Theatre. THTR-2350 Directing I–Fa 3 hours Practical study of play directing methods, theories, and techniques applied through class projects. Students will direct scenes with complete artistic oversight, fulfilling every role and function of a director. This course is also helpful to education majors who will have to assist in educational theatre productions. THTR-2430 Acting I–Fa 3 hours Study in the principle theories of realistic acting is balanced with practice in experiencing character creation. Principles of physical and emotional character development are explored. THTR-2470 Makeup Design–Fa 2 hours Designed to provide the student with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for makeup design and execution for a theatrical production. Each student will develop this craft through individual projects and work on a mainstage production. (Fee: $150) (odd years) THTR-2510 The Arts and Social Change–Sp 3 hours The nature of this course is to provide background in theory and practical work in arts related areas that focus on efforts to work effectively on behalf of those who are politically, economically, behaviorally, or spiritually oppressed. (odd years) THTR-3301 Technical Theatre Practicum: Costume–Fa 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and experience in the area of technical theatre. This hands-on course may cover the areas of costume construction, costume crafts, scenic construction, scenic painting, prop construction, hanging and focusing of lighting instruments, etc., as pertaining to the mainstage productions. Prerequisite: THTR-1300 Introduction to Technical Theatre. THTR-3302 Technical Theatre Practicum: Lighting–Fa 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and experience in the area of technical theatre. This hands-on course may cover the areas of costume construction, costume crafts, scenic construction, scenic painting, prop construction, hanging and focusing of lighting instruments, etc., as pertaining to the mainstage productions. Prerequisite: THTR-1300 Introduction to Technical Theatre. THTR-3303 Technical Theatre Practicum: Scenic–Fa 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and experience in the area of technical theatre. This hands-on course may cover the areas of costume construction, costume crafts, scenic construction, scenic painting, prop construction, hanging and focusing of lighting instruments, etc., as pertaining to the mainstage productions. Prerequisite: THTR-1300 Introduction to Technical Theatre. THTR-3304 Technical Theatre Practicum: Sound–Fa 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and experience in the area of technical theatre. This hands-on course may cover the areas of costume construction, costume crafts, scenic construction, scenic painting, prop construction, hanging and focusing of lighting instruments, etc., as pertaining to the mainstage productions. Prerequisite: THTR-1300 Introduction to Technical Theatre. THTR-3420 Theatre History I–Fa 3 hours An analysis of performative modes of a given culture within a historical study, reinforcing appreciation of the past and strengthening the understanding of one’s own culture as well as different cultures. General survey of theatre history from the preGreek era to the present. Focus will be on prevailing philosophical orientation, major dramatists, theatre architecture and staging practices, styles of performance, costume design, innovations, and development. (even years) THTR-3430 Theatre History II–Sp 3 hours Survey of staging practices and innovations from mid-17th century to present, with study of representative plays from each era. (even years) THTR-3460 Acting II–Sp 3 hours An advanced course that builds upon and expands the actor’s repertoire. The course may cover theatre forms such as Western foundational styles, Early modern to Post-Modern as well as nonWestern traditions and contemporary performance. (even years) Prerequisite: THTR-2430 Acting I THTR-3465 Performing Shakespeare–Sp 3 hours This course will prepare students for performance of classical works with an emphasis on communicating Shakespearean text with clarity, understanding, and emotional honesty. Students’ skill will be challenged through performance of comic scenes, tragic scenes, and monologues after thorough investigation of Shakespeare’s rhetorical strategies and poetic form. (odd years) THTR-3470 Dramaturgy–Sp 3 hours This course provides background in specialized theatre research for students interested in teaching theatre history, drama, dramatic literature, and directing productions at the secondary or college level. (odd years) THTR-3501 Advanced Theatrical Design: Costume–Sp 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for designing costumes, lighting, scenery, or sound for a theatrical production. The student will develop this craft through individual projects that cover topics such as rendering techniques, drawing and painting techniques, working with a director’s concept, budgeting, presentation, and collaboration. Prerequisites: ART-1100 Introduction to Art; THTR1300 Introduction to Technical Theatre; THTR-1500 Introduction to Production Design. (Fee: $70) THTR-3502 Advanced Theatrical Design: Lighting–Sp 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for designing costumes, lighting, scenery, or sound for a theatrical production. The student will develop this craft through individual projects that cover topics such as rendering techniques, drawing and painting techniques, working with a director’s concept, budgeting, presentation, and collaboration. Prerequisites: ART-1100 Introduction to Art; THTR1300 Introduction to Technical Theatre,THTR-1500 Introduction to Production Design. (Fee: $70) THTR-3503 Advanced Theatrical Design: Scenic–Sp 3 hours This course is designed to provide the student with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for designing costumes, lighting, scenery, or sound for a theatrical production. The student will develop this craft through individual projects that cover topics such as rendering techniques, drawing and painting techniques, working with a director’s concept, budgeting, presentation, and collaboration. Prerequisites: ART-1100 Introduction to Art; THTR1300 Introduction to Technical Theatre,THTR-1500 Introduction to Production Design. (Fee: $70) 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 299 Course Descriptions THTR-2350 – THTR-3503