Cedarville College Bulletin, January 1916
THE COURSES OFFERED. Cour es are offered to meet the needs of the following classes of students : 1. Elementary teachers. 2. High school teachers. 3. Students without experience, preparing for either ele– mentary or high school teaching. 4. High School students desiring to make up work. 5. Teachers or those desiring to teach who are lacking in high school studies. 6. College students wishing to make up back work or to advance their standing. 7. College graduates who wish to work towards the degree of Master of Arts or of Bachelor of Science in Education. 8. College graduates who wish to complete their require– ments for the State High School Certificate. 9. Superintendents, principals, and experienced teachers who wish to do advanced work in education, sociology, or other subjects, or to complete the requirements for a degree or a State Certificate. 10. Teachers or others desiring special work in music, art, domestic science, or manual training. 11. Teachers or others needing a review of common branches. 12. Students desiring special work in any department of collegiate, normal, or preparatory studies. CHOICE OF STUDIES. The student is permitted to take any studies he wishes and for which he is prepared. Members of the faculty will be glad to as, ist and advise students in making out their schedules of studies. THE RECITATION SCHEDULE. The recitation periods are sixty minutes in length. They b •gin at 7 a. m. and run until 12 :30 p. m., with an intermission of half au hour at 10 a. m. for chapel xercises and addresses. Sp ·cial courses in music, art, oratory, drawing, penmanship, -13-
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