Cedarville College Bulletin, January 1916

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE r COLLEGE DEPARTMENT A four-years 1 course leading to the Degrees of-A. B. and B. S. - NORMAL DEPARTMENT A four-years' course leading to the Degree of A. B., and a four-years' State High School Cert:i:figate without examina– tion; also review work for teachers. Recognized by the State. • GRADUATE DEPARTMENT One year course for College Graduates leading to the A. M. . and B. S. in Ed. Degrees, and to State High School Certif– icate. \ SUMMER SCHOOL Work of all grades, High School, Collegiate, Graduate, Nor– mal, l\Iusic, Oratory, Art. Fully recognized by the State for both High School and -Elementary Credits. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT Four-years' course, recognized as equivalent to a High School of the first grade. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Regular three-ytars' course. Also combination Theological and Collegiate Course. Graduate Course leading to B. D. Degree. Send for a Catalogue Also for Bulletins and other Literature, to THE PRESIDENT, Rev. W.R. McChesney, Ph. D., D. D. Cedarville College Cedarville, Ohio