Cedarville College Bulletin, October 1922

Treitschke, ietzsche and others, used education to create, maintain and strengthen Prussian militarism. Education so used is like a sharp, two-edg<'cl swonl threatening the life of the world. Christian England and .\meric-a used education Lo establish and defend the ideals of liberty, justice and righteousness. It was education in the service of these ideals which overcame the menace of a pro tituted education and gave modern civilization another chance." -Educational Survey, 1920. "Owing to the divorce between knowledge and religion, the engineer of the new knowledge transmitted it into irresponsible rather than responsible power. The present awful predicament of civilization is born of this transmutation. The steady expansion of secular knowledge is the dominating fact in the lives of the Christian people. It is exercising an ever more complete and irresistible authority over both the conduct and the conscience of mankind. But its authority is devoid of moral sanction. If the secularization of knowledge continues, it will ultimately wreck civilization. The integrity of the City of God can only be restored by the reunion of knowledge and religion."-The New Republic. "It has been demonstrated that ideals for a nation can be con– ceived by national leaders and then made universally effective within the nation by means of an educational system." -Norman E. Richardson. "So far as we know, history has no instance of a national character built up without the aid of religious instruction. The final question regarding education is whether it avails to produce the type of character required by the republic and the race." -Edward 0. Sisson. "I believe in religious instruction for American children. The future cannot be trusted to the children unless their education in– cludes their spiritual development."-Warren G. Harding. "Scholarship has usually been more fruitful when associated with religion, and scholarship has never, so far as I can recall, been asso– ciated with any religion except the religion of Jesus Christ." -Woodrow Wilson. "Christian education is essential to Christian citizenship and right civie leadership."-Warren G. Harding. "Education is not to m:ake us seem to be greater to the world, but that the world may seem greater and richer to us."-Barbe. -7-