The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

The Herald VOL 11: C E D A R V I L L E , O H I O , S A T U R D A Y , J U L Y f>, 1 8 9 0 N O . 2 2 . f t J E <INDKPKNDfSNT WKEKI.Y SEWSPiPEK, S A T UKD A Y , .1U L Y 5, 18'JO. IF, //. H I. A I II, t'.ditor and I Jrop'r. PRICE 8 1.38 PER ANNUM. •lames Tracy, ot Springfield, visited ■friends itt ( Vdarville this week. The Jasper Brass Baud wilt phiy lor the "Y's." Thursday evening. Will Ferguson, ot Loudon, visited Iii- mol her, .Mrs. ,1. M. Crain, Thurs­ day. lee cream, rake and lemonade at the Gyp»y ou.:ami>euie(nt Thursday evening. Mrs. Lou Dean, of Pawnee City, ?}eh., is visiting her sister >!rs. I>. M, Dean, east of town.- If lou don’t attend that: Gypsy en­ campment at Cray's lawn Thursday evening you will mis- the event of .the season. Found— Shawl in front of S. K. Mitchell's office, vvhit'll owner can have by calling at that, office and proving ownership. Mrs. D. J. McMillan was called to Springfield Thursday by the serious illnesso f lhe infant daughter of Mr. anti Mr». A. K. .Small. All persons kno'ging themselves, to be indebted to Barber .fe Aic.MiliitV will confer, a favor by calljng and settling their accounts at ottcc. Claude Meeker, Governor Camp- liell's private secretary, well-known fu-t/ie Enquirer reudrfGTas “Fabius,” ■ married to Miss Bessie l ‘arks,, ot Franklin, last Tuesday evening. A statement turiiished by Brad- street’s agency allows that, the miiM- her of misiness failures during thu tyast six mouths is 452 less than for the corresponding period of 1 jj 81). The liabilities are #4,744,74!) less. The .'carpenters ot Cincinnati have decided to work for those bosses who liave granted their request, for nine hours' work. Tin; men left, out will be provided for by a pollar a week assc-sineut on those who go to woik. Mr. Win. II. Blair, formerly of (lie lainestou u Tribune, but inti r of the Yellow ;springs Iteview , ha- puivliMs- vd die ( 'eilarville II khai . m , lately owu- ■♦•Tt l»\ A. A. Wiiuui-, of this . i n , whose s;n| death ircimv.i two weeks _ * t . Blair .ha*-bad cna-hloi aide expelicii. e in tire newspaper business and will make a good ptpcf of the IlklMI.O We evrng ra t 0 lil fe (lie people of f edarvill.. on lids. — .Y/-/uii )i< The ( '.'d.irville I I kkm .D was ...hi yesterday lo Mr. W. II. Blair, former., ly of lhe .liitnc-tnw n Tribu lie, nnil lal - er of H ip Yellow Springs Iteview, Mr-. A. A. Wiiians llionglil she '| run the office her-elf, loH siiiep (In. death of In i baby -o -Itorl- I' i'll, i die deal 1 1 of liM-band, loll 1ill.I. d Ml lo, being in n weakened ,-1 ’1 •*Iition. Mi Blair ha- bail expel- eoi's' in tiij. eoiinti in ilie newspaper bii-ine--, i- well ;i<i|uainfed at Ced- arville ami will make the people of f ediirville a good editor. We extend onr cordial greeting to Mr. Blair and wish that hi' may make ns good a t»ap«r a- the good citiitens of that place d. -ei \i...—j Carette. The first week in July and the rh I- try w-enther a<lmonishes us that smu­ ttier i« here i unit itfl glory. No per­ son ran hope to escape its effects. All have forgotion with what avidity spring wa» welcomed and the pleas- Wre (Jiev ox pcrieiiped ill the gradual ru't, l"*s!.ti')ii from an arctic to a tor­ rid climate, and now that the heated term is here as is evinced by the slug­ gish motion which the blood, surges through the veins of the average man thev scarcely realize how it can be, A severe attack of ennui is almost in­ variably the result and its effects can only be resisted by a quick and deci­ sive action which few have the cour­ age to employ. Two of our citizens however, show indomitable cour­ age. No doubt feeling that an attack of more severity than usual was com­ ing on they last Wednesday started on ;. fishing excursion and actually worried the finny tribe for almost throe hours. Uev. Hpvotil .succeeded, in enticing tlfee fish on iiis hook and is supposed that in th-e Oxliubcrance of joy at his- success he forgot LU dis­ ease, but lfev. Warnoek was not so successful and it will require another allot her application to effect a cure. DO YOU WANT A PENSION? LOCALS. Beautiful and cheap Bucket Books At Itidgway's Pharmacy. J.■(.'. < avanottgh is having an eh*-* For Milk Fans and Butler crocks go to W. IL M< M ij . i . a n ' i Ga-oline Stove-, a fine lire, at (. it - k & Bt i . i .' s Dried Apples, Pen' lies, Apricots Tlio Disability Pension law has passed noth houses of congress, and been signed by the piesident. Under this law nearly every soldier that served fit) day- or more is entitled to pension. We advise you not to make >our claim through a foreign attor­ ney who will probably be crowded with business so that your claim will be delayed and w itb whom you can­ not see frequently and liave personal mfxn'View, and get such instruction- |and Frillies at G kvv - s . a- y.i.m need from time to time. i Hard ami Soft refined Sugars at Mr. Hamilton Smith E-q. of this) Gitat s. place is a very proficient and l are- j Washington Ur.P I m u -liingles fill attorney and fully understand-/Hi i are the mo-t profitable to put on nod mutters connected with the peA/^ton ibex can he found ‘L law-. Beside (hi- he i- conueeted 1 S. I\, A w i th one of jltr be-t p. n-ioii atlor- \xcnn <>n 11 ■■<- m I iteys at Wasliiiigtiiii. in tlic .euntt'. ( ’nuked u lient We advise you to .all on .Mr. >m \ iljf- t.ianulaie.! Itomii x berU'at your home and make y*inr ! HUTCHISON and CIBNEY, 11.4 VK T.VKKN T I 5 IK IIY T IIK . trade at his h e cream parlors o n ' ^ p o p E L o C K a n d n 6 t b y t h e F E T L O C K ^ - Mam street. <)pe:i every dav a nd . [ *\ . ® H E A V Y M ' K B i l l T A .X B L l U l I T -------NU UARMFN r.SU SEHVTCEABLE » New Stock and Very Low, E n t i r e l y N e w S t o c k in F r e n e h S a t te e n s *1 S e l e c t Xiow D r e s s G o o d s ! ? '0* U l . w i l r m i t - o ' Inill.l Itieiiew vveHveK, viz:. J.FXOtt. AKMFHK, l>llbPEl> u i a n h i i l l o ' a l m a , f «» n dk so ik , s i ’ U a ii -(; kon <; k in s . L u s t r i n e s - w i l l b e s o l d l a r g e l y . P I - V I > S , N T R I P E N . P L A I I ^ In S ilk W o o l an d a l l W o o l C A S H M E R S . O u r a l l \Hoftl 811, in a ll c o lo r - , C om e a n d s e e i.s. Hutchison & Gibney, - - - Xenia, O. evening. (Jive him a cull. NEW 00008 . In every line next weed, at J . <\ B a k u Fit's Best picket and wire f'eiieiug'at M iixiikli . s Base Balls and Bats at W. It. M c M u . i . a n ' s The most complete Hue of Cutlery ever seen in Uedarvillo, at Uuot'sK & Bri.i. s ' A most delightful drink 11 11 h .w a y ’ s Bun -Miz. 8 T ARTAWAY. The fashionably bred trotting stal­ lion, SturtHway, by Mambiiio Startle, full lirother lo Majolica (2.15,) dam by lte<l.lim,2d dam by Blys Whip, .‘trd dam by (■rey Eagle. Wi l l tie at Abe stable of dame:- McMillan, two m ile- East of Odarv il le on Wednes­ day of each Week lit OH J|| >TTVOTON. A mo-t health. Beverage K i o u w a y ’ s S o o a . OILS igine Oil Reaper Oil Mower til, v|i i. ii r i i. < o ‘s y * ' r \ application. Me will advi-e you in < person ami lead you (iiroiigh suce. - s - ' fully and ( barge no more ilotn the man you never -ee in person. Mr. Smith require- no fee mini pen-ion i- granted ami we think lie u ill take yon through belter than am loreigu attorney. „ Soldier- who are draw in.; le-s than -fl- per moo Ih. ifIni IIn' u id - oiv« ami dji'pliau- "| -oldier- -lionld also see J ii ii i a- soon a- po--it»ie. H e r o n :t! a r e A got i n . ft .if pm i - Ibat u 1II aid. Ill gOI' el je- w:e Wilh a do you y mi ; T i g e r (,'otlee, | er lb, k’ 4c. Bimoia ( ’ot'e, . i fb ■(tSSv Fl U a . Uoffi ■. per ..........." 14 lbs granu la ted M ijn ir I'oi-JI. 1,’) |Ii- ( <>|ti A (sugar l o r . f l , Ii ( ails Fie Fciudn'. l u r j V . t < nns ( in'n f n -~i< . ( boice ( 'im ntr\ lla<on, pec ill, 4 lb - ( 'i nekers for fi gallons (o is o lin r fen- l arino, dan lied Farinose at t.lcvl's. \'ou .e.a.n ul'.wiiA'S get in-t n liar nm want Iii iIn- meat lim . Iioili ire-h ami salt, at the lowe-t pi n e-. at > , ( ' W . ( in.| - 1 ’s Ali\ 1hi ng In Ilie llardwaie line ill bottom J'l iee- in A mum - m k line. T.di.-Oo- ami ( ’igar- at (Jiial's. I alined can. earim-d imnatoe-. « a ii in 1 1 peai lie-, eanui d hltiekbi'rries, ,V■... at \\ II. MeMi i . i x\ s. You will 'll ml a tn!l line of Will- .low .ind-l)<sir N ' m ie at MflelieljH. A lai ge 'jiianiM of plank ami -riin- lliug if 1lsi hviudred al Mil* hell-. W. haw i.e-1 o , , ••..-! a -Sf load of 1\ i- ii(li ’e f.'in Sifi l- ~i * d .f daI^s ffi ifg I•','- >. K Mo. I ■ I A Co. Castor, cy Lttr|d, S p e rm , Black and Neutral Oils, at \ RIBGWAY.S PHARMACY. F':i i mi ( rt\ 11”* :\ I F lv hf I- *il :t I yu.iu]*-' 1 Mid 1*1 II• nml |ri. nI L Lt; \|\ s •H Hi In Clothing We otier i on -oine grand bargains in -older to elo-e out our -■pi'ing ami Mlliiliier line. ( )crmen' - $ 01 ) on -id' .fui .f i "eO'l. “ '* 1( o' I i I.oH. • ' . I o.l i' I • 1J.oo. 11 s.nn .V 11 d lots I other choice -nit- in pro­ portion. ‘ * I n D r y G o o d s , H a t s , C a p s , S h o e t t , E t c . You will find our prices as low a« buy , and xve extend a cordial 'Invita­ tion to everyone to call and sec out- goods whether you purchaHC or uol, as we oan anil surely will save you money, at BIRD'S MAMMOTH STORK. The finest Hite of cat inge Spongoa over in town at * 11100 w a y ' s P harmacy . Have your forfuuc fold Thursday oveidng by a Gypsy “Y.” ( 'it -l"r Ii nil M. 1 . Iii m * l\full's Ti Fun ' f ( at W K. M. Mi l l ^ - LAP DUSTERS. Lap Du-ter- ami Fli Ne1-, a emu : j•!■!.- Iiiii• am) at pi i. to -nil the time - ill I I . < i: xi \ '- l.’ak-in-, 1 ig«, Diittl ( Jrii pe- ami ji'lll'Ui lit - aI lxMl It IImin lit (< Ii VX’* •■THE OLD l!F. I.I A I1I.E" Meal Mini' nfC. W . ( roii-e may nl- wnt s he fmiml a* the “fynie place deal­ ing out the In'st meat in the lunikcf, llf flie low cat pi ires. Syrup and Molnssen at .G iiay ' s . 2 hnrs of Soap tor •> ce-itls, 250 tucks for5 cents, at W. If. M< M ili . a n ' s . Cantphor, Blue Yitrol and Uop- peras, at K rum ' s . The finest line of Chamois skin wo buve ever shown IIIf»o w a y ’ s P harmacy . t n i o > J T e w e l e r in -bi.1v H fine !lneTP®W A T U I U - N . ( I .< K K s , . J E V Y E J , l{ Y and, DI.A M O N D S ! , * u I'll" floes' ,,i Op tienl ( ! , wits In Greetie O mim I v . A Hpeelnlty inm le of Mr |’el.l |. s , ecl.ii les in (Ju ld , S ilv e r r o d j-o. (-| triti.e«o T h e y er e. f- r n brill 1<m v ml d isl I ■ i*-f oe-s , v ' - h im , w 11Ii mi h ii i - not r.f wrn| '•oru *■ rl s1■ Irf <1111 enjrivi*rt b y sji,-etH<.ti' u v-nri r-. The Beet WASHER Wa«nt rtinibn U,«“LOTltL" WAnm t»4oketatrararlt ,Ain da It tyitr and in |«n t in tbiti hit elber nidiln to ^g^the world. Warranted ;•«», andif It dotl'fWa«kthe ptfWctotb<* rleaowitb^nt rnbbteg, wewiUreftmdthaMdOfT* AGENTS WANTED'"5id£S*kJU ^s' *e»t' * " iptirirgfmm t76 tstlMMr■ntt. Tumtn RW tnfSCt*duringibi S’lolsr. iBdlcfurt mil loecrtt ttltiai tht» WaiVr. . Retsll prte», anly-fL Satmita to thma 3g!fl"g,*a *Rn*<7 f* Alto ibr &libntta EKTRT09E WEllvEEsS si Tnsimftctamrt* tow,it prtc«. V i Invtta thi •Ufetoi IntrMtlgatl.ih. Bendjour sddreuon• po(Ulfcardf— tatfaa, BirtlenUfi. LOVELWAtHERCO. Eril,Pi.. Cheese, ('raekers anil Ginger snapa lit (.J'MAT*S. Our Hue of .General Hard ware lit complete. Uimr*ic& Biid.. Garden Bakes, llocs, Spades, Forks &c.. at CitoVaK & VlrUi's. (.1ren tIy tpfreslilng ltimiw a v's Oiiv.AM F ho * t Sbt>A. t STRAW HATS 1 at youx own price at J. 0. BAiittRff'm 8 . It. Mitchell Co. have a fuV e < k sort fritfu't of (*oveen, ^VrRT fittJ U'Jlt-* (lo\iia.