Cedarville College Bulletin, October 1922
''.\ British Parliament Commis ion after spending rn years in in\'estigating charities of every kind, reached the following conclu– . ion :-Of all the objects of charity, the highest education has proven wi e t, best and most effecti,·e of all, and that for two reasons: first, because the superior integrity and ability of the trustees furnish the best guarantee that the funds will be kept perpetually adminis– tered in the purpose and spirit of the founders; and second, becau e in improving higher education all other good causes are most effect– ually aided." "Religion, like everything else of value must be taught. It is pos ible to get more religion in industry and busine only through the development of Christian education and leadership. \Vith the forces of evil backed by men and money, systematically organized to destroy, we must back with men and money all campaign for Chri tian education."-Roger Babson. "The Church must not permit the college from which he has drawn her ministry, to drift into inferiority. The Chri tian aim and character of these colleges must be pre erved. To this end denomi– national college must be more generou ly supported."-John R :Mott. "As the great life insurance companies are spending huge sums on doctors, scientific inve tigations, and di trict nurses to improYe the health of the nation, so we bu ine men should spend huge sums ' to develop those fundamental religious qualities of integrity, in– dustry, faith and service which make for true prosperity" "We insure our houses and factories, our automobiles and our hu iness through mutual and stock insurance companies but the same amount of money invested in Christian education would give far greater results. Besides, Christian education can insure what no corporation can insure, namely prosperity "-Roger W. Babson. "Life is so complex that no man can say that his wealth was ac– c·111nulated without the co-operation and aid of others." "'Vhen the Standard Oil Company shall have refined all the C"ru<le petroleum, the University of Chicago will still re he granting diplomas with the imprint on its seal, ~· 'Founded by John D. Rockefeller'." "British rule in South Africa which Rhodes did so much to establish, may cea e but from Oxford will go forth Rhodes scholars who will make English thought dominant in the world."
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