Cedarville College Bulletin, October 1922

Cedarville College Bulletin Vol. VII OCTOBER, 1922 No. 4 Published by the College and issued quarterly. Admitted as second class matter, April 2, 1915, at the post office at Cedarville, Ohio, under Act of Congress of August 24, 19Ji2, Cedarville College is Forging to the Front • Get a College Training The times demand it. The results justify it. Come to Cedarville College The location is healthful and be:i.utiful. The opportunities are fine and inspiring. The cour es are complete and modem. The influences are s.1fe and helpful. The expenses are lower than at many other places. The students are possessed of high ideals and practice them . The Faculty is experienced and thoroughly trained. FOOTBALL, Basketball, Baseball and Tennis, Physical Education and Gymna tics. The COLLEGE is recognized by the Department of Public Ed11cation of the State of Ohio ,and other states. In Cedarville College you can get preparation for any pursuit in life. A large Freshman class is .to enroll in September. The prospects for a record-breaking attendance are splendid. Largest attend!1-nce in history of the College last year. Total expenses for the year, $300 For catalogue and further particulars address W. R . McCHESNEY, PH. D., D.D., President CEDARVILLE Omo