Cedarville College Bulletin, October 1922

Christ Church college at Oxford by Wolsey and of 'Trinity at Cambridge by Henry. Wolsey has thus linked his name not only with Henry VIII but with such men as Sir Philip Sidney, Locke, Ben Johnson, Wellington, Peel, Ruskin and Gladstone; while He~y, who committed many crimes in the vain hope of leaving strong sons to succeed him, has through Trinity college become the father of Newton, Bacon, Byron, Dryden, Macauley, Thack-eray and Tennyson." "In 1637 there came to the colony of Massachusetts a scholarly young English divine. He lived but one year after his arrival, dying at the age of thirty. In that one year he did here a thing that makes him forever famous. He gave one half of his fortune, $4,000, and his library to found a college. The college bears his name, Harvard. James Bowdoin is not remembered because he was a Governor's son, nor because he was once minister to Spain. He is remembered as the founder of Bowdoin college to which he gave 1000 acres of land and $5,000. · The investment proved a good one for from Bowdoin came Hawthorne, Longfellow and Franklin Pierce." -President R. S. Hyer. The president of a large manufacturing concern writes :- ''Many machinists in our --- --- plant at --- made $5,000 last , year. As president of the company I know that to be so. The highest paid professor in --- college gets $3600 a year-a fact which I also know as I am chairman of the ways and means com– mittee of the college. Certainly the men who teach my boy and girl, and your boy and girl, should receive more than a day laborer." "One of the objectives of the Christian Education Movement in the Methodist Episcopal, South, denomination in 1920 was 'to lead at least 5,000 young men and women to devote their lives to the ministry, to missions, or to some other form of Christian service and to seek a Christian education as a preparation for effective life serv– ice. 4,838 names were received and 200 others received by the Epworth League. If they can say, 'Here am I, send me', surely the rest of us can say 'Here is my check, send it.' " "If I had a thousand dollars to give away, I would put it into a Christian school in America, because in build– ing Christian schools and in :filling them with boys and girls we are raising the seed corn of the world." - Adoniram Judson. - i9 -