Cedarville College Bulletin, January 1916

RT. I• r 1• hn11d tlr,1, 111•, 111 I ,11111 11 , ,t , 01111 111 •. ,111d I i11dn ti l r•,1n,·l11 , ill Ii,· ! 111 •ht I, h" \rl, ~Ii l 1':i1111 1,;_ 'I lilllnp 011 \II 111 tr11"1H•11 11 iH•11 in thP ,ill1n1111111. Th r·.itP ol l111l1011 1 p •r Ir ·nn. B SKETRY. ;\[i.. Flor1'1H t' ( 'll'lll:111. nf ( >hio I 11i,·1 I', ilJ, 'I\!' in ll'tll'IIO 1 111 raflia and r1·1•d \\nrl·. Th,• rnt, ol' i11. lr1lt'ti1111 i 011p dD!lar f11r I ht• h'rlll. HAND WORK. .\ <·011r. , in eardhoanl c•onst nw 10n. st i,·k-la., in", pnp r \\ork. and "hn.)-\\ork" in grrwral i. giYPTl hy 11 <·omp t nt primary t arh •r. ·o r 1ra ehargp i mad!' for Ihi· <·0111-.·t>. STORY TELLING. ~Ii.· Prarl Carp ntn. PrP. idrnt of lhP ( 'i1wimrnti .'lnr> LPague an<l a chantauqua and in titut lr.et11r1'r of eon:i<l ralil1 1 rPpntation. ha con. entr<l to. pencl a foll \\'P<'k !Pllincr h1·r ininiit ah! toriP at the . tor.v hour. and givinrr her in.·tnH'liv' ancl . uaa tin lecture on thr art of tory telling. All of lhi ,·11111- ahl ,,ork will he in the afternoon or CY ning aml will h op 11 t all tudent \\ithout extra charg . COURSES NOT LISTED. The , ummer , chool exi t to mrrt th• m 1 P<ls of all orl. of tudent .. If cour e not li. ted in thi. hulletin are dt>.·ired. th y will he arrang d for. if it j, at all po . ihle to do ·o. ev n if t lwr • i. hut one tutlent in the cla. . It i. th pnrpo: of the mamur ·– ment to give th tudent what th y ne d arnl de. ire . 'tndent d iring rou e not Ii. ted. hould apply at the h ,ginning of h term to th Pr id<>nt or th D an. -20-