Cedarville College Bulletin, October 1922

"lt is a mi lake to train young people in all lines of krnrn ledg<' and give them full college equipment for undertaking the big tasks of life without making sure also that fundamental principles of right and wrong have become a part of their equipment. There is a control of forces and motives essential to the management of vast affairs which comes only through an educated conscience." -James J. Hill. "Four thousand two hundred college professors caused the great world war. Four thousand two hundred college professors ca11 cause another world war. In the last analysis the destiny of any nation is determined by the schoolmasters of that nation." -Walter Scott A th earn. "How impressively it has been borne in upon us that the highest and most efficient training of the intellect carries with it a danger greater than utter ignorance if there go with it a twist of the moral vision and a tort of the moral will."-E. D. Burton. "If an enlightened autocracy through education can deliberately cast the molds into which the thought and life of its people will be determined for ages, is it not possible for an enlightened democracy, with this lesson before it, to give through education general direction to the thought and life of the people in the decades to come?'' -J. H. Reynolds. "In itself, education is neither good nor bad. It becomes one or the 'other in accordance with its content and motives. "William Yon Humboldt, the first Pru sian minister of education, with Hegel, -6-