Cedarville College Bulletin, January 1916
FACULTY. REY. WILBERT RE~TWICK McCHES EY, Ph.D., D. D., President, Professor of Psychology, Oratory and Greek. FRA.J. K ALBERT JURKAT, A. M., Treasurer, Profes or of l\Iodern Languages, Hebrew and History. REV. LEROY ALLE I, Ph.B., Dean, Professor of Economics, Sociology and Education. l\IARY BELLE ERVIN, A. B., Dean of Women. LESTER DAY PARKER, B. S., R cgistra1·, Professor of l\Iathematics and atural Science. TEPHEN CALYI WRIGHT, A. B., Fi"nancial Secretary, Profe sor of Education. l\IRS. JESSIE R SSELL, DiN cfor of the Depart ment of Music, Professor of l\Iusic. F Al TE. rrIIOl\IP O , ' Instructor in Art and Drawing. .. IARY Ll CILE GRAY, Librarian. ELIZ.ABE1'II BL IR, ( 'ritic 'l'1•aclw1• aml 1m,trndor in Prirnar) l\Iethods. HO~ S'l'OlC\IO~ rr, ( 'riii • 'I l',H•IH•r awl 1nstn1dor 111 l\Iethods in Reading. -3-
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